Borrowing from the Sufis in this Taoist thread, because Juhani's post got me to thinking of it.
The Fair was in full swing, and Nasrudin's senior disciple asked whether he and his fellow-students might be allowed to visit it. "Certainly," said Nasrudin; "for this is an ideal opportunity to continue practical teaching."
The Mulla headed straight for the shooting-gallery, one of the great attractions: for large prizes were offered for even one bull's-eye.
At the appearance of the Mulla and his flock the townsfolk gathered around. When Nasrudin himself took up the bow and three arrows, tension mounted. Here, surely, it would be demonstrated that Nasrudin sometimes overreached himself...
"Study me attentively." The Mulla flexed the bow, tilted his cap to the back of his head like a soldier, took careful aim and fired. The arrow went very wide of the mark.
There was a roar of derision from the crowd, and Nasrudin's pupils stirred uneasily, muttering to one another. The Mulla turned and faced them all. "Silence! This was a demonstration of how the soldier shoots. He is often wide of the mark. That is why he loses wars. At the moment when I fired I was identified with a soldier. I said to myself, 'I am a soldier, firing at the enemy.'"
He picked up the second arrow, slipped it into the bow and tweaked the string. The arrow fell short, halfway towards the target. There was dead silence.
"Now," said Nasrudin to the company, "you have seen the shot of a man who was too eager to shoot, yet who, having failed at his first shot, was too nervous to concentrate. The arrow fell short."
Even the stallholder was fascinated by these explantions. The Mulla turned nonchalantly towards the target, aimed and let his arrow fly. It hit the very centre of the bull's-eye.
Very deliberately he surveyed the prizes, picked the one which he liked best, and started to walk away. A clamour broke out.
"Silence!" said Nasrudin. "Let one of you ask me what you all seem to want to know."
For a moment nobody spoke. Then a yokel shuffled forward. "We want to know which of you fired the third shot."
"That? Oh, that was me."
Winning = acquisition of____?the contrived prize (gold and such)? meat for the table? bragging rights? pride? the subordination of others? ____ ? What is winning?
Nasruddin gives demonstrations of energetic stances...
To get to the place where one could but nonchalantly, as if it is second nature, get the bullseye would take much practice indeed, to hone those skills. Is it possible that the real "acquisition" is to become one with the target? And having done so, one then moves on. It is no longer a desire -- rather, it becomes part of the self, to be disposed of along with all else of one's personal history.