I was just up at Nudgee last week. Certainly didn't look like that.
Here are the links -
http://www.flickr.com/search/groups/?q=sunrise&m=pool&w=59171336%40N00&page=9(This link will look different eventually as other photos get added or move up/down in the pool.)
Notes on the photo:
"Taken in Nudgee Beach, Brisbane, QLD, AU (map)
Taken on Jan 30, 2010"
http://www.flickr.com/photos/luminous_photography/4315031774/The same photographer takes another as well:

He adds he used "ISO 100, f/11, 18mm, 0.5sec | 0.9 Lee ND grad | Lightroom and Photoshop Processing" (on both photos). I don't know what the latter 2 things are, but it seems possible he used some sort of effect.
One takes his word that he named the location accurately, but I couldn't say.