Author Topic: By George Sterling - Aldebaran at Dusk  (Read 102 times)

Offline Jennifer-

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By George Sterling - Aldebaran at Dusk
« on: June 10, 2009, 09:45:26 PM »
Aldebaran at Dusk

By George Sterling

Thou art the star for which all evening waits—
    O star of peace, come tenderly and soon!
    As for the drowsy and enchanted moon,
She dreams in silver at the eastern gates
Ere yet she brim with light the blue estates
    Abandoned by the eagles of the noon.
    But shine thou swiftly on the darkling dune
And woodlands where the twilight hesitates.

Above that wide and ruby lake to-West
     Wherein the sunset waits reluctantly,
        Stir silently the purple wings of Night.
She stands afar, upholding to her breast,
    As mighty murmurs reach her from the sea,
        Thy lone and everlasting rose of light.
Without constant complete silence meditation - samadi - we lose ourselves in the game.  MM

Offline Jennifer-

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Re: By George Sterling - The Black Vulture
« Reply #1 on: June 10, 2009, 09:48:44 PM »
The Black Vulture

By George Sterling

Aloof upon the day's immeasured dome,
    He holds unshared the silence of the sky.
    Far down his bleak, relentless eyes descry
The eagle's empire and the falcon's home—
Far down, the galleons of sunset roam;
    His hazards on the sea of morning lie;
    Serene, he hears the broken tempest sigh
Where cold sierras gleam like scattered foam.

And least of all he holds the human swarm—
    Unwitting now that envious men prepare
        To make their dream and its fulfilment one,
When, poised above the caldrons of the storm,
    Their hearts, contemptuous of death, shall dare
        His roads between the thunder and the sun.
Without constant complete silence meditation - samadi - we lose ourselves in the game.  MM

Offline Jennifer-

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Re: By George Sterling - Evening Music
« Reply #2 on: June 10, 2009, 09:50:50 PM »
Evening Music
By George Sterling

The myriad voicéd twilight clasps me round,
    As day in its encompassing decline
    For flowers that shone repays with stars that shine.
The splendid afternoon renounced all sound
That now in woodland maze or meadow's bound
    Rings from the grass or murmurs in the pine.
    O gracious hour! O gloaming half-divine'
O hush of noon by evening music crowned!

Better this peace than all the pulsing day,
    But best a voice that day nor twlight brings—
        Softer than noons made mournful by the dove,
Sweeter than harps when maiden hands delay,
    High as the song that Sappho's sprit sings—
        The Heaven and music of thy whisper, Love!

Without constant complete silence meditation - samadi - we lose ourselves in the game.  MM

Offline Jennifer-

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Re: By George Sterling - Farm of Fools
« Reply #3 on: June 10, 2009, 09:53:35 PM »
Farm of Fools
By George Sterling

Nameless and uninvited,
    The gipsy princess came,
And now our sleep is haunted
    And sleep is not the same.
In dreams we follow blindly
    Her stained, seducing feet
On wizard roads of shadow
    Where dead and living meet.

At dawn deceived and tempted
    By her mysterious mirth,
We trade for gold of sunrise
    Our wingless gold of earth.
Then broken plow and wagon
    Are not for us to mend,
When, guided by her laughter,
    We hunt the rainbow's end.

Often we hear by noontide
    Notes of a far-off horn
And find, with her for comrade,
    Pan's hoofprints in the corn.
Out of the wild-grape clusters
    She presses madder wine
Than vintners of the lowland
    Take from the tended vine.

By night released and scornful,
    Regretting then our prayers,
We track her shining footsteps
    Up immaterial stairs,
A way of joyous peril
    Where boyhood's dragons are—
Built of ascending moonlight
    And ending in a star.

The scandal of our neighbors,
    The envy of their young,
We sing on pagan Sundays
    The wastral words she sung,
And gather for our harvest
    Her poppies in the wheat—
Burning with beauty's witch-fire,
    The laurels of defeat.

Without constant complete silence meditation - samadi - we lose ourselves in the game.  MM

Offline Jennifer-

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Re: By George Sterling - The Pathfinders
« Reply #4 on: June 10, 2009, 09:58:56 PM »
The Pathfinders
By George Sterling

Who has heard an echo of clarions from lost frontiers?
Who has seen lances and pennons on the horizon of time?

