Author Topic: Saints and Mystics  (Read 4967 times)


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Re: Saints & Mystics
« Reply #195 on: August 03, 2008, 12:35:20 PM »
In Silence

Be still.
Listen to the stones of the wall.
Be silent, they try
to speak your

to the living walls.

Who are you?
are you? Whose
silence are you?

Who (be quiet)
are you (as these stones
are quiet). Do not
think of what you are
still less of
what you may one day be.

be what you are (but who?)
be the unthinkable one
you do not know.

O be still, while
you are still alive,
and all things live around you

speaking (I do not hear)
to your own being,
speaking by the unknown
that is in you and in themselves.

“I will try, like them
to be my own silence:
and this is difficult. The whole
world is secretly on fire. The stones
burn, even the stones they burn me.
How can a man be still or
listen to all things burning?
How can he dare to sit with them
when all their silence is on fire?”

~Thomas Merton


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Re: Saints & Mystics
« Reply #196 on: August 10, 2008, 04:27:55 AM »
Rough Metaphors

Someone said, "there is no dervish, or if there is a dervish,
that dervish is not there."

Look at a candle flame in bright noon sunlight.
If you put cotton next to it, the cotton will burn,
but its light has become completely mixed
with the sun.

That candlelight you can't find is what's left of a dervish...

If you sprinkle one ounce of vinegar over
two hundred tons of sugar,
no one will ever taste the vinegar.

A deer faints in the paws of a lion. The deer becomes
another glazed expression on the face of the lion.

These are rough metaphors for what happens to the lover.

There's no one more openly irreverent than a lover. He, or she,
jumps up on the scale opposite eternity
and claims to balance it.

And no one more secretly reverent.

A grammar lesson: "The lover died."
"Lover" is subject and agent, but that can't be!
The "lover" is defunct.

Only grammatically is the dervish-lover a doer.

In reality, with he or she so overcome,
so dissolved into love,
all qualities of doingness

'The Essential Rumi'


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Re: Saints & Mystics
« Reply #197 on: August 13, 2008, 03:56:23 PM »
Traveling Companions

The one who cheerfully goes alone on a journey -
if he travels with companions
his progress is increased a hundredfold.
Notwithstanding the insensitivity of a donkey,
even the donkey is exhilarated, O dervish,
by comrades of its own kind
and so becomes capable of exerting strength.

To a donkey who goes alone and away from the caravan,
the road is made longer a hundredfold by fatigue.
How much more it suffers the crop and the whip
that it might cross the desert by itself!
That ass is implicitly telling you, Pay attention!
Don't travel alone like this, unless you are an ass!"
Beyond a doubt the one
who cheerfully goes alone into the toll house
proceeds more cheerfully with companions.
Every prophet on this straight path
produced the testimony of miracles and sought fellow travelers.

Mathnawi V1, 512-518

'The Rumi Collection'
(Translated by Kabir Helminski and Camille Helminski)


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Re: Saints & Mystics
« Reply #198 on: August 21, 2008, 02:15:00 AM »
Green Ears

