Author Topic: Boost your Immune System --Herbs  (Read 72 times)

tangerine dream

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Boost your Immune System --Herbs
« on: April 30, 2009, 09:03:56 AM »
Since there has been quite a lot of hype and hysteria regarding flus lately,  I thought it might be good to know what you can do, herbally to boost your immune system to give you a better chance of fighting a flu, if you do happen to come into contact with an infected person or their 'germs'.   A strong Immune System will help you to fight off all manner of diseases, colds and flus.

Of course, cleanliness and hygiene are as important now as they have ever been.   You want to make sure you wash your hands often and that children keep things out of their mouths.  But you can't be positive that everyone else is washing their hands and practicing good hygiene, so it is a good idea to take matters into your own hands and learn how to boost your  immune systems.

Most of us know that the Immune System is the body's defence mechanism to handle invaders. It is an amazing work of nature. It does a very good job of fighting off illnesses and infections when it is in good condition. The way it works is highly complex --- being  a finely tuned part of our bodies.  Unfortunately, when it is not in peak condition, your immune system can fail to operate as well as it should letting in invaders and causing illness and/or disease.

There are many factors which can cause the immune system to deteriorate. Some of them include poor diet, not enough sleep, not enough exercise, too much stress and many other factors. Thankfully it is possible to increase the strength of your immune system and there are certain herbs mentioned below which can have a tremendous effect. 

Because disease often follows any blockage in the body's intricate mechanism, another defence against disease is to keep your body and its mechanisms MOVING! This means moving the body muscles as in regular exercise as well as moving the internal involuntary muscles.   Keeping the energy flowing also contributes to a healthy imune system and thus a healthy overall body.

It is absolutely vital that you have a good strong immune system so that your body can fight off diseases, infections and all manner of ills.   Luckily,  it is possible to boost your immune system by taking specific herbs and thereby build it up into your best defence mechanism-- better than a face mask or gloves.

« Last Edit: April 30, 2009, 08:13:00 PM by Celesta »

tangerine dream

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Re: Boost your Immune System --Herbs
« Reply #1 on: April 30, 2009, 09:30:34 AM »
There are a number of herbs that possess strong antibiotic properties. These herbs can safely be relied upon to strengthen the immune system, protect you from a wide array of disease-causing organisms and assist you in fighting off illness and maintaining good health.

Many herbs and other substances are used by cultures around the world to nourish and support immunity and protect us from a multitude of disease causing micro-organisms, including bacteria such as Bacillus anthracis (anthrax), the Herpes simplex virus, or fungal growths such as Candida and can also help us battle colds and flus. 

Here is a list of Immune Boosting herbs and supplements:

Flavonoids -- Most flavonoids, including Quercetin, have anti-germ activity. Quercetin also has Vision enhancing  properties, along with bilberry.
Colostrum has immune influencing compounds that could boost the immune system in certain individuals. See Collostrum supplement information.
AHCC -- Active Hexose-correlated Compound - AHCC - is a mushroom extract that has been tested as an immune enhancing, liver protective and anti-cancer agent. You can purchase AHCC supplement over the counter.
Andrographis -- Andrographis has become popular in Scandinavia for use during winter upper respiratory infections.
Astragalus -- Astragalus is used by traditional Chinese doctors to stimulate the immune system. In a test tube study, Astragalus was found to have anti herpes simplex virus activity.
Beta glucan -- one mouse study shows daily ingestion of Beta-Glucan may offset the increased risk of upper respiratory infection associated with stress.
Cat's Claw -- Cat's claw (Uncaria tomentosa or Una do Gato) is a medicinal plant from the Amazon River basin that is widely used for inflammatory disorders. Cat's Claw is found in Joint Power Rx.
Echinacea -- Echinacea plant extract is widely used for upper respiratory tract infections.   To boost immunity is best used as directed by health care practitioner on a rotating, a few weeks on and a few weeks off schedule.
Elderberry -- A number of important compounds are found in Elderberry, including anthocyanins. Anthocyanins are powerful antioxidants and have immune system boosting properties.
Garlic -- eat more garlic or consider garlic supplements.
GingerFresh ginger has antibiotic and antibacterial properties, helps fight colds and coughs;
Goldenseal Often used in combo with echinacea,  and as a topical antimicrobial.  Goldenseal is often used to boost the medicinal effects of other herbs it is blended or formulated with.
Olive leaf extract -- Olive leaf extract (Olea europaea L.) contains several flavonoids including apigenin,  luteolin, chrysoeriol, hesperidin, rutin, quercetin, and kaempferol. Major isolated constituents in Olive-Leaf-Extract strongly inhibit the classical pathway of the complement system.
Oregano -- Numerous laboratory and animal studies indicate oregano has immune system stimulating effects, blood sugar control properties, antioxidant, and anti-fungal, anti-parasite, and anti-bacterial activities.
Probiotics - Acidophilus -- Probiotics have been defined as live microorganisms that (when ingested) have a beneficial effect in the prevention and treatment of specific medical conditions. These microorganisms are believed to exert biological effects through a phenomenon known as colonization resistance, whereby the indigenous anaerobic flora limits the concentration of potentially harmful (mostly aerobic) germs in the digestive tract.
Propolis from bee hives.
Reishi -- one of the common Chinese herbs -- is a medicinal fungus with a variety of biological activities. Reishi has long been used as a folk remedy for promotion of health and longevity in China and other oriental countries. The most attractive character of this kind of medicinal fungus is its effect on the immune system and anti-tumor activities.
Vitamin C is known as ascorbic acid
Vitamin E natural complex is preferable to synthetic dl alpha tocopherol
Zinc mineral

According to studies performed in China, Japan and even in the Us at the University of Texas Medical School, there are certain traditional herbs that can have a  strengthening effect on our "deep immune system," by nourishing our very bone-marrow, enabling it to produce more immune reserves.

