Author Topic: Energy Shift -- How to handle the new energies  (Read 192 times)

tangerine dream

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Energy Shift -- How to handle the new energies
« on: June 03, 2009, 05:39:41 AM »
How to Handle All of This Energy

"Humanity is in the midst of an unprecedented shift of energy, vibration, and consciousness. Planetary and celestial events are causing the frequency of vibration to be greatly accelerated within every atomic and subatomic particle and wave of Life on Earth. This shift of vibration is tangibly affecting every man, woman, and child at a cellular level. Even if people do not understand exactly what is happening to them, everyone seems to be aware that something very unusual is taking place in their physical bodies, their emotions, and their thinking processes.

People around the world are experiencing all kinds of unusual things due to this accelerated vibration. Millions of people feel like they are in a blender or riding an emotional roller coaster as they go about their daily activities. People are having dramatic mood swings, which are very out of character from their usual behavior patterns. Other people are having abnormal bouts with fear, anxiety, stress, and even panic attacks. I know there are a lot of stressful things taking place in people's lives due to the collapse of the economy, the housing debacle, and the loss of jobs, et cetera, but at some level, this phenomenon is happening to everyone regardless of whether or not they are personally affected by outer-world circumstances.

People are experiencing all kinds of unusual physical symptoms, which they have not suffered in the past. Many are having headaches for the first time or painful back problems. Others may not be able to focus their thoughts or their short-term memory may seem to be failing. People are experiencing unexplained flu-like symptoms, allergies, excessive fatigue, sleepiness or insomnia, joint and muscle pain, digestive problems, dizziness or lightheadedness, and every other physical, mental, and emotional malady under the Sun.

It is important for all of us to realize that the acceleration process we are going through is a necessary part of the purging and rebirth that needs to take place in order for us to physically manifest the patterns of perfection for the New Earth.  Fortunately, the Company of Heaven has revealed important information and given us very powerful tools that will assist us to complete this process quickly with fewer painful symptoms.

There are a few very easy things we can do in addition to using the tools and techniques that have been given to us by our Father-Mother God and the Company of Heaven. We can raise our vibrations by eating more organic raw fruits and vegetables and by drinking pure water. We can also raise our vibrations by listening to uplifting music, thinking positive thoughts, walking in nature, relaxing in water, reading inspirational books, playing, loving, laughing, and anything else that opens our hearts and fills us with joy.

As we move through this Ascension process, we must KNOW that it is not the intent of our Father-Mother God for us to stay stuck in the pain and suffering that is being pushed to the surface to be transmuted and transformed into Light. Quite the contrary. It is Their desire that we utilize the precious tools and techniques that They have given to us, so that we can Ascend quickly into the 5th-Dimensional frequencies of harmony and balance. In the higher frequencies into which we are Ascending, we will gratefully experience the vibrant health, eternal youth, abundance, peace, love, and abounding joy that is awaiting each of us.

In a previous newsletter I described a vitally important global event that will take place August 15-20, 2009. If you have not read this article, please go to this link and read this information carefully. It is important for all of us to participate in this rare opportunity in whatever way our God Self guides us. The purpose of this Divine Mission is to assist Humanity and ALL Life evolving on Earth to quickly transmute and transcend the surfacing negativity that is causing so much pain and suffering in the lives of people all over the planet.

In order for this critical and monumental facet of the unfolding Divine Plan to be God Victoriously accomplished in perfect alignment with the highest good for all Life on this sweet Earth, Humanity must be vibrating at the highest frequency of Divine Light that we are capable of receiving. This is why the Company of Heaven is asking that we redouble our efforts during the next few months.

Between now and the global influx of Light that will take place in August, there will be several opportunities for Humanity to join together in global meditations to increase the Light we are adding to the world. However, what you and I do on a DAILY basis by joining in consciousness with Lightworkers around the world between now and that Cosmic Moment will expand the Light on Earth exponentially.

Our unified efforts will raise the energy, vibration, and consciousness of our Earthly Bodies into frequencies of Light beyond anything we have ever experienced. This will catapult each of us toward the vibrant health, eternal youth, and infinite perfection of our physical, etheric, mental, and emotional Solar Light Bodies. This, in turn, will greatly empower our ability to be effective instruments of God during this unparalleled time of Earth's Ascension into the Light. We will infinitely expand our ability to be a Chalice of Light through which the Light of God will flow to transform this planet and all her Life into the patterns of perfection of the New Earth.

