Viscum : Mistletoe
Compiled and Edited by Ivor Hughes.
1. Monograph of the U.S.D. 1926 21st Ed.
2. Martindales 24th.
3. Boerickes Homoeopathic Materia Medica.
4. Grieves Modern Herbal.
Monograph of the U.S.D. 1926 21st Ed.
Viscum. Viscum album L. Mistletoe. European Mistletoe. Gui de Ohene, muon, Fr. Mistel G. Fam. Loranthaceae
A yellowish-green, glabrous, evergreen, parasitic shrub with much branched and jointed stems, opposite or 8-whorled obovate Lanceolate leaves and 1-seeded, viscid, white berries growing on various trees, particularly the apple and other rosaceous fruit trees, and forming a pendent bush from two to five feet in diameter. The plant is famous in the history of Druidical superstition. In the religious rites of the Druids, the mistletoe of the oak was employed, and hence was afterwards preferred when the plant came to be used as a remedy; but it is in fact identical in all respects with those which grow Upon other trees. (P. J., 1897, 289.) The fresh bark and leaves have a peculiar, disagreeable odor, and a nauseous, sweetish, slightly acrid and bitterish taste.
Visoin, which forms the glutinous constituent in the berries, leaves, and stalks of the mistletoe, is the principal constituent of bird-lime. Crude viscin may be obtained by kneading the finely bruised mistletoe bark with water, as long as anything is dissolved, and removing the ligneous impurities mechanically. A purer product may be obtained by boiling the crude product in strong alcohol, macerating the residue with ether, evaporating the ethereal extracts, purifying these extracts by kneading first with alcohol and then with water. The formula C20H4808 (C20H32+8H20) has been given to it by Reinsch. Pawlevsky (Bull. Soc. Chim. (2), 34, 348) obtained from mistletoe a crystallizable acid, slightly soluble in water, insoluble in alcohol and ether, fusing at from 101 to 103 C. to which he gave the formula CH3O3OH.
The berries, which are white, and about the size of a pea, abound in the peculiar viscid principle, and are sometimes used in the preparation of birdlime, of which this principle is the basis. Mistletoe is said to be productive of vomiting and purging when largely taken.
The berries caused in a child three years old vomiting and prostration, coma, a fixed and somewhat contracted pupil, and convulsive movements. (Ann.Ther. 1859, 36.) A fatal case is recorded. (M.T. G., 1867, 26.) The plant was formerly looked upon as a powerful nervine, but it is now out of use. The leaves and wood were given in the dose of a drachm (3.9 Gm.) in substance.
Viscum has been recommended by Gaultier (B. M., 1907) for the reduction of high blood pressure in arterio-sclerosis and other conditions of excessive arterial tension. But Dossin (A. I. P.'T. 1911, xxi, p. 432 ) finds that the lowering of blood pressure is of but short duration and is preceded by a rise and concludes, therefore, that the drug is not clinically useful for this purpose.
Gaultier employed a watery extract in doses of 3 grains (0.2 Gm.) daily. According to P. Riehl (D. M. W. xxvi, 1900), viscin affords an excellent basis for the making of applications to the skin, a benzene viscin solution mixed with starch affording an excellent plaster mass.
The American Mistletoe is the Phoradendron flavescens (Pursh.) Nutt. (Viscum f!avescens Pursh. ) It is a yellowish-green, woody parasite with jointed, branched stems, thick, obovate, persistent leaves and one seeded berries. It grows upon the branches of deciduous trees from New Jersey to Florida and westward.
Henry Dye (Memphis Med. Recorder, iv, 344) reported cases of poisoning from what was probably the berries of this plant. In the western part of the United States Arceuthobium Amerlcanum Nutt., and Phoradendron juniperinum Englm., are also known under the name of mistletoe. crawford (J. A. 1/. A., 1911, lvii) has found that the extract of P.flavescens or the P. juniperinum, when injected into the blood stream, produces a sharp rise in the blood pressure similar to that produced by epinephrine.
He also succeeded in isolating an active base, the composition of which, however, he did not satisfactorily determine, but suggests that it may be phenylethylamine. The P. flavescens has been more closely studied by Hanzlik and French, who find that it is a powerful stimulant to involuntary muscle, causing a rise in blood pressure and an increase in the contractions of intestine and uterus, and believe that the drug may be found clinically useful as a circulatory and uterine stimulant.
It was recommended many years ago by Dr. W. H. Long as an oxytocic of great value in post-partum hemorrhage and menorrhagia. His statements have received some confirmation by other clinicians. It has also been clinically recommended as a cardiac stimulant.