These herbs may be called  "deep immune herbs." The main herbs that fall into this category are:

Astragalus  See above

Ligustrum   Ligistrum comes from the berries of a glossy privet tree, native to China and Eastern Asia.  The active ingredient of ligistrum thought to bring any medicinal effect is ligustrin, or oleanolic acid. In modern treatments and supplements, ligustrum is believed to assist in strengthening the immune system. For this reason it is often recommended for people who are being treated for HIV, AIDS or cancer, or as a treatment for people who are suffering from a depressed immune function.  It has antiparisitc and antiviral properties.

Codonopsis  Codonopsis is one of the most famous and widely used Chinese Tonic herbs. It is very mild and without any side effects, yet it is a superb Qi tonic. It invigorates the Spleen and Lung functions so that Qi is replenished and it promotes the production of body fluids. Codonopsis is also an excellent blood tonic and a major immune system tonic.

It is rich in immune stimulating polysaccharides which are beneficial to every one. They have also been shown to be useful in supporting the immune systems of people with cancer who are using the herbs in conjunction with conventional cancer therapies. Codonopsis has been demonstrated to have radiation protection activity and can be effective in protecting cancer patients receiving radiation therapy from the side effects without diminishing its benefits. Codonopsis also has interferon-inducing activity that may be of importance in many immune deficiency conditions, including HIV infection.

Reishi See above

Shiitake  A shiitake mushroom is an edible fungus native to Asia and grown in forests. 
Shiitake mushrooms are promoted to fight the development and progression of cancer and AIDS by boosting the body's immune system.   They contain an active compound called lentinan, which not only helps to boost the immune system, but also promotes anti-cancer activity (although it needs to injected, rather than eaten for this) and lowers cholesterol.

Every person can help build their own immune system. Aside from taking herbal supplements, there are some easy ways of doing this. Make sure that the natural exits from the body for toxins are kept open. This includes ensuring that the bowels function daily, drinking adequate pure water so that the urine flow is clear.   Breathing easily and deeply in an unrestricted way is important - exercise can help you do that.

As always nature has provided us with everything we need and more to keep us healthy and strong and ward off attacks of any possible type.   It's up to us to do our part in seeing that we use what she has given us, of course wisely and with respect for her and for ourselves. 

"Everything on the earth has a purpose, every disease an herb to cure it and every person a mission.  This is the Indian theory of existence."

Mourning Dove Salish

tangerine dream

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Re: Boost your Immune System --Herbs
« Reply #2 on: April 30, 2009, 12:06:40 PM »
From  TCM perspective:   Strenghthening -- Wei Qi

According to traditional Chinese medicine, defense (wei) qi is located at the exterior surface of the body and offers initial protection against foreign or pathogenic factors. When wei qi is strong, pathogenic factors cannot penetrate the body. When it is weak, a variety of infections can occur.

Prevention of infections relies on normal function of wei qi. From the Western perspective, many herbs that tonify qi enhance the immune system. Herbs that perform such functions include astragalus (huang qi), ganoderma (ling zhi) and cordyceps (dong chong xia cao).

Astragalus (huang qi) is one of the most frequently used Chinese herbs and has historically been used to tonify wei qi. It fortifies the lungs, strengthens the wei qi and indirectly protects against external pathogenic factors.

In terms of Western medicine, modern research has confirmed repeatedly that astragalus increases both specific and non-specific immunity.  In addition, astragalus works well with concurrent drug therapy in enhancing the overall effectiveness of the treatment. It also potentiates the anti-tumor effect of chemotherapy drugs while reversing drug-induced immune suppression. Lastly, astragalus demonstrates anti-cancer activity by increasing the content of camp and inhibiting the growth of tumor cells.

Ganoderma (ling zhi) has been traditionally used to tonify blood and vital energy. It is thus essential in rebuilding a patient's constitution.

Ganoderma increases the number of white blood cells and inhibits the growth of various viruses and bacteria associated with the flu. It has been demonstrated to enhance the immune system in various clinical studies. The specific effects of ganoderma include an increase in monocytes, macrophages and T-lymphocytes.  There is also an increased production of cytokine, interleukin, tumor necrosis factor and interferon. Furthermore, ganoderma has a broad spectrum of antibacterial activities, inhibiting the growth of pneumocci, streptocci (type A), staphylococci, e. coli, b. dysentarie and pseudomonas, among others.7

Cordyceps (dong chong xia cao) has traditionally been used in chronic debilitated patients. It is an excellent herb to tonify the kidney yin and yang and improve overall bodily constitution. Cordyceps is another herb which has marked immunomodulatory functions. It enhances overall immunity by increasing lymphocytes and natural killer cells and the production of interleukin, interferon and tumor necrosis factor.
Cordyceps was also found to significantly inhibit the proliferation of cancer cells; in some instances, the growth inhibition rate of the cancer cells reached between 78-83%.

Keep in mind that while these herbs are effective individually, they should be prescribed in the content of an herbal formula to enhance synergistic action and minimize possible side-effects.

« Last Edit: April 30, 2009, 07:50:24 PM by Celesta »


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