I was thinking a bit on the term della used on the Living the Intent post, and the 'advanced warriors' looking blankly when she went over that passage.
If you are, or are not even, a warrior, still, what is an 'advanced warrior' to you?
Hey, Ellen...
When I talk about "advanced warriors", here are some of the images that come to mind. Not saying they're right or wrong... just how I personally think of it.
1. Someone who has moved past belief systems sufficiently to know that no one and no thing is going to "save" them from whatever "fate" awaits them. I would add that advanced warriors might still CHOOSE to believe in certain things, but then their beliefs are indulged with awareness rather than expectation of result.
2. An advanced warrior is a seer, at some level. Most truly advanced warriors are master seers. By that, I don't mean parlour tricks and psychic games. I mean they *see* the world as it is, beyond its programs, manipulations and the like.
3. An advanced warrior had created his/her double and has awareness of this. Not an if or a maybe. There would be no doubt. Most truly advanced warriors will also have established a direct line of communication with the double, via gnosis or silent knowing. And they will know the difference between their own internal dialogue and the voice of the double.
4. An advanced warrior walks with death as her advisor - 24/7. Having the ever-present awareness that we are beings who are going to die, the advanced warrior is keenly "present" in every moment.
5. An advanced warrior has mastered stalking and/or dreaming - not necessarily in alignment with the specific methodology laid out in the Castaneda books (or any other books), but in accordance with their own inner guidance. Meaning - following someone else's path is not the same as creating your own. The advanced warrior knows this and lives it as part of their unbending intent.
6. The advanced warrior practices to the best of her ability what DJM called "the right way to live" - not in accordance with any cultural or social set of "morals" but in alignment with the inner knowledge which is part of every human being's awareness if they are willing to acknowledge it.
7. The advanced warrior has shed self-importance sufficiently to realize that the petty dramas of our everyday lives are just that: petty dramas. IF the advanced warrior is compelled through circumstance to engage in those petty dramas, s/he does so with the total awareness that s/he is "acting" as a character in a play. IOW, it jibes w/ my idea of the teflon warrior: the advanced warrior does not allow crap to stick to herself in the first place, so energy is not wasted on humanform pettiness.
These are just a few of the ideas that come into my mind when I think about the traits of advanced warriors. When I was teaching that seminar I mentioned, it was worded to say, "Recommendd for advanced warriors only." Heh. I think a lot of people BELIEVE they are advanced warriors when they are most likely only perpetual SEEKERS. Big difference. A lot of people seem to enjoy being on some mythical/spiritual "quest" for something, but they don't seem to ever really FIND anything, and so they're constantly flitting from one "discipline" to the next, without ever really finding that assemblage point of silent knowing (which I also believe to be the assemblage point of assimilation and cohesion).
I'm sure there are plenty of other ways of looking at "advanced warriors". These are just my observations & opinions... all of which are only dust in the wind,of course.