From Nome to Ushuaia,
From Reykjavic to Auckland,
From Mindanao to Kerguelen,
The trails are blazed, the sea-roads are charted,
The tables of the Law are set up,
That feebler folk may follow,
Follow with the sound of gold in the counting-house,
With the voice of the preacher in the God-house.
The pathfinders have done their work,
They that saw strange eagles on strange skies,
They whose sunsets were on unfurrowed waters.

By the stars that led them-
Orion striding down the heavens at the ice-melting,
Arcturus low in the west at the first snow-fall-
By the light of those stars on sword or rifle,
And on wet car and anchor,
By their light in the oceans they sought vainly
And in the hidden tears of failure,
The work is done; all the roads lie open
To the feet of the wise and feeble.

The pathfinders were foolhardy and strong;
None could stay them.
The tribes that went eastward from Asia ,
Who set up their gods on Easter Island ,
Who notched the cliffs of Arizona ,
Who built the serpent-mound in Ohio ,
Who made wampum on the dunes of Montauk-
All those who had their labor in vain:
The tide out of the Northeast has gone over them;
The waves from Europe have trampled them under,
Being merciless to the tribe,
In mercy to the race.

Moctezuma is dethroned
And the trail is made the highroad.
Manhattan thunders forever
Where the red deer leapt to the twang of the bow-string.

They were captains of the horizon
And pilots of unborn nations-
They whose birth-gifts were continents.
It was not for beauty that they went outward,
Heeding not the foam-altars of the moon-haunted West,
The silver vastitudes,
The unwandering sierras of cloudland,
The surf on far sands,
The afterglow on mountains where they were to die.
It was not for fame that they followed mysterious rivers,
And were thirsty in vulture-hung deserts,
And had respite from their weariness
At beautiful islands abandoned by Time:
Their gold was the gold of earth
And not the gold of their sunsets,
Nor knew they the end of their wayfaring.

The pathfinders have their reward;
They that dreamed treasure and conquest
Have been paid in unimagined payment;
Even the gold of strange stars,
Even the foam of new oceans,
Even the snows of unknown mountains.
It was not conceived when the first prows of Sidon
Rose to the ground-swell of the Atlantic ,
Nor when the Vikings went south with the berg,
Nor when Vizcaino lifted the Point of Sea Wolves-
Shaggy with cypress.
It was not for such reward that they labored-

That the sword made a place for the plow,
The plow for the till,
The till for the pulpit,
The guerdon was greater than they knew
That sleep in the barrows of oblivion,
Distant from the stars of their childhood.

They have rest forever, the pathfinders-
They whose trails were the first furrows
And whose lives the first harvest.
The anchors are down in still waters,
And the sails furled in the harbors of Golconda.
The Seven Cities of Cibola have opened wide their gates,
Whose gold is the gold of eternity,
Cancelled not as in the fading of sunset
Nor in the farewell of the star of evening.
The pathfinders have peace forever,
Having found the ports of infinity.
Their bones rest in the dusk of cathedrals,
And are strewn in the villages of the prairie-dog.
The pine needles of the sierra thatch their graves.
Hudson sleeps below the northern lights
And Balboa near to the ocean he discovered.
Da Gama has weathered a stormier Cape
And Franklin won through to the Great Sea.
Frémont has gone from the Gabilan Hills
And Pizarro from the court of the Incas.
The footprints of Carson are vanished
No less than the smoke of DeSoto's camp-fire
And the foam-wake of Magellan.
The halberds of Coronado are rusted,
And the shadow of Boone long gone from the war-trail
            of the Iriquois.
The cairns have crumbled;
The keels of Drake are sunken
And the five great emeralds of Cortez.

Peace to the dust of the conquerors,
Envoys to mystery
From Newfoundland to Singapore,
From Peconics to Tasmania,
From the keys of Florida to the Alaskan tundras!
Peace to the noble Sacajawea
And to all who slept at the trail-ends,
From the blood of Marquette and Cartier
To the flown breath of Scott and Shackleton!
They that felt the arrows of obsidian
Have no more need of shield and helmet.
They that saw the smoke of strange altars on new heavens
Shall hear no more the conchs of the barbarian,
Nor the long trumpets of ivory,
Nor the throbbing of the war-drums.
Peace to all who lie famed or forgotten-
The last igloos built,
The last keel stranded.
Peace to the renowned few, to innumerable unknown,
To the tomb of bronze and the grave in the desert!
They are hushed who dared Leviathan
And the dragons of Hesperia.
The frontiers of wonder are dissolved,
The purple kingdoms of the old mirage.
Leif Ericsson sleeps, and the fire that was Columbus,
But Time has new Atlantics.
The stars that they followed still go over;
Their voices are on the wind from the Northeast,
And their flags in the sunset.

