Author Topic: Ghosts, Entities, Allies  (Read 742 times)


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Ghosts, Entities, Allies
« on: November 25, 2006, 06:01:12 AM »
Ghosts, Entities, Allies - Frequency

Filed under: Beginning Your Journey — December 28, 2004 @ 10:37 pm
What we attract has to due with our frequency. We raise our frequency by working our path, processing our issues - growth. Recapitulation is an example of a growth technique.

We can also temporarily raise our frequency through energy processes and meditative techniques but, without working and processing our stuff we will inevitably fall back down to the platform of where we are at in our growth. The key is to raise your platform to a higher level. This takes growth.

If we have an unwanted guest from another world or dimension it usually means one thing - we have more work to do. We need to work on our growth to raise our frequency. Most allies, ghosts or other entities that bleed over to this dimension or pretty messed up creatures. They have very little intelligence and are starving for another entity to suck on. They do not vibrate at a very high level. It is very difficult for an entity of a lower vibration to cling to a higher vibrating entity. As has been said in previous posts, instead of worrying about fliers and ghosts, get to work and raise your level of growth. The higher you vibrate the less appetizing you are to any energy suckers or awareness eaters.

I spent more than 10 years of my life letting an entity, you could call it an ally if you want, occupy me. At the time I thought it was a very cool thing as this entity would fill me with very pleasurable energy sensations. By just laying my hands on another person I could fill them with these same sensations. You can imagine how my ego loved this, especially with women. I thought I was ’spiritually evolved’ because I had the ability to send strong pleasurable energy through others. I could pick up a pebble, fill it with energy, then give it to another person to put in their pocket. They would then be filled with strong pleasurable energy for hours. This was just one of the little ‘gifts’ that this entity gave me.

I didn’t realize that there was a big payoff with these abilities that were being given to me. The payoff was that this entity was eating the fine energy I needed for the growth and evolution of self. I spent 10 years thinking I was ’spiritually evolved’ but had, in reality, stagnated.

When I finally did come to this realization I had one of the biggest internal battles I have ever had. I was fighting an entity that I couldn’t see, hear or touch. I spent many months screaming at it to get out of my head.

During this time I was working very intensely on my personal issues. I was processing life patterns and was down to my core issues. It was a very painful period in my life. Your core issues will hold your frequency down like an anchor. Many try, through energetic techniques, to raise their frequency while avoiding and denying their issues. But the higher you raise your frequency the louder your issues will scream at you to be processed. Otherwise you will put yourself head first into fantasy, probably the worse place to be for a warrior.

Through working my stuff I processed through my core issues and my frequency rose. As it rose the entity was less and less able to keep a grip on me. Now, all of this seems like old history. I have no fear of such an entity. But at the time I was trying to get rid of it, it was very frightening.

The other benefit of raising your frequency is, of course, you are able to connect with higher beings of higher frequency. You are also able to make a strong connection with higher aspects of your self such as your Dreamer. At this point you no longer need books, a nagual, or others for guidance. The guidance comes to you riding on the waves of intent from the Nagual as it flows through your Dreamer to you. It is really only at this point that true evolution of self begins. This is the real beginning of the path. All of the other is preparation to begin the path. Most people never make it this far.

{posted 1999/8/13}

Love and Light,



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Re: Ghosts, Entities, Allies
« Reply #1 on: November 25, 2006, 05:51:53 PM »
Hmm. I find it difficult to believe that he had an entity possess him for ten years. At least with the description he gives. I think too, this can teach fear to others, to get enchanted into such things. Ten years would be an awfully long time. He speaks about pleasurable energy, but also admits to having been going through some troubling core wound issues. If anything, what could've been holding him down, causing him to be stagnant, would be the healing of others with temporary 'good feeling' energy which could produce, not really a healing energy, but a dependency from they to him. This is easy a trap for other people. And then, the drain would certainly come. First he's going forth, healing or putting in the healing energy into stones for others to have, but then this sort of energy runs out, in some way. Keep doing that, and there's always going to be plenty to want more and more. Then the ego rush of being 'needed,' or perceived as a healer, when really an enabler who has charmed others via their dependencies. I think sure, entities can latch, but the core issue, IMO, was Kris himself, giving, others taking. The ego had created something it wanted to be, but it wasn't pure enough, for the right purposes, hence why he was stuck.

We cant be blaming everything on entities or ghosts or thoughtforms. They exist, but usually the biggest problem children are us.


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Re: Ghosts, Entities, Allies
« Reply #2 on: November 25, 2006, 06:26:24 PM »
Most allies, ghosts or other entities that bleed over to this dimension or pretty messed up creatures. They have very little intelligence and are starving for another entity to suck on. They do not vibrate at a very high level. It is very difficult for an entity of a lower vibration to cling to a higher vibrating entity.