There was a long drought. Crops dried up.
The vineyard leaves turned black.
People were gasping and dying like fish
thrown up on the shore and left there.
But one man was always laughing and smiling.
A group came and asked,
'Have you no compassion for the suffering?'
He answered, 'To your eyes this is a drought.
To me, it is a form of God's joy.
Everywhere in this desert I see green corn
growing waist high, a sea-wilderness
of young ears greener than leeks.
I reach to touch them.
How could I not?
You and your friends are like the Pharaoh
drowning in the Red Sea of your bodies blood.
Become friends with Moses, and see this other riverwater.'
When you think your father is guilty of an injustice,
his face looks cruel. Joseph, to his envious brothers,
seemed dangerous. When you make peace with your father,
he will look peaceful and friendly. The whole world
is a form for truth.
When someone does not feel grateful
to that, the forms appear to be *as he feels*.
They mirror his anger, his greed, and his fear.
Make peace with the universe. Take joy in it.
It will turn to gold. Resurrection
will be now. Every moment,
a new beauty.
And never any boredom!
Instead this abundant, pouring
noise of many springs in your ears.
The tree limbs will move like people dancing,
who suddenly know what the mystical life is.
The leaves snap their fingers like they're hearing music.
They are! A sliver of mirror shines out
from under a felt covering. Think how it will be
when the whole thing is open to the air and the sunlight!
There are some mysteries that I'm not telling you.
There's so much doubt everywhere, so many opinions
that say, 'What you announce may be true
in the future, but not now.'
But this form of universal truth that I see
*This is not a prediction. This is here
in this instant, cash in the hand!*
This reminds me of the sons of Uzayr,
who were out on the road looking for their father.
They had grown old, and their father had miraculously
grown young! They met him and asked, 'Pardon us, sir,
but have you seen Uzayr? We heard that he's supposed
to be coming along this road today.'
'Yes,' said Uzayr, 'he's right behind me.'
One of the sons replied, 'That's good news!'
The other fell on the ground.
He had recognized his father.
'What do you mean *news!* We're already inside
the sweetness of his presence.'
To your minds there is such a thing as *news*,
whereas to the inner knowing, it's all
in the middle of its happening.
To doubters, this is a pain.
To believers, it's a gospel.
To the lover and the visionary,
it's life as it's being lived!
The rules of faithfulness
are just the door and the doorkeeper.
They keep the presence from being interrupted.
Being unfaithful is like the outside of a fruit peeling.
It's dry and bitter because it's facing away from the center.
Being faithful is like the inside of the peeling,
wet and sweet. But the place for peelings
is the fire. The real inside is beyond 'sweet'
and 'bitter.' It's the source of deliciousness.
This can't be said. I'm drowning in it!
Turn back! And let me cleave a road through water
like Moses. This much I will say,
and leave the rest hidden:
Your intellect is in fragments, like bits of gold
scattered over many matters. You must scrape them
together, so the royal stamp can be pressed into you.
Cohere, and you'll be as lovely as Samarcand
with its central market, or Damascus. Grain by grain,
collect the parts. You'll be more magnificent
than a flat coin. You'll be a cup
with carvings of the king
around the outside.
The Friend will become bread and springwater for you,
a lamp and a helper, your favorite dessert
and a glass of wine.
Union with that one
is grace. Gather the pieces,
so I can show you what is.
That's what talking is for,
to help us to be One. Manyness
is having sixty different emotions.
Unity is peace, and silence.
I know I ought to be silent,
but the excitement of this keeps opening
my mouth as a sneeze or a yawn does.
Muhammed says, *I ask forgiveness seventy times a day*,
and I do the same. Forgive me, forgive my talking
so much. But the way God makes mysteries *manifest*
quickens and keeps the flow of words in me continual.
A sleeper sleeps while his bedclothes drink in
the riverwater. The sleeper dreams of running around
looking for water and pointing in the dream to mirages,
'Water! There! There!' It's that *There!*
that keeps him asleep. *In the future, in the distance*,
those are illusions. Taste the *here* and the *now* of God.
The present thirst is your real intelligence,
not the back-and-forth, mercurial brightness.
Discursiveness dies and gets put in the grave.
This contemplative joy does not.
Scholarly knowledge is a vertigo,
an exhausted famousness.
Listening is better.
Being a teacher is a form of desire,
a lightning flash. Can you ride to Wahksh,
far up the Oxus River, on a streak of lightning?
Lightning is not guidance.
Lightning simply tells the clouds to weep.
Cry a little. The streak-lightning of our minds
comes so that we'll weep and long for our real lives.
A child's intellect says, 'I should go to school.'
But that intellect cannot teach itself.
A sick person's mind says, 'Go to the doctor,'
but that doesn't cure the patient.
Some devils were sneaking up close to heaven
trying to hear the secrets, when a voice came,
'Get out of here. Go to the world. Listen
to the prophets!' Enter the house through the door.
It's not a long way. You are empty reeds,
but you can become sugarcane again,
if you'll listen to the guide.
When a handful of dirt was taken from the hoofprint
of Gabriel's horse and thrown inside the golden calf,
the calf lowed! That's what the guide can do
for you. The guide can make you *live*.
The guide will take your falcon's hood off.
Love is the falconer, your king.
Be trained by that. Never say, or think,
'I am better than...whoever. '
That's what Satan thought.
Sleep in the spirit tree's peaceful shade,
and never stick your head out from that green.