 Patricia Diane Cota-Robles
« Last Edit: June 05, 2009, 02:29:25 AM by Jamir »


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Re: Energy Shift -- How to handle the new energies
« Reply #1 on: June 04, 2009, 04:09:28 AM »
It is important for all of us to realize that the acceleration process we are going through is a necessary part of the purging and rebirth that needs to take place in order for us to physically manifest the patterns of perfection for the New Earth. 

I should not be nitpicking on words if I wasn't feeling a New Age vibe warning here, because the choice of "perfect" is in dissonance with what the Earth is all about. We do not come here to create perfection or live it, we come here to evolve as human beings.

However, we have mistreat our Mother Earth so it is time for correction, but perfection - forget it.
« Last Edit: June 04, 2009, 04:14:26 AM by Jamir »


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Re: Energy Shift -- How to handle the new energies
« Reply #2 on: June 04, 2009, 04:12:55 AM »
Our unified efforts will raise the energy, vibration, and consciousness of our Earthly Bodies into frequencies of Light beyond anything we have ever experienced. This will catapult each of us toward the vibrant health, eternal youth, and infinite perfection of our physical, etheric, mental, and emotional Solar Light Bodies.

Like this kinda stuff above. "Eternal Youth" "Infinite Perfection" "Solar Light Bodies" - you got it?
Pure horse dung. New Age people in the 1980's forecasted that we would all be living in our light bodies before the year 2000 and that we then had a completely different order on Earth etc.

"Infinite perfection - again". Sigh ... why bring in such low vibrating stuff here. It is like a commercial for toothpaste. Sorry.
« Last Edit: June 04, 2009, 04:16:32 AM by Jamir »

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Re: Energy Shift -- How to handle the new energies
« Reply #3 on: June 04, 2009, 04:19:20 AM »
Jahn, you do agree that we are in a time of shift period though right? It could be some people are more hopeful this 'new earth' will become what it is. Even Tolle titled his book "A New Earth." Now, Im not one who believes we'll transfer into light bodies, but I do believe that we're getting unrattled by some of the shifts (like higher rates of depression, worry, stress), and its not all just the consensual reality being the cause, but some more celestial shifts which are occuring, which are dramatic. But will everything shift into perfection? No, but mother earth is going to do whatever she must to make things continue. Its one thing to look at, something some though not all scientists ignore, the gaia principle, that the earth is an organism in her own right (which I believe). If anything, per the damage we're doing, there's going to be some purgings. And extinctions are going to continue, they actually go on all the time.

I dont foresee any utopian society, life will continue in its own way. But perhaps folks are feeling some 'wake up call' to what is transpiring around the globe. and the trouble is they're in a hurry to translate what that wakeup call means, instead of simply do whatever individual work they must do, to figure out that wake up call, instead. and maybe contribute to what they can do while our earth is doing its thing, and going thru its own changes. In that way we can and do change, but only if we take heed to the wake up call and actually do something about it.
"A warrior doesn't seek anything for his solace, nor can he possibly leave anything to chance. A warrior actually affects the outcome of events by the force of his awareness and his unbending intent." - don Juan


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Re: Energy Shift -- How to handle the new energies
« Reply #4 on: June 04, 2009, 04:49:05 AM »
Sure Ellen,
but I am in a bad mood today and usually allergic to the New age stuff, pluffy puff.

tangerine dream

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Re: Energy Shift -- How to handle the new energies
« Reply #5 on: June 04, 2009, 04:58:44 AM »
Sigh ... why bring in such low vibrating stuff here. It is like a commercial for toothpaste. Sorry.

I don't read it the same way you do,  I guess is why I brought it here.  I liked the article.  Y'all can delete it if you don't.

This is good stuff imo:
The purpose of this Divine Mission is to assist Humanity and ALL Life evolving on Earth to quickly transmute and transcend the surfacing negativity that is causing so much pain and suffering in the lives of people all over the planet.

« Last Edit: June 04, 2009, 05:02:45 AM by Celesta »

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Re: Energy Shift -- How to handle the new energies
« Reply #6 on: June 04, 2009, 05:14:20 AM »
And that I can agree with. A 'surfacing negativity.' All we have to do is check the news, right? Its all over, and I definitely feel it in the US, with the economic recession, only second worst to the Great Depression. In california espeically, they're in such a high deficit, the govenor is talking about cutting funding for health care, elderly folk, K-12 schools, things which unfortunately matter and can cause all of cali to pump out more high school drop outs. and then no in home care for elderly patients unless they're severely disabled. But what about those who can barely make it to the bathroom without aid? So there's lots of negativity surfacing, esp from the CR, a lot if people worrying and stressed, and I believe that as a collective, this can also affect and shift things on the globe like a mass energy conduit. You have a billion folks who are stressed, the other five will be influenced in some way. Its all part of the 'we're in this together' deal on planet earth. Then She feels it, all that stress, and reacts in her own way.

