Author Topic: The nature of the double?  (Read 535 times)

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Re: The nature of the double?
« Reply #15 on: August 13, 2009, 10:52:00 AM »
Templars...interesting that they popped up - a while ago somebody even offered me a membership in their Order. There have been interesting developments regarding them:

Interesting indeed.  I was also contacted by some aspect of their organization several years ago - could never quite figure out if it was a hoax or legit, but suffice it to say it's not my "bag" in this lifetime, and perhaps with good reason.  *heh*
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Re: The nature of the double?
« Reply #16 on: August 13, 2009, 11:30:45 AM »
Interesting indeed.  I was also contacted by some aspect of their organization several years ago - could never quite figure out if it was a hoax or legit, but suffice it to say it's not my "bag" in this lifetime, and perhaps with good reason.  *heh*

I think after all the hype of The Davinci Code (great story btw), there was definitely an, almost fanaticism about the Templars and the Gnostics, which I think was kinda cool (really scared the church), but many folks were creating Templar-ish orgs, and really, I think it was more created like some odd 'fad.' It seems to have toned down now quite a bit, but after Davinci code think of all the book sales for the Templars. I remember the displays at Barnes were saturated with them, because they were selling like hotcakes. Amazing so much could spawn from one fiction book. Blew my mind.
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Re: The nature of the double?
« Reply #17 on: September 19, 2023, 07:27:59 PM »
Live in spirit.  Allow the impossible.  Use the force.  Transcend the matrix.  Open yourself to the assemblage point of the double.

All of these things are saying the same thing, and these are really the only things that matter.  The rest - all this fluff and angst and suffering - is nothing more than an illusion within the dream of the mortal self.

Rising above it (quite literally) is the goal of a wo/man of Knowledge.  Be the dreamer, not the dream.

When in my magic room I had this ephipany i sat there and said "I am a character in someones book...nothing more."

Thats how ive been feeling over the last few months.

Oh im sane im detached. But the way things have worked like I told my group, when I write my book, I have got to do it as a work of fiction, tell my story. Cause no one would believe what I have to say. NO ONE. Its too far out, man! (60s psychadelic talk).

I understand what the double is doing and the parallel lives and what im going to awaken in. i do smaller shifts then big ones. Im trying to get strong here to make that strong "there."

But i gotta be the dreamer not the dream yes. Yep yep. But then who is really in charge now the double or me? I dont know. But i do feel a character in someones book reading me and its too ridiculous. And in the same book ill write a book will be fiction and it will be idenitified with.
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Re: The nature of the double?
« Reply #18 on: September 24, 2023, 06:29:44 PM »

The way I have experienced it (both through Dreaming and through working with Orlando to better understand the experiences themselves) is that the double is not confined by the idea of linear time - and, in fact, the quantum universe itself isn't either.  Linear time is largely a humanform concept that enables us to have "filters" which provide us with a (seemingly) 1,2,3 experience (day one, day two, day three).  But in the quantum universe, there is no separation of 1,2,3 - they all exist simultaneously within the realm of all possibility - where one of the first laws of quantum physics arises:  "All things exist within the realm of possibility, but only some things will be forced to go through the motions of actually occurring."

Now... I do not think for a moment that this event occurred in linear time.  It occurred OUTSIDE of time - and that's the beauty of the double.  It can select scenarios that teach tremendous life lessons without ever having to place our mortal/human life in jeopardy.  And, not to mention, since the double is not confined by the limits of time, it can also choose dozens, hundreds, even thousands of these experiences - which we linear-bound humans have traditionally thought of as "past lives", but which are more likely the quantum machinations of our own double operating as our guide/teacher in the eternal Now.

So... point is simply that as we develop greater communication with our doubles, they are able to provide us with an infinitude of experience, but it's up to us to decipher it through gnosis, dreaming, meditation, etc.  It's what is literally meant by "The double is dreaming you."  While we are sitting at our desks and trudging through our ordinary lives, our doubles are off on grand adventures or sifting through vast libraries of experience in order to provide us with the Knowledge we need to evolve.

Of course, the sorcerer's trick is learning how to access that Knowledge and bring it into sufficient awareness to at least implement it in our daily lives.  What I've found is that gnosis (silent knowing) is the best tool for that purpose, but also learning to "let go and allow the impossible."  As long as we are clinging to what we THINK we know, we leave no room for any expansion of awareness.

Over at TSW, you mentioned spirit and what it is.  I replied that I think it is at least partially what George Lucas referred to as "The Force" in the STAR WARS movies.  Not surprisingly, that also ties in to this conversation - since spirit is "the force" through which gnosis occurs.  And, more precisely, spirit is the vehicle through which we channel "the force" in our daily lives - it's what tells us to turn or stop or jump sideways or simply keep walking in a straight line... and in hindsight, we turn and realize that without that connection to "the force" we never would have made it through childhood.

Live in spirit.  Allow the impossible.  Use the force.  Transcend the matrix.  Open yourself to the assemblage point of the double.

All of these things are saying the same thing, and these are really the only things that matter.  The rest - all this fluff and angst and suffering - is nothing more than an illusion within the dream of the mortal self.

Rising above it (quite literally) is the goal of a wo/man of Knowledge.  Be the dreamer, not the dream. 


Thats my intent. Yes. The parallel realities and like Della said: "All things exist within the realm of possibility, but only some things will be forced to go through the motions of actually occurring."

