Ah, but therein lies the danger. "without being conditioned" is precisely what our fellow humans don't like. In fact, they will go to great lengths to extract any such person from their collective. if you want to work with others in this world, there is no other option than to obscure your unconditioned soul. Spontaneity treads on people's precious toes - in many countries you can die for such liberties.
The correct response is much more difficult. You have to have achieved spontaneity through shedding conditioned beliefs and behaviours, but then you have to conceal the freedom of your light, and tiptoe through the identities of those around you - striving to find the cracks through which that light can glimmer.
Why should we? If anything, it is coming to a point and time there is a calling to step forward.
If I had decided to retract all I am. I could not have helped others in any way. Now you did it here, and even were slow to go public. Which I wont question. 1. Somaites would want most private, like blogs but 2. If I had "concealed" my spirituality, I would not have been able to help countless people in my group.
Now yes, we take a risk. I ended up in the hospital.

And yes, there are countries where being different spiritually esp, from the collective, can get you killed. And it is not an easy step. For example, as I read online, I took a chance of other employers finding me, if I get a job. Now some may think it cool. But if they are a christian or something, I could get denied a job. BUT I knew that going in, and the calling was bigger than the risk. So far, spirit has made sure I can work and do my thing. So hiding I dont think is a good idea right now. Because if we do, the conscious folks, then that means the unconscious, who will "fall for anything, believe anything" get the loudest mouth, and how they gonna learn unless they encounter some awake folks? So yeaaah now there is a time and place for everything, of course. But I am not going to hide away and be all quiet while people say and do really dumb things. I try to educate and read for folks, someone has to do it, in the times we are in.