Author Topic: Red Tailed Hawk  (Read 46 times)

Ke-ke wan

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Red Tailed Hawk
« on: July 14, 2009, 03:11:46 AM »
Red Tailed Hawk is one of the first animal totems I ever met.   After Eagle showed me how to fly,  Hawk took me on many great adventures in the sky-- travelling all over the globe.   I haven't seen him in a while,  but was happy he appeared in my Dreaming last night.   

In the dream I was walking on a beach in Mexico,  barefoot in the sand,  waves softly caressing the shore as I looked for pretty shells and also found some ancient silver coins.   Hawk screached as he soared high above me.  Possibly the largest Hawk I have ever had the fortune to meet.  He was a beauty!

Isn't he gorgeous?!

Ke-ke wan

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Re: Red Tailed Hawk
« Reply #1 on: July 14, 2009, 03:22:03 AM »

Role:  ~The Visionary~

Lesson: Discover Dormant Abilities

Element: Fire/Air

Wind: ~East~ Illumination & Peace~

Medicine: Channeling

For the two-legged beside whom Red Tail Hawk flies, a sharp mind will be evident, and these souls will possess the ability to perceive the subtlest of nuances that might escape other less "observant" individuals.  Although this may be a tremendous Gift in assisting the Red Hawk Soul in the business world (and less ~intimate~ arenas of their daily Life), this same gift of communication and sharp intellect can also be used as a weapon, and words may become like the sharp beak and unrelenting talons of their Totem when these individuals are either attacked, or if they are operating from an unintegrated Personality Center.

There may be situations and circumstances when there is a need for the type of more ~direct~ speech that the Red Hawk Soul is capable of, and in those circumstances, the use of this inherent talent serves the individual well.  Yet part of the evolutionary process for the Red Tailed Hawk individual, is in learning how to master this gift and wield its great power with conscious awareness, ever-mindful of its potential for either great insight, or great damage.  When the Red Hawk Soul is then operating from such Higher Intent, these are the natural born investigators, psychics, attorneys and observers that deploy their acumen for insight and direct speech in a constructive, rather than destructive, manner.

Looking at the next component in understanding the Red Tailed Hawk`s Power, are the beautiful red tail feathers which distinguish this Hawk from other cousins.  This Hawk does not receive his/her red feathers until a sufficient level of maturation has been achieved.  When looking to the human beside whom Red Hawk flies, this is quite significant as well, for it indicates that the Red Feathers are not easily given, and must instead be "earned."

When witnessed in Nature, the color Red represents Power, Energy, and the Kundalini.  The Kundalini is the Force that directs the flow of all other energy fields within the physical body.  This Force lies dormant within each of us when we take up the ~Robe of Physical Life, and is thought to lie coiled at the ~base chakra~ (located near the base of the spine) and referred to as the ~Serpent Power.~  There the Power lies sleeping until it is awakened via the Soul who begins the journey on the road of spiritual discovery and who is consciously acknowledging and incorporating their Life Lessons.

Some envision the Kundalini as a powerful sexual energy, yet to view it thus is to limit the true breadth and power of this fundamental energy, for it is then keeping that energy coiled at the base chakra (sexual center), rather than encouraging it to reach further and higher.

At the time the energy is awoken, it begins to rise up through the other six energy centers (chakras).  As it passes through each of these chakras, the lessons, issues and areas of our lives which are symbolized and or ~governed~ by these energy centers, are opened for our acknowledgment through the process of Conscious Awareness.  Thus, when the Kundalini has completely uncoiled, its energy unfurled along the length of the spine and flowing easily through all seven energy points to emerge through the top (or ~Crown~) Chakra, a state of ~Enlightenment~ is experienced.  (For an insightful & deeper look into the Chakras after finishing reading about the Red-Tailed Hawk Totem, I suggest visiting Mermaids Esoteric Site by clicking here)

This is a gradual process however, and should never be forced or pushed, for those who have attempted to do so, often experience either physical or mental/emotional collapse that can end one in a visit to the hospital or seriously ill.  Hence, the symbolism of the Red Tail Feathers emerging only after sufficient maturation.  For the two-legged with this Animal Totem, this indicates the need to approach spiritual awakening in a gradual, careful and conscious manner.

Yet once this fundamental energy unfurls as the Red Tail Feathers emerge, the beauty and depth of Spirit that shines brilliantly forth, will be both inspiration and guidance for Others who may be just beginning, or in the process of, their own awakening.***

Ke-ke wan

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Re: Red Tailed Hawk
« Reply #2 on: July 14, 2009, 03:32:08 AM »
Part of the Role for the two-legged beside whom Red Tailed Hawk flies is that of Guardian of the Earth Mother.  These are individuals who will possess an astute awareness of the concept of the interconnectedness of all things, and will have an inner reverence for all life.

These are the souls that are involved in making the world a better place, whether locally or globally.  They will be protectors of the Earth Mother and tread softly upon her, encouraging and educating ~Others~ to do the same.

Often, they are either found initiating or actively involved in environmental causes, where their keen perception and insight will serve their chosen ~cause~ well.  Yet it is their day to day existence and fundamental philosophy/foundation of action and belief, that distinguishes these individuals as true champions of Mother Earth as they seek to live in harmony with the ~Ina Maka~ and all that She births, provides, nurtures and sustains.***

Ke-ke wan

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Re: Red Tailed Hawk
« Reply #3 on: July 14, 2009, 04:11:38 AM »
Hawk people have their own unique challenges in life. Often they feel misunderstood in that when they attempt to deliver an important message others may shy away from it or respond with anger. Sometimes the messages may not be what the other person really wants to hear and yet the Hawk person feels duty bound to relay the message, no matter the consequences.

***(I've definitely experienced this a few times lately when delivering what I feel to be important messages from Spirit, either received in Dreaming or other ways)***

It is important however that Hawk people do be aware of how they are presenting the messages they receive. They need more than many others to try and deliver the messages as gently as they can, only becoming more forceful if their inner guidance absolutely says it is needed. Sometimes simply thinking through for a time what needs to be said can help Hawk medicine people find just the right words to use that will make all the difference and in this they should be encouraged to take their time and soar above for a while before speaking their truth.

Hawk medicine people like many who carry strong predator totems may be shunned by others who sense and fear their inner power. Others may sense that this is a person who can see straight through them and as many folks think in terms of judging things as being good or bad, they are afraid that the Hawk person will see who they "really" are and so they strike first in an attempt to keep the Hawk person at bay.

Hawk people need to learn how to veil their energy somewhat, not as an attempt to deceive others but to allow people to get to know them and understand that Hawk has no interest in judging others. Often these people have seen so much of the best and worst in life that they find they have no need to judge. All is part and parcel of Spirit's plan and if Spirit sees fit not to judge, why should the Hawk person?


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