Good morning!!
Those are really gorgeous. Dawn is my favorite time, for all the promise it holds. The illusions are often burned off by the heat of the sun and its own illusions. My favorite one is of the moon and venus next to each other.
Dawn has become my favorite time too, especially the older I get. The mornings here on the east coast are really best at the ocean, be the day a cloudy one or clear. Sun rising over the ocean -- how can that be beat, eh? The mornings in California are also something sacred, before the world gets up and the mist burns off.
What I like most of all in the morning is the cautious quiet of the birds, who are getting up but steal in to water and to feed almost surreptitiously. When I'm up too, it's as if we all share a secret!
Apologies to both Jen and Todd -- there are edits on your posts because I hit the wrong button. My excuse: not enough coffee yet. I was up all night and only got a couple of hours sleep. Why was I up all night? Because one of the circuit breakers popped a couple of times, and the heating system was making a lot of funny sounds. Standing vigil --