It might sound new agey but I think if anything its more logical, and basic energy awareness stuff. All of it, ALL OF IT, creates a mass ENERGY which affects the whole, when the whole contributes to it. If we all believe we're totally individuals not linked to each other, then we're kidding ourselves. However, it doesnt mean we have to stay that way, which is why even della has her section, Transcending the Matrix. The only way out of the madness is to transcend it. I know. It got to me, and if anything I felt it when it hit me. Which I felt I was more transcended, and typically am, but I must've been rather thin to those energies. Hey, im a neptune in the first house after all - its difficult at times to hold up that 'barrier. My mars in twelfth usually helps, but it failed on me in january.
"A warrior doesn't seek anything for his solace, nor can he possibly leave anything to chance. A warrior actually affects the outcome of events by the force of his awareness and his unbending intent." - don Juan

tangerine dream

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Re: Energy Shift -- How to handle the new energies
« Reply #7 on: June 04, 2009, 05:19:05 AM »

It might sound new agey but I think if anything its more logical, and basic energy awareness stuff. All of it, ALL OF IT, creates a mass ENERGY which affects the whole, when the whole contributes to it. If we all believe we're totally individuals not linked to each other, then we're kidding ourselves. However, it doesnt mean we have to stay that way, which is why even della has her section, Transcending the Matrix. The only way out of the madness is to transcend it.

You got it!

One thing I've never quite understood about Soma,  is that everyone feels fine about posting in "We're stuffed".   It's  completely fine to talk Doom and gloom till the cows come home.  But a little bit of new age peace and love is frowned upon.  Love and light and fluff is is not a good topic of conversation, yet doom and gloom is. ???

Come on guys, we create our own realities here!  What would you rather have more of, depression despair and sadness or fluffiness and light?

I know the answer to that question for me.

« Last Edit: June 04, 2009, 05:24:12 AM by Celesta »

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Re: Energy Shift -- How to handle the new energies
« Reply #8 on: June 04, 2009, 05:28:09 AM »

I didn't post this because I wanted to argue over this matter.  As I stated before I thought there were some good points in this article.   Any of you are of course free to disagree with the writer...
I'm not here to defend my viewpoints, though.   Have a great day everyone.

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Re: Energy Shift -- How to handle the new energies
« Reply #9 on: June 04, 2009, 05:38:29 AM »
Sure Ellen,
but I am in a bad mood today and usually allergic to the New age stuff, pluffy puff.

Hey, Jahn.

 I've been having a lot of reactions like yours lately, where basically my "bullshit detector" goes off at top volume to most of the "new age" stuff on the net and elsewhere.

Now, with that said, it doesn't mean something isn't happening.  I think the problem I have is the wording which accompanies most of these new agey websites.  When somebody starts talking about "light bodies" or "cosmic perfection", I know what they MEAN, but the words get in the way big time. So, the concept may be real (or not), but the language we have for it tends to be watered down and injected with lots of flowers and what you referred to as pluffy puff.  It reminds me of adults trying to talk to children about sex - "the birds and the bees" turns out to be the lowest common denominator of language but cannot begin to really describe the process of sex.  *LOL*

Point being... I was reading some website a few days ago that somebody had recommended, and it was going on and on and ON about "bringing humanity into the light", and "the rays of cosmic wisdom" and "rainbow light workers..."  Jeezus... I found myself needing insulin just to get through it.


What the site was attempting to convey wasn't necessarily wrong.  It was just couched in that new agey speech that tends to make my brain go on "hum" mode.  When I mentioned that to my friend, she got promptly offended because, in her words, "These things have to be simplified for the masses."

That's where I strongly disagree.  In trying to "simplify" something, we tend to turn it into something it isn't.   And on top of that, it can actually come off as condescending to anyone with 2 brain cells to rub together.  That's why I personally prefer to give people the information (truth, knowledge) and trust them to assimilate it into their own lives in their own language.

But - hey - that's just me!  One reason I was drawn to Toltec instead of the new agey stuff is because Toltec tends to just hit one upside the head with the truth.  If we're lucky, that "hit" shifts our AP into a mode of heightened awareness.  In other words, it gives us a wake-up call by virtue of its direct and ruthless nature.  Maybe some people really do NEED the more "fluffy" approach, but to me, that turns out to be just one more false reality that has to be dealt with when the warrior really starts learning to be a *seer*.