Unrest, unrest, to all of their lineage!
The roads of earth are traced on a map:
The gulf of the heavens is uncharted.
We gaze from the coasts of the world
Upon the sea that is shoreless.
The arc of ocean blends with the arc of sky
And man shapes for himself new keels,
Daring a sea without harbors,
Whose tides are the winds of the firmament,
Whose islands the peaks of Andes and Himalaya.
The same air that filled the sails of the Norse galleys
And lifted the dust of the ox-teams
Sings now in the struts of the airplane.
The soul's eagle arches for the sky-dome:
Who will die that its trails be blazed,
Once and forever?
Who will go forth without weapons
And be lost in the regions of sunset?
The altars of azure demand a sacrifice.

Unrest, unrest, to all who come hereafter!
Unrest to the new pathfinders!
There is no anchorage in the atom
Nor sky-line to the universe.
They shall forecast the storms of the electrons
And the typhoons of the nebulae.
They shall hunger for strange countries
And make far roads;
They shall die in lone deserts
And sink in dark oceans-
Still hungry for the horizons of the mind,
For the West of the soul,
For the seas and lands that go on forever and ever.

Without constant complete silence meditation - samadi - we lose ourselves in the game.  MM

Offline Jennifer-

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Art and Life
« Reply #5 on: June 11, 2009, 08:35:47 PM »
Art and Life
By George Sterling

The children of the flesh of men,
  They pass from night to night;
They weep and laugh and labor, then
  Are lost to human sight.

Musing on such a fate, the mind
  Stirs with a tragic sense-
So brave they walk the stage assigned,
  So soon they hurry thence.

The children of the artist's brain
  Elude mortality,
O'er them Time swings his scythe in
  Till time no more shall be.

In many hearts, in many lands,
  They live again their tale,
As, young or old, the Future's hands
  Arise to give them hail.

As here the crafts of men assure
  Their presence to the years,
So too shall Memory's bronze endure,
  With all their smiles and tears.

Such lives within our lives can be;
  Such comrades Art can give.
Are men but shadows? is it we
  Or they who truly live?

Without constant complete silence meditation - samadi - we lose ourselves in the game.  MM

Offline Jennifer-

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Ballad of the Seeker
« Reply #6 on: June 11, 2009, 08:37:59 PM »
Ballad of the Seeker
By George Sterling

John o' Dreams fled North, fled North,
  Led by a certain star,
Till he came to peaks that he could not
  So cold and high they are.

John o' Dreams fled East, fled East,
  Till he came to the tomb of kings;
But all he heard was the tiger's cough,
  And sough of the vulture's wings.

John o' Dreams fled South, fled South,
  Till he saw strange orchids flare.
Shadows and music filled the night,
  But they led not anywhere.

John o' Dreams fled West, fled West,
  Till an ocean barred his way.
The word of the surf was great in his heart
  But its meaning none could say.

Beneath, above, he could not go,
  And there he dreamt was a goal.
"Let him alone!" the Sybil said.
"The man explores his soul."
Without constant complete silence meditation - samadi - we lose ourselves in the game.  MM

Offline Jennifer-

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« Reply #7 on: June 11, 2009, 08:47:18 PM »
By George Sterling

I am alone in this grey shadowland,—
    This world of phantoms I can never know,—
    This throng of seekers wandering to and fro,
Moved by a hidden god's unheard command;
And though we knew the clasp of eye and hand,
    We watchers of the planet's passing show,
    Yet soon the "now" shall be the "long ago,"
And soon the prow shall grate on Lethe's strand.

Bring on the lights, the music and the wine,
    Ere the long silence give our feast to scorn!
        Let us forget all that we dread we are,
And let the mind's unknown horizon shine,
    As the heart graces with mirage of morn
        The night about its lost and lonely star.
Without constant complete silence meditation - samadi - we lose ourselves in the game.  MM


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