Dalassus proposes a formula for an aqueous extract of mistletoe. Five hundred parts of the ground, dry, young twigs and leaves are infused for 12 hours in 3000 parts of boiling water, expressed and the residue treated with 1500 parts of boiling water. The united liquids are then evaporated to the consistence of an extract. Syrup of mistletoe is made by dissolving 1 part by weight of the above extract in 10 parts by weight of boiling water and adding 990 parts of simple syrup.
------------------------------------------------------------------------Martindale's 24th Br.
Mistletoe (B.P.C. 1934). Viscum; Visci Caulis; Gui; Tallo de muerdago.
The dried, evergreen, dioecious semi-parasite, Viscum album (Loran-thaceas), which grows on the branches of deciduous trees, chiefly apple, poplar, and plum. It occurs as a mixture of broken stems and leaves and occasional fruits.
Foreign Pharmacopoeias: In Fr., which specifies the leaves only, and Span.
Uses. It has a vasodilator action and is used for lowering blood pressure. Its action is usually delayed and a maximum effect is reached 3 to 4 days after the commencement of treatment. It has also been used in hysteria and chorea. It is administered as a soft extract in pills, or as a liquid extract, infusion or tincture (1 in
Dose: 5 to 10 minims.
Detensyl (Medico-Biological Laboratories). Tablets each containing dried mistletoe (aqueous extract 1:4-35) 100 mg., desiccated calf liver (1:6) 50 mg., desiccated calf pancreas (1:5) 25 mg., and desiccated calf lung (1:7) 25 mg. For lowering arterial blood pressure. Dose: 3 to 4 tablets daily, x/2 hour before meals.
Guipsine (Leprince, Paris: Bengue). An extract of mistletoe, available as pills, and as a solution for intramuscular injection in 1-ml. ampoules. For relief of hypertension. Hepvisc (Anglo-French Drug Co.). Tablets each containing mistletoe extract 50 mg., and mannityl hexanitrate 8 mg. For relief of hypertension. Dose: 2 tablets 3 or 4 times daily.
Hypotensyl (Anglo-French Drug Co.). Tablets each containing mistletoe extract 75 mg., liver extract 100 mg., and pancreatic extract 50 mg. For symptomatic relief of benign hypertension.
Iscador (Society far Cancer Research, Arlesheim, Switzerland: The British Weleda Co.). Preparations of mistletoe, stated to be of use in cancer.
Boerickes Homoeopathic Materia Medica.
VISCUM ALBUM (Mistletoe)
Lowered blood pressure. Dilated blood vessels but does not act on the centers in the medulla. Pulse is slow due to central irritation of the vagus.
The symptoms point especially to rheumatic and gouty complaints; neuralgia, especially sciatica. Epilepsy, chorea, and metrorrhagia. Rheumatic deafness. Asthma. Spinal pains, due to uterine causes. Rheumatism with tearing pains. Hypertensive albuminuria. Valvular disease, with disturbances in sexual sphere. Symptoms like epileptic aura and petit mal.
Head. - Feeling as if whole vault of skull were lifted up. Blue rings around eyes. Double vision. Buzzing and stopped-up feeling in ear. Deafness from cold. Facial muscles in constant agitation. Persistent vertigo.
Respiratory. - Dyspnoea; feeling of suffocation when lying on left side. Spasmodic cough. Asthma, it connected with gout or rheumatism. Stertorous breathing.
Female. - Haemorrhage, with pain; blood partly clots and bright red. Climacteric complaints. [Loch.; Sulph.] Pain from sacrum into pelvis, with tearing, shooting pains from above downwards. Retained placenta. [Secale.] Chronic endometritis. Metrorrhagia. Ovaralgia, especially left.
Heart. - Hypertrophy with valvular insufficiency; pulse small and weak; unable to rest in a reclining position. Palpitation during coitus. Low tension. Failing compensation, dyspnoea worse lying on left side. Weight and oppression of heart; as if a hand were squeezing it; tickling sensation about heart.
Extremities. - Pains alternate in the knee and ankle with shoulder and elbow. Sciatica. Tearing, shooting pains in both thighs and upper extremities. A glow rises from the feet to the head; seems to be on fire. Periodic pains from sacrum into pelvis, worse in bed, with pains into thighs and upper extremities. General tremor, as if all muscles were in state of fibrillary contraction. Dropsy of extremities. Sensation of a spider crawling over back of hand and foot. Itching all over. Compressing pain in feet.
Sleep. - Hard and un refreshing; dreams of flying. Sleeplessness in neurasthenics.
