I know then there is the issue per the shift "Can I only shift me out?"
The absurd and the impossible - its not impossible. It can be done. I can shift my own awareness. I already have shifted others. I know I did (I wasnt the only one shifting). BUT next year - it wiil be bigger. This I determine is more 4 D and many are teeter tottering in it - the spirit folk - I am as well. I walk between them and try not to peer to hard at the 3 D. Cause it can "pull" the awareness. If one falls into any doubt or despair. Can get stuck.
5 D is seeable (is that a word) but not there yet. That "door" is not totally open. Its cracked but not ready to open. Or better yet. Its like a door with a big keyhole beaming light behind it. Who has the key? The double of course. But that has to be strengthened more and more solid. For it to open the door...you cant beat it down. Its almost like the Eagles Gift but not exactly. That comes before I think....then the key.
The light through the keyhole shows tho. But not all will find it. Like Jesus wisely said:
The Narrow and Wide Gates
13 “Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. 14 But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.
Thats nervewracking and a warning. What is the gate, and what is the road, and why so few?
It should be obvious - but it is the 5D. Thats why we do the path with heart. You dont follow the majority. Many going down the road - that one.
I know don juan said all paths lead in the bush...but the cubic centimeter of a chance. Notice he gave it a size? There is intent. "Cubic centimeter."
"All of us, whether or not we are warriors, have a cubic centimeter of chance that pops out in front of our eyes from time to time.The difference between an average man and a warrior is that the warrioris aware of this, and one of his tasks is to be alert, deliberately waiting,so that when his cubic centimeter pops out he has the necessary speed,the prowess, to pick it up."
—Carlos Castaneda“Power always makes a cubic centimeter of chance available to a warrior. The warrior's art is to be perennially fluid in order to pluck it.” ― Don Juan MatusNow I was fascinated by this tonight. "Why" did don juan call it this?
I know this is not the size or at least said but:
From the Bronshtein cube of "limits" to the "degrees of freedom" of relativistic quantum gravity"It is argued that the quadruple gravitational constant 4G can be seen as a fundamental limit of nature. The limit holds across all gravitational systems and distinguishes bound from unbound systems. Including the maximum force c^4/4G allows extending the Bronshtein cube of physical theories to a cube of limits. Every theory of physics refining Galilean physics - universal gravitation, special relativity, general relativity, quantum theory and quantum field theory - is defined by one fundamental limit. As a result, also relativistic quantum gravity is defined by a limit: the minimum length in nature. The minimum length is used to deduce the Planck-scale structure of space. Numerous options are eliminated. Then, the minimum length is used to deduce the main properties of the common constituents that make up space and particles."
All in a cube. Don Juan used intent with everything

Summary: What the Bronshtein limit cube shows and what it doesn't
1. The Bronshtein limit cube shows that
physics is simple. Each theory, each part of physics, is defined by a limit value.
2. The Bronshtein limit cube shows that relativistic quantum gravity, the unified description of motion, is defined by the minimum length
l ≥ (4Gℏ/c3)1/2 = 3 · 10-35m,
twice the Planck length. Equivalently, any other limit that contains c, ℏ and 4G can be used. All measurable consequences follow from this and the other limits of nature.
3. The Bronshtein limit cube shows that the unified description of motion, relativistic quantum gravity, is near. In particular, relativistic quantum gravity is already known in all its experimental and theoretical consequences: relativity, gravity and quantum physics. The lack of additional effects is predicted.
4. By eliminating many alternatives, the Bronshtein limit cube with its minimum length provides strong hints about the origin of the elementary particles and their properties, as well as the origin of the
interactions and their properties. The hints are explored here.
5. Because of the smallest length,
there is no unifying equation of nature. This is told in detail here. It must be mentioned that the result disagrees with an important authority on the topic, linked here, for copyright reasons. Calvin's statement that there is one simple unifying equation is known to be wrong, implicitly, for over 50 years, due to the minimum length. In reality, as the Bronshtein cube shows,
all phenomena can be summarized in three simple unifying inequalities:
v ≤ c, F ≤ c4/4G, W ≥ ℏ,
together with the principle of minimum action. Or four inequalities, if one includes the limit on entropy S ≥ k ln 2. Unification is based on these inequalities.