If This is a Man by Primo Levi
Really a must read - once you start you will be swept along in horror, fascination and awe.
The historical situation that forms the basis of this book is something to ponder. However that is for our purposes, a side issue. It is the clarity, lessons and journey so excellently described herein, that need to be applied to our own life situation. In essence, we too are faced with the same struggle of the Drowned and the Saved. The descriptions of different stalking methods adopted by survivors is priceless. The realization that struggle is our best allegiance, in a scenario that in terms of our goal, parallels that of this book, is dj's legacy. Primo had the faces of the archetypes coloured in by specific circumstance; but make no mistake, the essence of the forces remains exactly the same. It does help to unmask the archetypes, and see truthfully their ultimate designs upon us in neutral colour, but alas, be it war, drugs, sickness or sapping comfort - we always remain influenced by the unique topography of our personal road.