The nourishing light
- Light Technology
When reading in various sources about breatharianism, different sources for breatharian nourishment are mentioned; sunlight, prana, air. But I believe the nourishment to be LIGHT.
This light exists everywhere. It surrounds you, is within you, and it is what everything, including you, consists of. Therefore it is also what nourishes you.
Light Technology (something I came up with) is the science behind breatharianism. It is an understanding of it. And consciousness of light tech makes breatharianism easily accessed, being in my opinion a good or at least possible approach.
1 Everything comes from the rainbow
Light contains all colors, more colors than the ones our human eyes perceive. Soundwaves act as a prism, separating colors from the light into a rainbow so to speak.
... If we look at the smallest things there are - chemical substances/atoms/parts of atoms - we find that these physical particles have their auric aspect. A color. Each substance has its own color, according to its density. The color emanates a vibration, and this vibration is a sound, even if it can't be heard by our hearing.
Everything has an aura. The aura is the color aspect of things. Chemical substances have a color aspect, too. They are as much a color, as they are a physical substance. There are more chemical substances than the ones humans perceive.
As various colors/chemicals combine, they form molecules. These, in turn, form greater things, in the end, even our own body. We tend to look at the larger objects, instead of noticing the tiny particles that make it and the colors aspects they have.
If we look inside the smallest units there are, deep within the atoms, what do we find? Light. White light. If we look beyond the greatest galaxies and universes, what do we find? Light. The very same light. Light is within everything. It is the beginning, and it is the end.
2 Our body according to light tech/cosmology
We see ourselves as a physical body. But this is only one aspect of it all. (Read more about the universal.) Also, we rarely give it thought that we consist of organs, which consist of tissue, which consist of cells, which consist of even smaller parts and that it all has a color aspect.
Our DNA is what determines the way our body becomes. But DNA is not merely there to let us grow from an embryo into an adult. It will allow us to be what we are even thereafter.
The DNA instructs how the tiny parts that we consist of, will place themselves, manifesting us onto a physical form. The DNA itself in its deepest form is a combination of sounds. Normally, for those who eat, we need to rely on getting the material for building/manifesting our body, from the food we eat. That is a difficult job, especially since few even take consideration in providing the body with what it needs - food serves often a different purpose for eaters. Diseases, discomforts, ageing, and in the end death, follow when our body is incapable to be what it is meant to be. (Breatharianism provides with the solution to this.)
3 Light nourishment
Now what about the breatharian, who doesn't get the building material from solid foods or liquids? How does the DNA manifest itself onto the physical? What keeps breatharians alive?
Light constantly flows within everything. As consciousness is acquired and the body prepared (I will add specific information about this later on as I get the time) the light will no longer have blockages (will write about those too) to go through in order to reach the human body. Also, very importantly, the DNA of the breatharian will be activated in an increased advanced way. Consciousness is what activates the DNA. Now, as any part of the body needs to be manifested, the 'empty space' where new material is needed, will be a space on the DNA pattern which creates a magnetic pull. As the light flows through, the needed colors stick to this empty space. The colors combine and become an instant manifestation of the required cell or other part of the body.
Consciousness is what keeps us alive. Not food.
Why does the DNA manifest itself? The DNA is the sound aspect of us. The body is the physical aspect. The aura/color is the color aspect. They are all the same, but from different perspectives. It is like ice being cold, hard and transparent all at the same time, having different aspects but being only one thing. When we are conscious of ourselves, it is an instant manifestation of us. This is light technology, the use of consciousness and light, as well as the science that explains it.
Why do I claim these things?( Why I came to these conclusions.) This is what I see. No one has to believe it. I am glad if people are critical and sceptic... those two qualities in me is what made me find these very things. I have never taken things for granted, and I have always wanted to explain myself.
Some sources of information about breatharianism says that 'light' is the nourishment which the breatharian lives of. This is the one I believe in, the source of nourishment which I have elaborated on in my search for understanding and explaining breatharianism, as well as with the information on this page. Light, the light which is within everything, containing all colors, contains all forms of existance and can thus manifest even nutrition and the human body independently.
Prana is very often mentioned as the source of breatharian nourishment. My experience says that prana is a yellow-white etheric substance, closely related to the pure light described above. Prana is like a thicker energy. Whilst all creation comes from light, prana is the source of biological life. Prana would be a specialisation which also has its origin from light. A breatharian can, I believe, live of light, prana or both.
Daylight and warmth
Daylight, nor warmth, are perhaps never mentioned as sources for nourishment, and I want to keep it that way. Daylight is energy from the sun, of a wavelength which we can actually see with our human eyes, whereas we can't see other wavelengths of energies. Warmth is the same as infrared energy, also originating from our sun. It's one of the wavelengths of energy which we can feel, we feel it as warmth from the sunlight. But I find that both of these two wavelengths are NOT nourishing for humans.
Why not? Each wavelength has an equivalent of a physical substance on the physical aspect of the world, out of which we humans don't perceive all. Daylight and infrared/warmth do not equal a physical substance which our body consists of.
But how about sunlight in general? It is very often mentioned as a source for breatharian nourishment. I would agree. It is well known that vitamin D is created independently in our body when we are exposed to sunlight. My intuition tells me that other types of nutrients are also created from sunlight, just that people haven't discovered these yet, and probably won't as they are of a density that people have difficulty in finding by means of traditional research equipment.
But what makes sunlight nutritious? Sunlight is a strong source of energy with a great variety of wavelengths. Many of these wavelengths equal physical substances that, according to our DNA, will make our physical body.
But will sunlight alone manifest our entire body? I will look into this, but still rely on 'light' for nourishment.
See my page on Skin Color for more of my theories on the nourishing effect of sunlight.
After all, it is called breatharianism, isn't it? Breath and air does have a great role in it. Air contains nitrogen and other chemical substances which in fact can combine with other substances that are being provided to us from sources other than foods. And these substances can combine, into a variety of new substances, and place themselves according to our DNA, manifesting our physical body.
What about the saying that it is impossible for a breatharian to live in a polluted city? I have done my best to overlook all limitations to breatharianism, wanting to see beyond these to find a way no matter what. But pollution is, I admit, a problem. During days when I am a breatharian and neither eat or drink, and walk near traffic, I will feel sick, more sick than if I were on a day that I eat. Why? It is either because an eater is unaware of the pollution, or that the pollution would be more damaging to a breatharian. I will study this by looking at my reactions by traffic during one of my breatharian periods.
Comparing above mentioned nutrition sources
I would say that light is the only one that requires consciousness, as it depends on the DNA being activated by consciousness and putting light into use. Prana, too, requires consciousness but to a limited extent - merely to activate chakras and energy flow but not necessarily DNA as well. Light and prana could be called 'energies', as they are completely undetected by the average eating person. Sunlight, too, is a form of energy, but perhaps one that would be accepted to exist by the average person. Light contains precisely all wavelengths, whereas prana contains the ones directly needed by biological beings. Sunlight has limitations, but does provide with various useful wavelenghts, for example the well known vitamin D manifesting one. Air, more dense than any of the other sources (light, prana, sunlight), contains its limited range of - not wavelengths - but physical substances.
I would suggest that an aspiring breatharian gets accustomed to each of these sources for nourishment. But not air alone. Not sunlight alone. Perhaps prana alone. Perhaps light alone. But preferably a combination of each. Light and/or prana should be the largest percentage of the 'breatharian meal', whereas sunlight should be relied on not as greatly, and air least of these.