Thats how we shift and get out. I knew it but it helps to see it.
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Re: The nature of the double?
« Reply #19 on: September 24, 2023, 06:59:54 PM »
I know then there is the issue per the shift "Can I only shift me out?"

The absurd and the impossible - its not impossible. It can be done. I can shift my own awareness. I already have shifted others. I know I did (I wasnt the only one shifting). BUT next year - it wiil be bigger. This I determine is more 4 D and many are teeter tottering in it - the spirit folk - I am as well. I walk between them and try not to peer to hard at the 3 D. Cause it can "pull" the awareness. If one falls into any doubt or despair. Can get stuck.

5 D is seeable (is that a word) but not there yet. That "door" is not totally open. Its cracked but not ready to open. Or better yet. Its like a door with a big keyhole beaming light behind it. Who has the key? The double of course. But that has to be strengthened more and more solid. For it to open the cant beat it down. Its almost like the Eagles Gift but not exactly. That comes before I think....then the key.

The light through the keyhole shows tho. But not all will find it. Like Jesus wisely said:


The Narrow and Wide Gates

13 “Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. 14 But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.

Thats nervewracking and a warning. What is the gate, and what is the road, and why so few?

It should be obvious - but it is  the 5D. Thats why we do the path with heart. You dont follow the majority. Many going down the road - that one.

I know don juan said all paths lead in the bush...but the cubic centimeter of a chance. Notice he gave it a size? There is intent. "Cubic centimeter."

"All of us, whether or not we are warriors, have a cubic centimeter of chance that pops out in front of our eyes from time to time.The difference between an average man and a warrior is that the warrioris aware of this, and one of his tasks is to be alert, deliberately waiting,so that when his cubic centimeter pops out he has the necessary speed,the prowess, to pick it up."

—Carlos Castaneda

“Power always makes a cubic centimeter of chance available to a warrior. The warrior's art is to be perennially fluid in order to pluck it.” ― Don Juan Matus

Now I was fascinated by this tonight. "Why" did don juan call it this?

I know this is not the size or at least said but:

From the Bronshtein cube of "limits" to the "degrees of freedom" of relativistic quantum gravity

"It is argued that the quadruple gravitational constant 4G can be seen as a fundamental limit of nature. The limit holds across all gravitational systems and distinguishes bound from unbound systems. Including the maximum force c^4/4G allows extending the Bronshtein cube of physical theories to a cube of limits. Every theory of physics refining Galilean physics - universal gravitation, special relativity, general relativity, quantum theory and quantum field theory - is defined by one fundamental limit. As a result, also relativistic quantum gravity is defined by a limit: the minimum length in nature. The minimum length is used to deduce the Planck-scale structure of space. Numerous options are eliminated. Then, the minimum length is used to deduce the main properties of the common constituents that make up space and particles."

All in a cube. Don Juan used intent with everything ;)

Summary: What the Bronshtein limit cube shows and what it doesn't

1. The Bronshtein limit cube shows that physics is simple. Each theory, each part of physics, is defined by a limit value.

2. The Bronshtein limit cube shows that relativistic quantum gravity, the unified description of motion, is defined by the minimum length
                l ≥ (4Gℏ/c3)1/2 = 3 · 10-35m,
twice the Planck length. Equivalently, any other limit that contains c, ℏ and 4G can be used. All measurable consequences follow from this and the other limits of nature.

3. The Bronshtein limit cube shows that the unified description of motion, relativistic quantum gravity, is near. In particular, relativistic quantum gravity is already known in all its experimental and theoretical consequences: relativity, gravity and quantum physics. The lack of additional effects is predicted.

4. By eliminating many alternatives, the Bronshtein limit cube with its minimum length provides strong hints about the origin of the elementary particles and their properties, as well as the origin of the interactions and their properties. The hints are explored here.

5. Because of the smallest length, there is no unifying equation of nature. This is told in detail here. It must be mentioned that the result disagrees with an important authority on the topic, linked here, for copyright reasons. Calvin's statement that there is one simple unifying equation is known to be wrong, implicitly, for over 50 years, due to the minimum length. In reality, as the Bronshtein cube shows, all phenomena can be summarized in three simple unifying inequalities:
                v ≤ c,   F ≤ c4/4G,   W ≥ ℏ,
together with the principle of minimum action. Or four inequalities, if one includes the limit on entropy S ≥ k ln 2. Unification is based on these inequalities.

"A warrior doesn't seek anything for his solace, nor can he possibly leave anything to chance. A warrior actually affects the outcome of events by the force of his awareness and his unbending intent." - don Juan

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Re: The nature of the double?
« Reply #20 on: September 24, 2023, 07:04:00 PM »
"A warrior doesn't seek anything for his solace, nor can he possibly leave anything to chance. A warrior actually affects the outcome of events by the force of his awareness and his unbending intent." - don Juan

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Re: The nature of the double?
« Reply #21 on: September 27, 2023, 03:36:17 AM »
She can do anything.

Saw her in the break room on this. I get it now.
"A warrior doesn't seek anything for his solace, nor can he possibly leave anything to chance. A warrior actually affects the outcome of events by the force of his awareness and his unbending intent." - don Juan

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Re: The nature of the double?
« Reply #22 on: September 27, 2023, 05:19:20 AM »
Playing in the store right now.
"A warrior doesn't seek anything for his solace, nor can he possibly leave anything to chance. A warrior actually affects the outcome of events by the force of his awareness and his unbending intent." - don Juan


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