Non-human animals are not some lower form of life, living only on automatic reactions or stimulus-response programming. Yes, they are different than humans. They have different bodies, genetic backgrounds, functioning, senses, and they therefore experience the world differently than humans or any other species. Animals as individuals combine their physical species nature with their mental and spiritual qualities to uniquely express themselves and their purposes in this universe. While it's good to study biology and behavior to learn about species-specific needs and patterns, this will not bring complete understanding of individual personalities, ideas, hopes, purposes and dreams. We can't separate the physical body from the spiritual aspect of a living being. Where there is life, there is spirit.
From "The Human-Animal Spiritual Bond,"
Penelope Smith
Interspecies telepathic communication is a connection, a direct link to the spirit present in all beings. It is based on the recognition that all beings are intelligent in their own way and that they can understand, inter-relate and communicate. It is the experience of receiving direct thought transmission, images, feelings, impressions and concepts, from individuals of other species. It is confirmed by positive changes in behavior and enhancement of cooperation, peacefulness and closeness among the beings communicating. When deep mutual understanding occurs, fear, aggression and dominance are usually replaced by harmony, dignity and mutual respect.
When people divorce themselves from Nature, from the spiritual essence that flows through all of life, and emphasize pursuing material goods, their relationship with their fellow creatures of different forms often assumes the shallow character of owner and possession. Without the spiritual connection, even when they profess love for their "pets," they may expect the animals to supply the emotional and spiritual sustenance that they are lacking within themselves. The animal companions often mirror their humans' deficiencies.
How different the relationship when our domestic animal friends are viewed as fellow spiritual beings of different forms, who are allowed to live their own lives and express their own dignity, while still enjoying a mutual companionship with us and each other.
From "The Human-Animal Spiritual Bond,"
Penelope Smith