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Author Topic: Approaching apocalypse? :)  (Read 7832 times)

Moth Steps

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Re: Apocalypse - a shadow overhead?
« Reply #15 on: June 20, 2007, 04:15:10 PM »
Good intent there Dan, but you also have to evaluate what the Man- Earth equation holds today.

Hiya Jahn,

Could you explain what that means?

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Re: Apocalypse - a shadow overhead?
« Reply #16 on: June 20, 2007, 11:30:38 PM »
Yes, many say this. I know a friend of mine since a small child is very sold to this idea. he returned from India a totally changed persona and has opten a path of totally purifying himself, verging on obsession.
I myself am not so sure about everything running out by this 2012 date. I say this simply because I have never witnessed it in a vision personally, I have never personally experienced anything that has spoken to me about such an occurance. All i do have is what people project themselves about it and much of that is from simply reading an article.
I have read the Revelations of St. John also and know of these end of the world descriptions. It reads to me as a kind of awakening in heaven, and total completion and connectivity, yet at the same time a loss of certain layers of the collective dream into a sort of death.
In truth though, this seems the way it goes anyway, as in that is no different from other times, is it? That which can't sustain itself in the dream of the world for whatever reason seems to fade, as if that layer had been stripped away from a dying plant.

Our only option I feel is to sustain our connectivity. As it has always been. Our attention should come back to that I feel, rather than travel into concepts of 'the end of the world'.

I also feel that if people take up the banner and parade the streets with messages of 'the end of the world' then they are actually shaping in intent. If we hold no banner and are not part of that intent shapping then we may be less likely to bring it to us.

Is it like shadow, a shadow upon the earth that has always been there?

I don't intend to fall into its shadow.

Our attention is moved, and by witnessing, we can be a little familiar with where we are at. It is like, how shall I move my awareness today, how shall I weave it into the outer - and also - how will I allow my awareness to be steered slightly and in what currents of awareness will I witness my attention shifting within.

either way.  2012 isn't soon enough.  i wish this world would end sooner.  perhaps then the wake up call that is needed could happen.  that is, if it is not too late......

Moth Steps

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Re: Apocalypse - a shadow overhead?
« Reply #17 on: June 21, 2007, 03:08:52 AM »
either way.  2012 isn't soon enough.  i wish this world would end sooner.  perhaps then the wake up call that is needed could happen.  that is, if it is not too late......

The wake up call has been sounded for at least 2000 years, he he.

My attention is more on sustaining my own grounding in the void. If we are a nagual ourselves, we must have enough grounding in our own guru principle to be able to face the unknown and hold everything together as all peels away. It doesn't matter if we laugh or scream in terror, but as long as its all held together. If we are not a nagual ourselves we can for sure benefit from collective consciousness, and there are groups, circles of power. This forum here is such a circle, held by Michael.

Moth Steps

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Re: Approaching apocalypse? :)
« Reply #18 on: June 21, 2007, 03:12:27 AM »
Both right and wrong. The Sixth Sun ends at 2012.
They, the Mayans in the 15th century, where living under the Fifth Sun if I remember it right.

The different editions of the Sun is related to vibrations. The Sixth Sun has a higher vibration than the Fifth and so on. Add to this the arrival of Sedna - the Red planet that complete the Zodiac. A "female" planet that accompany Pluto.

 These are the eyes of Pluto and Sedna - it means Truth:
   . .
The Snake is complete.

Pluto that we re-found in 1930, the most dramatic, powerful and high vibrating planet we know. Square the forces of Pluto for the next 100 to 140 years and you'll know what mankind are facing. 100 years is based on that Sedna has about 50 to 70 years to the turning point in her eclipse, applying, and then another 50 or 70 years waning from us.

Hi, this is some interesting knowledge. I am not an expert in this area.

Pluto, it is a circle of power yes? It is a nagual. Is it the circle of power of Yama, or is that a human interpretation/ projection onto the planet?

I'm fond of Neptune personally...


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Re: Approaching apocalypse? :)
« Reply #19 on: June 21, 2007, 07:38:23 AM »
Who says that Pluto is a higher vibe than other planets*? Why square the influences of Pluto? It's been around much longer than mankind.

Pluto represent life and Death, the sign of Scorpio, but also transformation in general. The lowest and the highest some times. That Pluto is considered to have the highest vibration of our planets is common ideas among astrologers.

Pluto has been known and unknown to the civilisations. Our western civilisation discovered it in 1930 and that made us open for its influence. World war two is a good example on its dramatic influence but also the start of heavy fertilization of crops together with the advancement in traditional medicine.

