The Sun Gazing Process
HRM has developed a method for sun gazing, based on years of study, and trial and error. He states it can be accomplished by anyone, in any part of the world, at any time of the year. Sun gazing is a one-time practice that takes 9 months to complete. It is generally broken into three phases:
1. First 3 months
2. 3-6 months
3. 6-9 months
After the 9 months, there is a life-long regimen of “bare foot walking” on earth soil for 45 minutes a day, and the more you stick to this regimen, the more your body will be “recharged.” More about this later.
First Three Months
Manek instructs sun gazers to begin their sun gazing journey by spending a maximum of 10 seconds on the first day looking directly into the sun during the safe hours, which are defined as within one hour after sunrise or within one hour of sunset. While sun gazing, it is important if possible to stand on warm, bare earth. This helps to ground you and enhances the sun gazing benefits.
On the second day, look for 20 seconds. Add 10 additional seconds every day thereafter. So, after 10 days, you will be looking at the sun for 100 seconds (e.g., one minute and 40 seconds).
In this first phase, it is common for people to begin experiencing a more positive mindset, less negativity, more confidence, more compassion, and less fear.
Three to Six Months
At the end of three months, your gazing time will be about 15 minutes. This is the period during which many people begin to find their physical diseases subsiding.
HRM also states that 70-80 percent of the energy synthesized from food is used by your brain to “fuel tensions and worries”, and after three months, these tensions go away, leaving this newly freed energy available for more productive use. You might also find your need for food decreasing.
When you reach 30 minutes duration, he states you will be “slowly liberated from physical disease” since, by then, your organs are all receiving their needed Prana[iv], or life energy, directly from the sun.
Your body needs energy, not necessarily food. Food is actually our “secondary energy source,” according to HRM. The human body does not convert sunlight into energy in the same way plants do, with chlorophyll, but through a different photosynthesis process, like a photovoltaic cell.
HRM states:
“You are your own master at the end of 6 months.”
Six to Nine Months
After 6 months, you will start to utilize the original form of “micro food,” which comes from the sun. This has the additional benefit of having no toxic waste attached to it.
At around 7.5 months, or 35 minutes per day of sun gazing, you can expect your hunger to start decreasing appreciably. Hunger results from the energy requirements of your body, which is a must for your existence. Conventionally, you are getting the sun energy indirectly by eating foods that are a by-product of sun energy. Now, you are getting the energy directly.
Between 8 and 9 months (44 minutes), HRM says you can expect your hunger to be pretty much gone. If it isn’t, he says it is because you don’t have enough belief in the process, and it will take you a little longer, but it is still achievable.
More importantly, at this stage, your energy levels are very high and you will have a very deep sense of well-being.
After Nine Months
After nine months, you should discontinue solar gazing for the sake of eye care--your eyes have reached the limits of what they can safely take. However, your body will eventually become “discharged,” kind of like a battery, and must be recharged.
Recharging is accomplished by walking bare-foot, on bare earth, preferably in the sun, since the bare earth contains a great deal of sun energy.
This works, HRM explains, because the act of walking stimulates your pineal gland. As is described in reflexology[v] your foot is a microcosm of your entire body, and your big toe is connected with your pineal gland. The other toes are connected to the other major glands of your body. More information about the pineal gland will be presented in a following section.
The recommended walking schedule is, walk for 6 consecutive days once you have completed your nine months of sun gazing, for 45 minutes per day. Just walk at a relaxed pace--no need to walk briskly or jog.
Then, walk regularly (he doesn’t give a minimum or maximum) for a year, always for 45 minutes. After a year of “recharging,” if you are satisfied with how you feel, you can discontinue bare foot walking. But if you want to strengthen your immune system, memory, intelligence, etc., then continue the walking.
He also mentions that many other mental and spiritual benefits are possible during this time, such as new psychic abilities, a built-in “navigational” system, and higher levels of brain activity. He states:
“Almost all problems get solved.”
For more detailed instructions, please refer to his website.
The Pineal Gland
The pineal gland[vi] [vii](also called the pineal body, epiphysis cerebri, or epiphysis) is a small endocrine gland in your brain, about the size of a pea. It produces melatonin, a hormone that influences your wake/sleep patterns and photoperiodic (seasonal) functions. It is shaped like a tiny pine cone (hence its name), and is located near the center of your brain, tucked into a groove between the two hemispheres.
pineal glandThe pineal gland was the last gland to have its function discovered. Its long status as the “mystery gland” caused it to be shrouded in myth, superstition and the object of numerous metaphysical theories about its function.
The pineal gland is associated with the sixth chakra, also called Ajna or the “third eye” in yoga, and is considered to be the seat of “inner wisdom.” It is believed by many to be a dormant organ that, when activated, awakens psychic abilities. Some consider it to be where consciousness resides in your body. Rene Descartes devoted a great deal of his life to its study and called the gland “the seat of the soul[viii].”
Interestingly, the gland is activated by light. Light reaches it by passing into your eyes, then along a pathway from your retina to your hypothalamus called the retinohypothalamic tract, then along nerve pathways to your pineal gland.
Light impulses inhibit the production of melatonin, and at night when it is dark, pineal inhibition ceases, and melatonin is released. Therefore, the pineal gland is an important timekeeper for your body. Melatonin is also produced during visualization and relaxation.
