Author Topic: We create traumas  (Read 38 times)

tangerine dream

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We create traumas
« on: May 12, 2009, 05:24:22 AM »
We create traumas because of our neurobiology

 The most addictive game we humans play here on the Earth and has to be healed and transformed into the Love, is addiction to Fear. As a product of this feelings (when the level of adrenalin rises up), we create Aggressor-Victim relations between each other, and the products of it are animosity towards the others, having enemies, revenge, hate, wars...more fear and very many traumas and post traumatic disorders which create new traumatic experiences... When we stop this perpetuum mobile in our life, and start to produce optimism and positivity instead, we directly influence and inspire many other people to do the same.

Our negative reactions and traumatic experiences are product of our primitive neural system (reptile brain) which has not changed in last 10.000 years, and reacts quickly on every possible dangerous situation from our surrounding (f.E. snakes, wild beasts, etc). The point of reaction is to create feelings of animosity towards possible danger, so we can run or fight. Primitive neural system (reptile brain) does not make difference between real and possible danger, it just gives strong warning in the millisecond of time, without any analyse, which is connected with the more developed, advanced parts of our neural system (as neocortex) which needs much more time to react.

Primitive neural system does not know for understanding and compassion, it is just warning system, binary system which understand + and - only (good for you, danger for you. It)s logic is the following:What is good for you is part of yourself, what is bad for you- this is not you: is danger or enemy.) Reptile brain reacts extremely quickly, automatically and produces hormonal reactions of very high intensity, in order to protect our physical bodies.

Advanced parts of our brain are much more developed: are compassionate, able to change focus towards situation, able to analyse, able to involve all our human values, and able to transform possible dangerous situation into the creative one, they like to cooperate with others, but we have to make an effort tu use it. Advanced parts of brain reacts much slower, and not automatically.

World changed in last 10.000. years, but primitive neural system of humanity reacts the same on every stressful condition and situation, and even worse: stores the data of it (in amygdala). We have a lot of stressful situations daily in the modern world, so primitive neural system has a lot of work to do, actually far to much for its potential, and too many data to collect and store... If someone depends on data stored through the primitive neural system, result is fear of everything and everybody, traumas which create anger, hate, arguments, killing, wars... When we use our more advanced parts of neural system, we react on completely different way, our human duty is to teach ourselves how to consciously use power of our brain to transform fear into love, and do not see danger and enemy where there is not present: because it is just illusion which our primitive neural system creates.

Due to that illusion of reptile brain which influences limbic system, we create traumas, we make "sins", we react on the "wrong" ways, we get involved into "victim-aggressor" games etc. But Cosmic intelligence / God is very aware of our big challenge: we need to overcome our instinctive reactions and implement love and goodwill instead. So it cannot punish us because of our biology, it teaches us through the law of karma/law of attraction, and gives us all motives, possibilities and time to change our behavioural paths. Cosmic intelligence, or God is so full of pure Love, that something as punishment just cannot exist in God`s mind. We are beloved dreams of that intelligence, which always support us and always gives us opportunity for spiritual evolution and further development. Transforming negative energies of traumas into the Love and Light is part of our spiritual evolution. That does not go automatically, we need to make the constant effort in creating that habit, and we need the training to connect all parts of our brain.

We have traumas due to the high intensity of reactions of primitive parts of our neurobiology, this shock is often beyond our comprehension, so we refuse to involve our advanced part of the brain in transforming the pain into the understanding. And forgiveness. It is not easy to forgive because of intensity of negative emotions, but is the key of healing. I have started forgiving much more easily since I understood basics of our neural system. How can I blame anybody because of imperfection of neurobiology? It is better to heal and inspire people, then to blame them.

One of the lessons we have to learn through traumas is: why we created them. Fear is usually in the root of every trauma. Opposite of fear is trust into the unconditional love...Although suffering is part of our soul development, on that way we can understand wounds of other people much better, there is nothing noble to continue with suffering when it is not necessary any more, or making fundamentals of future life on negative experiences...Creating positive life, hope, love and joy gives everyone of us sense of inner worthiness because you know you give the best, and this best returns to you all the time like the most beautiful love song which your soul sings together with all goodness of the universe. And then you can see that angels are everywhere and in everyone.


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