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Author Topic: The Egg of Awareness  (Read 5078 times)

Leo Danuel

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The Egg of Awareness
« on: August 04, 2007, 07:52:15 AM »
Knowledge is the East path. We gather knowledge > we accumulate it and then after this we start another process > we unaccumulate it.

The type of knowledge we are led to collect is the knowledge of descriptions that is found at the world-at-large. The unaccumulation is like a shedding, it is a shedding of all the descriptions we have accumulated since our birth.

A close friend once said to me the following words; "Beyond description... aah, our... essence?"

Description based knowledge belongs to mankind yet there is a knowledge-at-large that can only be witnessed. Our descriptions are myths to a certain degree, even our collectively agreed morals and codes of conduct. One of my own observations is that the universe is too alive to definately conclude... But regardless we must act in the world.

The layers of description that we are invited to read are either embrased by or left by the reader & that is a personal dance with the layers of knowledge that can be found. These layers have been left by our fellow man, and they left them because they were aware of this knowledge. But there is a pivitol point where as a man we groom our knowledge and speaking to our own awareness. there is a vast difference between repeating knowledge layers that have been left by another and voicing a knowledge that is rooted in our own awareness. A seeker or collector of knowledge can be at odds with his accumulated layer or layers, and it is at this point where he has to ask himself why he is wearing this layer and upholding it as a personal belief.

Practical or physical, mental & voice are all fragments of this 1 unfragmented core sphere of energy or awareness. Awareness at its core is unfragmented, yet on our path of knowledge we can fragment it in its energy. It is perhaps only our unshakable habbit of analysis that creates the fragmentation and our random, sporadic way of relating that displaces it all over the place.

goggle-eyed dandelion

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Re: The Egg of Awareness - Humpty Dumpty
« Reply #1 on: August 24, 2007, 11:33:13 AM »
“Don't you think you’d be safer down on the ground?” Alice went on. “That wall is so very narrow!”

“What tremendously easy riddles you ask!” Humpty Dumpty growled out. “Of course I don’t think so! Why, if I ever did fall off—which, there’s no chance of—but if I did—” Here he pursed up his lips, and looked so solemn and grand that Alice could hardly help laughing. “If I did fall,” he went on, “the King has promised me—ah, you may turn pale, if you like! You didn’t think I was going to say that, did you? The King has promised me with his very own mouth to—to—”

“To send all his horses and his men,” Alice interrupted, rather unwisely.

New Breath

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Re: The Egg of Awareness
« Reply #2 on: August 25, 2007, 04:40:41 AM »
A great moment of story telling, hey.

Did you actually sit there and type that out from a book?

Intent surely moves you in mysterious ways Eric...

What unfolds from your egg to show as feathers of the awareness that you personally hold in this moment of your own flight?

goggle-eyed dandelion

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Re: The Egg of Awareness
« Reply #3 on: August 25, 2007, 06:03:00 AM »
What unfolds from your egg to show as feathers of the awareness that you personally hold in this moment of your own flight?

'You seem very clever at explaining words, Sir,' said Alice. 'Would you kindly tell me the meaning of the poem called "Jabberwocky"?'

New Breath

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Re: The Egg of Awareness
« Reply #4 on: August 25, 2007, 06:39:17 PM »

Perhaps it is that I misinterpret the meaning of your feathers.

Should we start again?

goggle-eyed dandelion

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Re: The Egg of Awareness
« Reply #5 on: August 25, 2007, 10:16:38 PM »
Should we start again?

Start again what?

Offline Michael

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Re: The Egg of Awareness
« Reply #6 on: August 25, 2007, 11:13:48 PM »

... well put ...

New Breath

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Re: The Egg of Awareness
« Reply #7 on: August 27, 2007, 12:13:33 PM »
We are talking about 2 different eggs entirely.

I am talking about the embodiment of Karrtikeya, or at least what he represents. That total egg, its shell, the white, the yolk, the 1st born self and the 2nd born self.

I don't really know what egg Erik is refering to so to comment would just be a projection.

goggle-eyed dandelion

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Re: The Egg of Awareness
« Reply #8 on: August 27, 2007, 12:59:49 PM »
Humpty Dumpty, of course.

New Breath

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Re: The Egg of Awareness
« Reply #9 on: August 27, 2007, 04:51:39 PM »
Thanks for clarifying...


New Breath

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The Egg of Brahmadeva
« Reply #10 on: September 16, 2007, 03:44:12 AM »
Hi guys, hows it going today?