How is the pineal gland associated with sun gazing?
According to Dr. Sudhir Shah:
The hypothalamus is the commander of autonomic nervous system, and the pineal gland is in proximity to the autonomic nervous system, so it is logical that new energy transportation may either activate this system or it may use this system as vehicle.
HRM believes that the light energy you take in while sun gazing activates your dormant pineal gland, which then turns your “brainuter” on. It is this activation that causes you to experience the magical conversion of sun energy into nutrition, healing of disease, heightened energy, increased psychic abilities and, ultimately, enlightenment.
Looking at Sun Gazing With a Skeptical Eye
Is sun gazing really safe?
Sun gazing is highly controversial due to the considerable evidence which states that looking directly at the sun can be damaging to your eyes. Solar retinopathy[ix]
- is a form of damage to the retina from solar radiation, usually seen in those who look directly at the sun during a solar eclipse. Although vision loss due to the sun is generally reversible, permanent damage and loss of vision have been reported.
But how much of a danger is sun gazing, if practiced within the established safety guidelines?
Most eye care professionals will advise you against looking directly at the sun, during solar eclipses and otherwise. However, there seems to be a multitude of sun gazers out there who are carefully following “safe” sun gazing guidelines, without any real horror stories about visual damage or blindness.
So, who is right?
Since so many people appear to be successfully engaged in this practice and are reporting benefits, perhaps there is some validity to sun gazing, provided it is done with an appropriate measure of caution in order to minimize the risk to your eyes.
Astronomer Andrew T. Young[xi] wrote an article about the history of solar retinal injuries, exploring fact versus folktale. He states there is ample evidence in the literature that the normal human eye is able to look briefly at the sun without harm. He uses the statistical distribution of solar injuries as evidence for the safety of sun gazing:
…The near-total eclipses at which eye injury occasionally occurs are visible only a few minutes per century at any given location on Earth; the unobscured Sun is available for viewing every clear day. If we suppose the Sun is up (on the average) for 12 hours a day, that's about 440,000 hours or over 26 million minutes per century that the Sun is up outside of eclipse, compared to a few minutes of dangerous time near totality.
So you'd expect eye injuries from unprotected Sun-viewing to be roughly a million times more common than injuries during eclipses.
However, what we find is that the vast majority of solar retinal injuries occur as a result of viewing a solar eclipse without adequate protection because the pupil is opened up, allowing very high levels of UV to penetrate in a short time.
There are impressively few reports of any such injuries from non-eclipse sun gazing. And even eclipse-viewing injuries are relatively uncommon.
Dr. Young’s conclusion…
The potential for serious eye damage from sun gazing at sunrise or sunset is small; about the only way you could seriously damage yourself would be to stare at the full sun at high noon while your pupils were dilated by some kind of drug. (Quite a variety of nasal decongestants and other common drugs, as well as exposure to some pesticides, have been reported to dilate the pupils.)
Vinny Pinto of the Raw Paleolithic Diet website[xii], who has done a tremendous amount of research in the area of sun gazing and is a sun gazer himself, writes:
There is definitely some potential danger to staring at the sun for any significant length of time anytime after a couple of hours after sunrise or a couple of hours before sunset, and particularly at high noon and during early afternoon, but even then the harm would likely be minor or temporary. There is also some significant danger from staring at an eclipse for even a short length of time, since the pupil may be tricked by the apparent low light intensity into allowing too great an influx of solar radiation at harmful wavelengths into the eye.
It is also worth mentioning that the urban legends about several students going blind in the 1960s while tripping out on LSD[xiii] [xiv] and staring at the sun were nothing but a hoax designed to scare kids into avoiding drugs.
Have the Claims of Hira Ratan Manek Been Substantiated?
Currently, there exists no solid scientific proof that sun gazing actually works in the manner that the “sun gazing gurus” claim, nor is there solid proof to the contrary. The sun gazing community is enthusiastically awaiting rigorous and definitive scientific studies on sun gazing to resolve the matter.
But until those come forth, the best you can do is to review the data yourself, and follow your gut.
Dr. Sudhir Shah[xv], a neurologist who led the 21-physician team that evaluated and monitored HRM during his 411-day water-and-solar-energy fast, publicized his conclusions and theories about how HRM can subsist on sunlight. He posited that HRM sustains himself based on four key factors/processes:
1. Reducing calorie requirement by chronic adaptation
2. Deriving basic energy from sun energy
3. Utilizing the energy in an efficient way, and recycling it in his body
4. Possessing a genetically or phenotypically different body disposition
He goes into great detail about each factor in his theoretical summary, which you can read in his online report.
Dr. Shah concludes that the sun gazing phenomenon is genuine, stating, “It’s just fantastic, and absolutely amazing, but this is not a myth.”
A glowing article[xvi] in support of HRM was written by Dr. Maurie D. Pressman, a Holistic-Spiritual Psychoanalyst and Director of the Pressman Center for Mind/Body Wellness in Philadelphia. Dr. Pressman states he spent a good deal of “personal time” with HRM and believes he is one of the “realized beings among us.”
He describes how struck he was with how HRM’s body looked--very slender, graceful, and firm--not emaciated at all. He was also impressed with his quiet, self-assured manner.