Hi Michael ... Have you said more on this somewhere?
Yes there is a lot about purpose, in various approaches, in my book.
But interestingly enough, this specific angle is not covered overtly there, because it is a bit more an advanced idea.
The first step is to realise our lack of purpose in life - much of my book is to activate that realisation.
The second step is to explore what is a personal purpose, and that is also covered in the book, in various ways.
The third step is to explore what our purpose is - not what we want, but what is required of us.
It is easier to see this in humanity as a whole. Humanity has been preoccupied with purposes of survival and material power or money. That is the nub of most incentive promotions - you can make money and do what you want etc.
The idea that humanity is on earth for a reason - that it has a role to play in a much bigger picture - has largely been totally ignored (an interesting discussion in itself). I have heard that the only religion to address this was the Zoroastrian, but of course it was always present in the old tribal societies.
So long as humanity is only focused on it's personal or species limited desires, it will always be in trouble. Only when it sees it has to fulfil a purpose beyond itself, will it begin to align itself with correct evolution. This is what Steiner called the Lucifernian deception.
And so with each of us individually. Only when we acknowledge we have to fit within a purpose that is beyond our personal wishes, will be begin to grow straight. This is a non-ego purpose. Ask not what the world can do for us, but what we can do for it - why we came here in the first place.
This is the difference between a young soul who seeks only fun, and an older soul who realises it has to get a job, to knuckle down and support a family.