The Square force comes with the close coming of Sedna

And Sedna? No, the Sun may have a HUGE influence on us here (in fact humans and life forms as we know them here could not exist without it), but how much influence has a tiny object (Sedna was never considred a planet*) like Sedna that is so far from the Sun that it never gets over -400 degrees (F) there, going to have on us?

Of course it is cold on both Pluto and sedna. That doesnt matter. If we were standing on Sedna right now and were looking to the Sun, the Sun would be not much larger than a pinhead.

Are you telling me that we could not live without the Sun. Are you kidding?  ;D What I know, if the Sun disappeared - just like that - we would have about 8 to 10 minutes and we all would be frozen and dead.


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Re: Apocalypse - a shadow overhead?
« Reply #20 on: June 21, 2007, 07:47:11 AM »

Hiya Jahn,

Could you explain what that means?

My main message was that we shall not yell "the wolf is coming" if it is not coming. But each one must evaluate them selves whether the wolf is coming or not.
« Last Edit: August 14, 2007, 01:09:07 PM by John »

Moth Steps

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Re: Apocalypse - a shadow overhead?
« Reply #21 on: June 21, 2007, 08:03:43 AM »
Is that really necessary? The equation hold many parameters of which the most obvious is discussed until the cows come home, global warming, pollution, endless wars, fires, outfishing, secularisation, obesity etc. There and many other parameters that also must be considered because they support the theory of something big going on with mankind and our part on the planet.

My main message was that we shall not yell "the wolf is coming" if it is not coming. But each one must evaluate them selves whether the wolf is coming or not.

Yes, that makes perfect sense, thanks.


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Re: Approaching apocalypse? :)
« Reply #22 on: June 21, 2007, 09:15:36 AM »
I'm just reminded of a line from a movie here, in speculations such as these:

Captain Barbossa: So don't be talking about your fondness for ghost stories, Miss Turner ... You're in one!
(Quotation not exact...)

If you had asked me in 1999 about the end of the world, I would have p'shawed the notion, seeing it as a cycle in human thought and consciousness, especially related to the advent of millenia.

Surely, the downing of the Twin Towers was a symptom of something, though I believe its proper precursor was the destruction of those ancient Hindu mountain statues earlier. Down the towers went, with far more drama than Nostradamus could have inspired. Something surely to get our attention, one way or the other.

Then, for me personally, the skies in my Mid-Atlantic, US area changed. Hurricanes went on the increase, and the ominousness of them is a bit inescapable. A tree fell on my house! If the twin towers didn't get my attention, surely the tree was a sign for me, personally. Since then, I have been in the sky, literally, flying parallel to a band of deadly tornadoes, watching their utter lack of concern with the ground, fully engrossed in their own conversation.

Is the world rapidly changing? I'd have to say yes. Will there be more destruction before it's all said and done? I think perhaps, yes indeed -- though my conclusion may very well be biased by the experiences of the past 7 years. I hold open the possibility that I only say that because of the tree -- that it's only in my own "woundedness" that I hold this worldview.

I like the idea that what 2012 represents is a major shift in our consciousness -- my body and my gut tell me that we may see more horrors, though, before it's all through.

« Last Edit: June 21, 2007, 09:20:42 AM by katarina »

Moth Steps

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Re: Approaching apocalypse? :)
« Reply #23 on: June 21, 2007, 10:57:47 AM »
That seems fair enough, and a nice open, receptive view of things through your own experience. It is surely 'our truth' that confirms anything that the mental mulls over.

What do you feel that tree was pointing at you for?

I recall your email on it...

I like this:

I like the idea that what 2012 represents is a major shift in our consciousness -- my body and my gut tell me that we may see more horrors, though, before it's all through.

Is it perhaps that by 2012 there ends a time where a mass of people had a chance to choose, yet many didn't, couldn't, didn't know how to, never heard the silence beyond all the noise...


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Re: Approaching apocalypse? :)
« Reply #24 on: June 22, 2007, 02:15:19 AM »
. Down the towers went, with far more drama than Nostradamus could have inspired. Something surely to get our attention, one way or the other.

It was many years sine i read Nostradamus, I saw the film too. He was right about so many things, a strange man, living as a doctor in France and curing people that had the plague among many other things. But according to him, if I remember it right, the next big thing (after 2012) will be China trying to conquer the world. They will invade Europe but getting stopped of the "feeble Northen galleys". (?) Pity that I don't have the book.

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Re: Approaching apocalypse? :)
« Reply #25 on: June 22, 2007, 06:37:46 AM »
I hear


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Re: Approaching apocalypse? :)
« Reply #26 on: June 22, 2007, 08:45:34 AM »
Is it perhaps that by 2012 there ends a time where a mass of people had a chance to choose, yet many didn't, couldn't, didn't know how to, never heard the silence beyond all the noise...

You're onto something, D!