'Essential Rumi'
Coleman Barks/John Moyne


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Re: Saints & Mystics
« Reply #199 on: October 15, 2008, 05:24:02 AM »
Fasting is a way to save on food.
Vigil and prayer is a labor for old folks.
Pilgrimage is an occasion for tourism.
To distribute bread in alms is something for philanthropists.
Fall in love:
That is doing something!

as collected by James Fadiman & Robert Frager


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Re: Saints & Mystics
« Reply #200 on: November 01, 2008, 11:08:29 PM »
The Moths and the Flame

Moths gathered in a fluttering throng one night
To learn the truth about the candle light,
And they decided one of them should go
To gather news of the elusive glow.
One flew till in the distance he discerned
A palace window where a candle burned --
And went no nearer: back again he flew
To tell the others what he thought he knew.
The mentor of the moths dismissed his claim,
Remarking: "He knows nothing of the flame."
A moth more eager than the one before
Set out and passed beyond the palace door.
He hovered in the aura of the fire,
A trembling blur of timorous desire,
Then headed back to say how far he'd been,
And how much he had undergone and seen.
The mentor said: "You do not bear the signs
Of one who's fathomed how the candle shines."
Another moth flew out -- his dizzy flight
Turned to an ardent wooing of the light;
He dipped and soared, and in his frenzied trance
Both self and fire were mingled by his dance --
The flame engulfed his wing-tips, body, head,
His being glowed a fierce translucent red;
And when the mentor saw that sudden blaze,
The moth's form lost within the glowing rays,
He said: "He knows, he knows the truth we seek,
That hidden truth of which we cannot speak."
To go beyond all knowledge is to find
That comprehension which eludes the mind,
And you can never gain the longed-for goal
Until you first outsoar both flesh and soul;
But should one part remain, a single hair
Will drag you back and plunge you in despair --
No creature's self can be admitted here,
Where all identity must disappear.

 from The Conference of the Birds
Farid ud-Din Attar

« Last Edit: September 15, 2015, 03:55:03 PM by Nichi »


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Re: Saints & Mystics
« Reply #201 on: January 16, 2009, 09:19:53 AM »
Choose A Suffering

Yesterday in the assembly I saw my
soul inside the jar of the one who

pours. "Don't forget your job," I
said. He came with his lighted

face, kissed the full glass, and as
he handed it to me, it became a

red-gold oven taking me in, a ruby
mine, a greening garden. Everyone

chooses a suffering that will change
him or her to a well-baked loaf.

Abu Lahab, biting his hand, chose
doubt. Abu Huraya, his love for

cats! One searches a confused mind
for evidence. The other has a

leather sack full of what he needs.
If we could be silent now, the

master would tell us some stories
they hear in the high council.

-- Ghazal (Ode) 1246
Version by Coleman Barks
"The Soul of Rumi"


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Re: Saints & Mystics
« Reply #202 on: January 16, 2009, 09:51:10 AM »
Cry Out Your Grief

Cry out all your grief, your
disappointments! Say them in

Farsi, then Greek. It doesn't
matter whether you're from Rum

or Arabia. Praise the beauty
and kindness praised by every

living being. You hurt and have
sharp desire, yet your presence

is a healing calm. Sun, moon,
bonfire, candle, which? Someone

says your flame is about to be
dowsed, bu you're not smoke or

fire. You're infinitely more
alive. Say how that is! This

fluttering love will not stay
much longer in my chest. Soon it

will fly like a falcon to its
master, like an owl saying HU.

-- Ghazal 2208
Version by Coleman Barks
"The Soul of Rumi"


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Re: Saints & Mystics
« Reply #203 on: February 04, 2009, 05:39:56 AM »
What was said to the rose that made it open was said
to me here in my chest.