Relationship. - Compare: Gnaph.; Cimicif.; Staph.; Mezer.; Piscidia—White dogwood—(a nerve sedative. Insomnia due to worry, nervous excitement, spasmodic coughs; pains of irregular menstruation; regulates the flow. Neuralgic and spasmodic affections. Use tincture in rather material doses.)
Dose. - First to sixth potency.
------------------------------------------------------------------------A Modern Herbal. Mrs. M. Grieve F.R.H.S.
MISTLETOE. Viscum album (LINN.) N.O. Loranthaceae
Synonyms. Birdlime Mistletoe. Herbe de la Croix. Mystyldene. Lignum Crucis Parts Used. Leaves and young twigs, berries
The well-known Mistletoe is an evergreen parasitic plant, growing on the branches of trees, where it forms pendent bushes, 2 to 5 feet in diameter. It will grow and has been found on almost any deciduous tree, preferring those with soft bark, and being, perhaps, commonest on old Apple trees, though it is frequently found on the Ash, Hawthorn, Lime and other trees. On the Oak, it grows very seldom. It has been found on the Cedar of Lebanon and on the Larch, but very rarely on the Pear tree.
When one of the familiar sticky berries of the Mistletoe comes into contact with the bark of a tree, generally through the agency of birds, after a few days it sends forth a thread-like root, flattened at the extremity like the proboscis of a fly. This finally pierces the bark and roots itself firmly in the growing wood, from which it has the power of selecting and appropriating to its own use, such juices as are fitted for its sustenance: the wood of Mistletoe has been found to contain twice as much potash, and five times as much phosphoric acid as the wood of the foster tree. Mistletoe is a true parasite, for at no period does it derive nourishment from the soil, or from decayed bark, like some of the fungi do - all its nourishment is obtained from its host. The root becomes woody and thick.
Description. The stem is yellowish and smooth, freely forked, separating when dead into bone-like joints. The leaves are tongue-shaped, broader towards the end, 1 to 3 inches long, very thick and leathery, of a dull yellow-green colour, arranged in pairs, with very short footstalks. The flowers, small and inconspicuous, are arranged in threes, in close short spikes or clusters in the forks of the branches, and are of two varieties, the male and female occurring on different plants. Neither male nor female flowers have a corolla, the parts of the fructification springing from the yellowish calyx. They open in May. The fruit is a globular, smooth, white berry, ripening in December.
Mistletoe is found throughout Europe, and in this country is particularly common in Herefordshire and Worcestershire. In Scotland it is almost unknown. The genus Viscum has thirty or more species. In South Africa there are several, one with very minute leaves, a feature common to many herbs growing in that excessively dry climate; one in Australia is densely woolly, from a similar cause. Several members of the family are not parasitic at all> being shrubs and trees, showing that the parasitic habit is an acquired one, and now, of course, hereditary.
Mistletoe is always produced by seed and cannot be cultivated in the earth like other plants, hence the ancients considered it to be an excrescence of the tree. By rubbing the berries on the smooth bark of the underside of the branches of trees till they adhere, or inserting them in clefts made for the purpose, it is possible to grow Mistletoe quite successfully, if desired.
The thrush is the great disseminator of the Mistletoe, devouring the berries eagerly, from which the Missel Thrush is said by some to. derive its name. The stems and foliage have been given to sheep in winter, when fodder was scarce, and they are said to eat it with relish.
In Brittany, where the Mistletoe grows so abundantly, the plant is called Herbe de la Croix, because, according to an old legend, the Cross was made from its wood, on account of which it was degraded to be a parasite. The English name is said to be derived from the Anglo-Saxon Misteltan, tan signifying twig, and mistel from mist, which in old Dutch meant birdlime; thus, according to Professor Skeat, Mistletoe means 'birdlime twig,' a reference to the fact that the berries have been used for making birdlime. Dr. Prior, however, derives the word from tan, a twig, and mistl, meaning different, from its being unlike the tree it grows on. In the fourteenth century it was termed 'Mystyldene' and also Lignum crucis, an allusion to the legend just mentioned. The Latin name of the genus, Viscum, signifying sticky, was assigned to it from the glutinous juice of its berries.
History. Mistletoe was held in great reverence by the Druids. They went forth clad in white robes to search for the sacred plant, and when it was discovered, one of the Druids ascended the tree and gathered it with great ceremony, separating it from the Oak with a golden knife. The Mistletoe was always cut at a particular age of the moon, at the beginning of the year, and it was only sought for when the Druids declared they had visions directing them to seek it. When a great length of time elapsed without this happening, or if the Mistletoe chanced to fall to the ground, it was considered as an omen that some misfortune would befall the nation.