This I disagree with. Not all 'ghosts'/spirits/entities are lower level bottom feeders. I think one of the biggest mistakes folks can make is that when it comes to encounters with other beings, we're all above them in some form of sentience, this isn't always the case. This also leaves out the multiuniverse view of parallel realities. An individual may not necessarily be in contact with a ghost, but be crossing time in another reality which it's not a ghost, but appears to be a ghost in some form. This is where some individuals who specialize in discernment of such things are very important. If Kris couldn't figure out for ten years he was being sucked by a negative bottom feeder(which doubt was the case - but speculating for opinion's sake), I will have to take this that he has terrible discernment skills, and shun his advice that all ghosts, spirits, are bottom feeders as well. This is fear factor nonsense and simply not the case.
« Last Edit: November 25, 2006, 06:27:57 PM by niamhspark »

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Re: Ghosts, Entities, Allies
« Reply #3 on: November 25, 2006, 06:27:41 PM »
Very well put, N.   Like I always like to say, what is in your life is what you call into it.



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Re: Ghosts, Entities, Allies
« Reply #4 on: November 25, 2006, 06:30:36 PM »
Thanks Tommy, and very true! We have to take responsibility for ourselves, not blame some entity for our woes. They can be pesky, but not the main reason for our woes, and so forth.

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Re: Ghosts, Entities, Allies
« Reply #5 on: November 25, 2006, 06:43:35 PM »
We cant be blaming everything on entities or ghosts or thoughtforms. They exist, but usually the biggest problem children are us.

I agree no use blaming anyone but oneself, but as Michael said, and I am learning,
Nothing can be done that is not done by the auspice of the spirits. Of course no use blaming the spiritus this would move nothing. Thus we move our energy as Kris said, but in moving that energy there is something subtle going on within the spirit. Who controls who? Who moves what, really? Is the spirit moving us, and calling us or are we calling the spirits, or both? People speak of their purpose and being called to it, but by what? Are our actions our own, our thoughts do we, and can we own them?
If we wish to excel at our path then we must commune with the spirit we can not blame them but we can't ignore what is there. Is Kris blaming these entities or stating the facts as he undestands them?
"As long as we confuse the myriad forms of the divine lila with reality, without perceiving the unity of Brahman underlying all these forms, we are under the spell of maya..."
 -Fritjof Capra, The Tao of Physics: An Exploration of the Parallels between Modern Physics and Eastern Mysticism

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Re: Ghosts, Entities, Allies
« Reply #6 on: November 25, 2006, 06:48:29 PM »
This I disagree with. Not all 'ghosts'/spirits/entities are lower level bottom feeders.

Most allies, ghosts or other entities that bleed over to this dimension or pretty messed up creatures.

I'm not sure which part you are dis-agreeing with, seems like you have agreed with him.
"As long as we confuse the myriad forms of the divine lila with reality, without perceiving the unity of Brahman underlying all these forms, we are under the spell of maya..."
 -Fritjof Capra, The Tao of Physics: An Exploration of the Parallels between Modern Physics and Eastern Mysticism


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Re: Ghosts, Entities, Allies
« Reply #7 on: November 25, 2006, 06:53:00 PM »

I'm not sure which part you are dis-agreeing with, seems like you have agreed with him.

True, he didn't say all. But did say most, and how can I take his word for it, that most entities or ghosts are 'messed up,' from an individual who couldn't discern well enough, to allow a feeder (per his testimony) leech off him for ten years?

Most is still very discriminatory. How would he be able to know this, if he lacks discernment skills as it is? And does this say "most" entities and ghosts reside at the lower astral? I don't believe this is the case. Also must consider spirits, ghosts, entities, are more vast than the different insects on the planet. To make such a judgement, is irresponsible to me.


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Re: Ghosts, Entities, Allies
« Reply #8 on: November 25, 2006, 06:56:12 PM »
Is Kris blaming these entities or stating the facts as he undestands them?

He gave an example of how deceptive can  excessive focus on energy and things that 'one likes' be. He also told that the only way forward, really the only way, is to work with one's issues - recapitulate life so thoroughly, so extensively that personal history ceases. Then no entities can attach to one's energy and suck it.

I did my recapitulation after I decided that I want to get rid of it all - all my precious memories - so that nothing could hold me back. What happened - memories survived, but without attached emotions.

As to other things and beings - Kris works with a group of non-material entities called Counsel of Light who for whatever reasons are concerned about current course the Earth and mankind are on.


