I got a little book that came my way many many Moons ago, suddenly it was there on one of our tables, telling me it was time to read a few lines - so I did that Yesterday. It is really a little book in the physical, and so is the title, not larger than a normal hand, but it contains some real gems from the Teachings of Tao.
A Little Book about Tao Te Ching*Tao is lika a empty pitcher
that one pour from, but that never gets dry
endless deep, is the source of everything.
It blunts the sharpness
loosen all the knots
gives shadow to the light
aligns with all that is perishablePage 10.
*Original text by John R Mabrys translation to English, then translated to Swedish by Ewa Garden (Trädgårdh) and now this is my poor translation from Swedish back to English