The Druids held that the Mistletoe protected its possessor from all evil, and that the oaks on which it was seen growing were to be respected because of the wonderful cures which the priests were able to effect with it. They sent round their attendant youth with branches of the Mistletoe to announce the entrance of the new year. It is probable that the custom of including it in the decoration of our homes at Christmas, giving it a special place of honour, is a survival of this old custom.
The curious basket of garland with which 'Jack-in-the-Green' is even now occasionally invested on May-day is said to be a relic of a similar garb assumed by the Druids for the ceremony of the Mistletoe. When they had found it they danced round the oak to the tune of' Hey derry down, down, down derry!' which literally signified, 'In a circle move we round the oak.' Some oakwoods in Herefordshire are still called 'the derry'; and the following line from Ovid refers to the Druids' songs beneath the oak: 'Ad viscum Druidce cantare solebant.'
Shakespeare calls it 'the baleful Mistletoe,' an allusion to the Scandinavian legend that Balder, the god of Peace, was slain with an arrow made of Mistletoe. He was restored to life at the request of the other gods and goddesses, and Mistletoe was afterwards given into the keeping of the goddess of Love, and it was ordained that everyone who passed under it should receive a kiss, to show that the branch had become an emblem of love, and not of hate.
Parts Used Medicinally. The leaves and young twigs, collected just before the berries form, and dried in the same manner as described for Holly.
Constituents. Mistletoe contains mucilage, sugar, a fixed oil, resin, an odorous principle, some tannin and various salts. The active part of the plant is the resin, Viscin, which by fermentation becomes a yellowish, sticky, resinous mass, which can be used with success as a birdlime.
The preparations ordinarily used are a fluid extract and the powdered leaves. A homoeopathic tincture is prepared with spirit from equal quantities of the leaves and ripe berries, but is difficult of manufacture, owing to the viscidity of the sap.
Medicinal Action and Uses. Nervine, anti-spasmodic, tonic and narcotic. Has a great reputation for curing the 'falling sickness' -epilepsy — and other convulsive nervous disorders. It has also been employed in checking internal haemorrhage.
The physiological effect of the plant is to lessen and temporarily benumb such nervous action as is reflected to distant organs of the body from some central organ which is the actual seat of trouble. In this way the spasms of epilepsy and of other convulsive distempers are allayed. Large doses of the plant, or of its berries, would, on the contrary, aggravate these convulsive disorders. Young children have been attacked with convulsions after eating freely of the berries.
In a French work on domestic remedies, 1682, Mistletoe (gui de chene) was considered of great curative power in epilepsy. Sir John Colbatch published in 1720 a pamphlet on The Treatment of Epilepsy by Mistletoe, regarding it as a specific for this disease. He procured the parasite from the Lime trees at Hampton Court, and recommended the powdered leaves, as much as would lie on a sixpence, to be given in Black Cherry water every morning. He was followed in this treatment by others who have testified to its efficacy as a tonic in nervous disorders, considering it the specific herb for St. Virus's Dance. It has been employed in convulsions, delirium, hysteria, neuralgia, nervous debility, urinary disorders, heart disease, and many other complaints arising from a weakened and disordered state of the nervous system.
Ray also greatly extolled Mistletoe as a specific in epilepsy, and useful in apoplexy and giddiness. The older writers recommended it for sterility.
The tincture has been recommended as a heart tonic in typhoid fever in place of Foxglove. It lessens reflex irritability and strengthens the heart's beat, whilst raising the frequency of a slow pulse.
Besides the dried leaves being given powdered, or as an infusion, or made into a tincture with spirits of wine, a decoction may be made by boiling 2 oz. of the bruised green plant with £ pint of water, giving i table-spoonful for a dose several times a day. Ten to 60 grains of the powder may be taken as a dose, and homoeopathists give 5 to 10 drops of the tincture, with i or 2 tablespoonsful of cold water. Mistletoe is also given, combined with Valerian Root and Vervain, for all kinds of nervous complaints, cayenne pods being added in cases of debility of the digestive organs.
Fluid extract: dose, ¼ to 1 drachm.
Country people use the berries to cure severe stitches in the side. The birdlime of the berries is also employed by them as an application to ulcers and sores. It is stated that in Sweden, persons afflicted with epilepsy carry about with them a knife having a handle of Oak Mistletoe to ward off attacks.http://www.herbdatanz.com/mistletoe_picture_monograph.htm