Just my yada yada.  I'm also in a bad mood today - *LOL* - because we're in our crazy busy time of year, and I'd much rather just sit at my computer catching up on some writing.  Ah well...

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Re: Energy Shift -- How to handle the new energies
« Reply #10 on: June 04, 2009, 05:39:41 AM »

I didn't post this because I wanted to argue over this matter.  As I stated before I thought there were some good points in this article.   Any of you are of course free to disagree with the writer...
I'm not here to defend my viewpoints, though.   Have a great day everyone.

Hey, Lori...

I don't think it's a matter of needing to defend the author or the viewpoints.  I think it's just a matter of approaching things differently.  No right or wrong... just different strokes.

"You have to be immortal before you will know how to become immortal."
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Re: Energy Shift -- How to handle the new energies
« Reply #11 on: June 04, 2009, 05:49:04 AM »
Hey, Lori...

I don't think it's a matter of needing to defend the author or the viewpoints.  I think it's just a matter of approaching things differently.  No right or wrong... just different strokes.


Exactly what I was saying.

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Re: Energy Shift -- How to handle the new energies
« Reply #12 on: June 04, 2009, 06:01:52 AM »

It might sound new agey but I think if anything its more logical, and basic energy awareness stuff. All of it, ALL OF IT, creates a mass ENERGY which affects the whole, when the whole contributes to it. If we all believe we're totally individuals not linked to each other, then we're kidding ourselves. However, it doesnt mean we have to stay that way, which is why even della has her section, Transcending the Matrix. The only way out of the madness is to transcend it. I know. It got to me, and if anything I felt it when it hit me. Which I felt I was more transcended, and typically am, but I must've been rather thin to those energies. Hey, im a neptune in the first house after all - its difficult at times to hold up that 'barrier. My mars in twelfth usually helps, but it failed on me in january.

Hey, El...

The way I see it (for myself personally), is that the only way to transcend the matrix is to turn and look it squarely in the eye, see it for what it is, see it for WHY it is, and then decide what we want to do about it.  Do we want to stay in our existing comfort zones because the steak is tasty and the flowers in our gardens give us pleasure, or do we have the courage (raw and often ugly) to wholly and absolutely acknowledge that the trappings of the cage can't really disguise the fact that it is STILL a cage?

Now, some would say that's a grim outlook.  "Oh, Della!  Just stop and smell the flowers!"  And, yes, there's something to be said for that, as long as we can acknowledge that even the flowers are just props in the play, and the play is going to end sooner rather than later.  The matrix is the structure on which is written the ugly truth:  "We are beings who are going to die."  And as long as we REMAIN in the matrix, that statement continues to be true.  And - here's the rub, as you well know - the matrix itself is designed in such a way as to encourage us to accept that fate unquestioningly, because even while I sit here writing these words, we are being slowly digested in the belly of the universe, ground up by the unrelenting fangs of time, and soon enough, we will be dust in the wind, tombstones in the sand... forgotten.

Grim?  Sure it is.

Now, on the other hand, I could try to water that down and say we are all part of an endless cycle of interconnectedness and energetic Oneness with the universe and one another... but somehow that just doesn't have the impact necessary to get ME off my butt and into Do-ing mode.  *LOL*  That's why I have often argued against traditional ideas of reincarnation, because ultimately they give us that "second chance" which I do not believe for a moment really exists.  We are here and we are Now.  There is no yesterday, no tomorrow, no second chance.  And if we believe otherwise, if we think, for example, that we have the luxury of "getting it right in my next life", we are deluding ourselves through the programming of the matrix itself - which programs us to live and die without question, and even gives us lots of pretty fairy tales to soften the impact of the ugly truth:  we are beings who are going to die UNLESS WE TAKE THE INITIATIVE TO EVOLVE.

Now, throughout history, it certainly APPEARS that the matrix doesn't really want us to evolve, because then we take our energy OUTSIDE the matrix, and it can no longer feed on us.  Sure, that's a VAST over-simplification which starts to stray into the realm of flyers and inorganic beings, and that's not really my intent here. Mainly, just wanting to say that the old conundrum Orlando presented to me years ago holds true in this case, too, though slightly re-worded:

"You have to BE outside the matrix before you can TRANSCEND the matrix."  As far as I have been able to determine, there aren't a lot of ways to do that.  Dreaming is one, though even Dreaming CAN be impacted by the matrix itself.  Gnosis (silent knowing) with one's double is another way - which appears to be far more reliable than even dreaming, because the double is already projected outside the matrix, and therefore can provide an assemblage point NOT dependent on the program in which the humanform self resides.