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Re: Ghosts, Entities, Allies
« Reply #9 on: November 25, 2006, 07:01:54 PM »
I agree no use blaming anyone but oneself, but as Michael said, and I am learning,
Nothing can be done that is not done by the auspice of the spirits. Of course no use blaming the spiritus this would move nothing. Thus we move our energy as Kris said, but in moving that energy there is something subtle going on within the spirit. Who controls who? Who moves what, really? Is the spirit moving us, and calling us or are we calling the spirits, or both? People speak of their purpose and being called to it, but by what? Are our actions our own, our thoughts do we, and can we own them?
If we wish to excel at our path then we must commune with the spirit we can not blame them but we can't ignore what is there. Is Kris blaming these entities or stating the facts as he undestands them?

There is Spirit, and then there is spirits. Imagine this, if you will, to explain. You're a spirit in another dimension, reside whereever. You look at human beings. We suck resources, liquid gold, pollute the environment, build up plenty of trash, eat animals, are wasteful by in large. Who are we to cast judgement that 'most' spirits/entities/ghosts are leeches? Humans are some of the biggest leeches, when it boils down to it. We use energy like mad. Burn energy. More than most entities/ghosts/spirits need to function in their own place of existence.

Do we own our thoughts and actions? LOL I can question that myself at times. But I do know that I don't have any entity possession about me. I'm not saying such possessions cannot happen; however, the majority of these so-called entities are the thoughtform creations of individuals. Through the way put together, sounds more that Kris was doing his healing of others, it was giving him the 'good feelings,' from it, even admitted the 'women' he got an ego-boost from such interactions (men can have a weakness for this in the healing field vicariously), but this was to avoid, and provided avoidance, of other healing issues which needed to take place for himself. I would've found him much more credible on this, if he'd admitted this was simply of himself, and not passed off on some entity possession. The bell ringer for me is he makes such a judgement on the entities "most" fine says not all, yet lacked discernment for a decade there was an entity involved in offering healing abilities and gifts, or pleasure energy? I can't buy into this so easily. My antenna is up.


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Re: Ghosts, Entities, Allies
« Reply #10 on: November 25, 2006, 07:03:47 PM »
He gave an example of how deceptive can  excessive focus on energy and things that 'one likes' be. He also told that the only way forward, really the only way, is to work with one's issues - recapitulate life so thoroughly, so extensively that personal history ceases. Then no entities can attach to one's energy and suck it.

I did my recapitulation after I decided that I want to get rid of it all - all my precious memories - so that nothing could hold me back. What happened - memories survived, but without attached emotions.

As to other things and beings - Kris works with a group of non-material entities called Counsel of Light who for whatever reasons are concerned about current course the Earth and mankind are on.

Why are the Council of Light different from the 'most' Kris describes as being negative beings then?


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Re: Ghosts, Entities, Allies
« Reply #11 on: November 25, 2006, 07:08:46 PM »
Why are the Council of Light different from the 'most' Kris describes as being negative beings then?

You should read about inorganic beings that Castaneda called 'flyers'.

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Re: Ghosts, Entities, Allies
« Reply #12 on: November 25, 2006, 07:11:42 PM »
Also must consider spirits, ghosts, entities, are more vast than the different insects on the planet. To make such a judgement, is irresponsible to me.

Fair enough, still are you arguing the theory that he presented as his explanation for why these things occur, or his solution to the problem or something else?
I get the feeling there is something else on your mind in relation to this issue. Am I being presumptuous?
"As long as we confuse the myriad forms of the divine lila with reality, without perceiving the unity of Brahman underlying all these forms, we are under the spell of maya..."
 -Fritjof Capra, The Tao of Physics: An Exploration of the Parallels between Modern Physics and Eastern Mysticism


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Re: Ghosts, Entities, Allies
« Reply #13 on: November 25, 2006, 07:13:38 PM »
You should read about inorganic beings that Castaneda called 'flyers'.

I have. I don't see the relevance with the Council of Light and Kris. How are they possibly not 'posers' and bottom feeders themselves? Some do pose as "angels of light."

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Re: Ghosts, Entities, Allies
« Reply #14 on: November 25, 2006, 07:19:24 PM »
Why are the Council of Light different from the 'most' Kris describes as being negative beings then?

There are theories about hierarchies of beings. Of course all has to be supported by our personal experience, there is never any use buying into something. This is why I don't go for the faith thing, it limits us to what we believe or not, instead I can go out on a lim, and try something new. Experiment with an idea and see where it takes me. So to me whether the man is right or wrong about the little details is irrelevant and best left for the philosophy room, that is to me anyway. We all have our own views and are entiteled to um.

What I'm saying is wrong or right, who cares?
"As long as we confuse the myriad forms of the divine lila with reality, without perceiving the unity of Brahman underlying all these forms, we are under the spell of maya..."
 -Fritjof Capra, The Tao of Physics: An Exploration of the Parallels between Modern Physics and Eastern Mysticism


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