What was told the cypress that made it strong
and straight, what was

whispered the jasmine so it is what it is, whatever made
sugarcane sweet, whatever

was said to the inhabitants of the town of Chigil in
Turkestan that makes them

so handsome, whatever lets the pomegranate flower blush
like a human face, that is

being said to me now. I blush. Whatever put eloquence in
language, that's happening here.

The great warehouse doors open; I fill with gratitude,
chewing a piece of sugarcane,

in love with the one to whom every one belongs!


Coleman Barks
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Re: Saints & Mystics
« Reply #204 on: February 13, 2009, 01:00:57 AM »
The minute I'm disappointed, I feel encouraged.
When I'm ruined, I'm healed.
When I'm quiet and solid as the ground, then I talk
the low tones of thunder for everyone.



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« Reply #205 on: February 14, 2009, 05:01:14 AM »
Encore post...


Even the man who is happy
glimpses something
or a hair of sound touches him

and his heart overflows with a longing
he does not recognize

then it must be that he is remembering
in a place out of reach
shapes he has loved

in a life before this

the print of them still there in him waiting

 4th Century India
« Last Edit: February 14, 2009, 05:28:36 AM by Nira »

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A Man Talking to His House
« Reply #206 on: March 03, 2009, 06:21:01 AM »
I say that no one in this caravan is awake
and that while you sleep, a thief is stealing

the signs and symbols of what you thought
was your life. Now you’re angry with me for

telling you this! Pay attention to those who
hurt your feelings telling you the truth.

Giving and absorbing compliments is like
trying to paint on water, that insubstantial.

Here is how a man once talked with his house.
“Please, if you’re ever about to collapse,

let me know. “ One night without a word the
house fell. “What happened to our agreement?”

The house answered, “Day and night I’ve been
telling you with cracks and broken boards and

holes appearing like mouths opening. But you
kept patching and filling those with mud, so

proud of your stopgap masonry. You didn’t
listen.” This house is your body always

saying, I’m leaving; I’m going soon. Don’t
hide from the one who knows the secret. Drink

the wine of turning toward God. Don’t examine
your urine. Examine instead how you praise,

what you wish for, this longing we’ve been
given. Fall turns pale light yellow wanting

spring, and spring arrives! Seeds blossom.
Come to the orchard and see what comes

to you, a silent conversation with your soul.

-- Rumi, Ghazal (Ode) 1134
Version by Coleman Barks, with Nevit Ergin
"The Glance"
Viking-Penguin, 1999
« Last Edit: March 03, 2009, 06:23:16 AM by Nichi »
Not here, not there, but everywhere - always right before your eyes.
~Hsin Hsin Ming

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I have no inclination for mankind
« Reply #207 on: March 03, 2009, 06:39:31 AM »
There is a passion in me
that doesn't long for anything
from another human being.

I was given something else,
a cap to wear in both worlds.
It fell off. No matter.

One morning I went to a place beyond dawn.
A source of sweetness that flows
and is never less.

I have been shown a beauty
that would confuse both worlds
but I won't cause that uproar.

I am nothing but a head
set on the ground
as a gift for Shams.

-- Version by Coleman Barks
"Like This"
Not here, not there, but everywhere - always right before your eyes.
~Hsin Hsin Ming

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Re: Saints and Mystics
« Reply #208 on: March 03, 2009, 06:55:57 AM »

Without constant complete silence meditation - samadi - we lose ourselves in the game.  MM

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I Am So Glad
« Reply #209 on: March 07, 2009, 09:34:03 AM »
I Am So Glad

Start seeing everything as God,
But keep it a secret.
Become like a man who is awestruck
And Nourished
Listening to a Golden Nightingale sing in a beautiful foreign language
While God invisibly nests
Upon its tongue.
Who can you tell in this world that when a dog runs up to you
Wagging its ecstatic tail,
You lean down and whisper in its ear,
I am so glad YOU are happy to see me.
I am so glad,
So very glad You have come."

~Hafiz by Ladinsky

Not here, not there, but everywhere - always right before your eyes.
~Hsin Hsin Ming


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