As I mentioned to Lori, I think it's largely a matter of predilection.  Some people feel very motivated by the more new agey approach, while others are going to respond more actively to a more ruthless or even "dark" truth.  Doesn't matter in the big picture, as long as it gets the job done.  My PERSONAL problem with the new age stuff is that I have a LOT of people writing me emails through my website or the book, saying essentially that they feel in hindsight they were "derailed" by the new age stuff for a long time, because it tends to offer COMFORT far more than motivation.  

Hope you're doing well!  Your energy feels strong and vibrant.  :)

"You have to be immortal before you will know how to become immortal."
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Re: Energy Shift -- How to handle the new energies
« Reply #13 on: June 04, 2009, 06:32:48 AM »
Hey Della,

I was recently watching an interview with Joseph Campbell on The Power of Myth, where he talked about how Jesus rose up and ascended into heaven. He spoke about how people take this act literally (can thank some fundies for that) and they miss the message in the myth by not approaching it as a myth, that this ascension is something we all need to do. Onlookers see him ascend to heaven, but we could say per the story, whoever dictacted it down, that the writer was trying to convey we need to transcend the matrix. Their day was unique from ours, but still had its own troubles, and still required the same antidote to suffering.

Im in a similar camp like you when it comes to reincarnation. We've got these great stories of lamas who have been tested upon returning (but a wild child 24 year old who would like to stay in the marketplace for now, but thats to be expected). But they did the work, possibly, in previous lives, as most tibetans are masters at lucid dreaming and being able to transcend the matrix. They do it by doing their own right way to live, they dont have a boob toob bombarding them with worldly messages and they're not pulled into the heap like others. So they dedicate their lives understanding they are beings who are going to die, and understanding their are no guarantees they will clear all those bardos and make it to where they want to go. We, if we dont do the work, end up in the big cosmic ocean where we're dispersed in many different consciousness, broke up amongst the collective, born again in some 'new form' is what at least, my own gnosis has led me, if we dont do the work. Ive said before time and time again, I have no desire to come back to the future of this particular planet. It looks grim, the outlook to me, esp the overpopulation issue. So I struggle on my path that whatever I can do, must do, will allow for me choice. But I can only have a prayer of choice, if I do the work in the here and now, and not lean on any crutches at all. Even tho I may appear to lean on buddhism, and sometimes I do, I do it cause its logical and makes sense to me. The wheel of samsara I see as a matrix too, one which offers a cycle of suffering that we can transcend from, by finding our center in it. and then the double is the other 'out' we got, which is a secret from the cc books we all know and love. That being that we dream up, who then was dreaming us all along, we have to give the double the strength and knowledge to pull us out in the nick of time, so we're not gobbled up, our awareness. Cause once its gone we just start over again, but a mass from the pool, something new and recycled, like we recycle plastic, all a mass of many other plastic parts.

So I can cringe the same when I do see too much reassurance say, from more new agey sites, all will be ok, esp in an afterlife (Ive recently even wrote on that word, 'afterlife' even it offers a denial in the statement). Like you're a good person, that will equal a good afterlife, but did you develop your soul, something of substance that can transcend all this? Where is spirit in the whole picture? its got to be more than just what others tell us, or what we lean on as a crutch, we have to be able to stand without the crutches and do the work, answer our own questions for us and be sure what will become of us, so we're not simply dust in the wind in the end.
"A warrior doesn't seek anything for his solace, nor can he possibly leave anything to chance. A warrior actually affects the outcome of events by the force of his awareness and his unbending intent." - don Juan


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Re: Energy Shift -- How to handle the new energies
« Reply #14 on: June 05, 2009, 02:20:27 AM »
Nice reactions or actions. It is quite important to discuss quality of what we post here. Especially when it is full length posts from other sources it is necessary to have a critical approach.

You might to draw attention to an essay written out there but then you also might add a personal comment to its content. I just try to install a mini scientific standard. Why?

Because the whole Internet is full of gems and sh*t and all that there is in between. There are no beginners here and we might keep up the standard by being critical to what we read and post. Next time it could be me that have found something that is rather questionable. Not impossible because I tend to adopt the things that doesn't confirm to the streamline "opinion" or "knowledge".

« Last Edit: June 05, 2009, 02:44:57 AM by Jamir »


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