Ok, well here goes with the explanation of the egg.

The 3 layers are the shell of the egg, the white of the egg and the yolk of the egg. See this image below...

It is a matter of awareness. The egg is awareness itself. The key into that is attention, not awareness. What our attention is on guides us into connectivity in both communication and action.

When our attention is on the part that I will call shell, we have our attention on the very outside edge of the total egg.

   = Societal conditionings, acquired knowledge and mental concepts.

The attention can move within that, and it does for some humans, for us who seek deeper knowledge it starts to move slightly into the white of the egg. The white of the egg shows us things like the type of energy we have, and also astrological influence through planets and elements have a bearing in this layer.

   = Astrological influence, planetary positioning, both solar and lunar influences through a photographic snap shot of the universe taken at the moment of birth.

The yolk comes from pure direct knowing. There is no need to elaborate on this, it is simply that. It is the area of awareness where explanations run out because it is just pure knowing which manifests as our own fibers of awareness glowing, kindling, and igniting with our own presence.

   = Pure knowing, our own innate being and awareness aligned to our original spirit.

The shell and the white of the egg make up illusion because they are not eternal, yet at the same time they are the unfolding wings of eternity. I say this because when our true essential self birthes from the egg, we experience an unfolding of this awareness inside our bubble of perception. The unfolding and the eternal beingness are one.
Much of the attention of the world, because of what they deem important, keeps their attention trapped to the 1st layer without hardly even recognising the 2nd layer. The chances of reaching the 3rd layer are slim.

New Breath

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Re: The Egg of Awareness
« Reply #11 on: September 16, 2007, 04:06:38 AM »
What comes to mind for me here is a Tao saying that is famous from Bruce Lee's, Enter the Dragon.

  The quote, "It is like a finger pointing away to the moon, don't concerntrate on the finger or you will miss all the heavenly glory" makes perfect sense to me in reference to this. How I use the understanding of that quote here is that we study hard the nature of the finger, which is a system of knowledge bound to the shell or the white at best.
For example when we read the description of the Year of the Dragon, we are looking at a known structure that describes the essense that is termed as *dragon* - The description is pointing, with the eastern zodiac it is the moon like finger that is pointing.

By personal belief is that these specific 12 energy bodies are omnipresent and corresponde to incarnations. I perceive that a lunar and a solar finger points as 2 seperate descriptions of the same things.

Common thought is that Tuarus = Snake, Scorpio = Pig, Gemini = Horse, etc... But in my view it is opposite; and that Snake = Scorpio, Tuarus = Pig, Sagittarius = Horse... Gemini is the Rat.

But that is an arrangement of the descriptions. In large, we mostly interact in rearranging descriptions, daily. We then present these and create a discussion based on our current descriptions. The discussing process keps our attention on the shell of knowledge. To go deeper into the egg we need to stop talking, stop discussing, and stop rearranging our descriptions.

The image below is a painting I once did where I was exploring the possible living connectivity that Scorpio is in fact the same total egg that is Year of the Snake.
The snake is in the lower, right corner moving the cycles of the moon, and the small flame walking in the sun on the upper left is in Scorpio form.

The sun is one wheel, the moon is the other wheel, but what combines the 2?

Well Neptune does, but Venus sits between them. The connection is always Venus, if not then we are not alligned to the Goddess.

What I then look at is time itself. I see how through Roman rule I think, that we in our current agreed societies have this 12 point clock that we live by. Again it is seemingly this 12 spoked wheel that we obey and live within.

New Breath

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Re: The Egg of Awareness
« Reply #12 on: September 16, 2007, 04:31:44 AM »
 I see Libra energy as one and the same as what Chinese Astrology recognise as Dragon. This energy is the balancing point. All is balanced on it, it is balance and when so is known as Vishnu. It is imbalance, and when imbalanced is known as Mahamaya. It is balance in all ways, as in the left and right, as in upper and lower, as in east and west, as in north and south, as in inner and outer.

This energy has a very detached outlook, is layed back, flirtatious, artistic. It is all about harmony, artistic arrangement and orientation. When the sense of harmony is trespassed on it inverts all its qualities. It becomes the most imbalanced, it is the raging dragon. It becomes careless in what it expresses and completely looses its cool, its composure goes out of the window. This is not to say it becomes angry, but more that it looses the composure and poise that are integrated into its care manner.
The placement of objects and people around the Libran bubble is also of paramount importance, it is about striking up connectivities in 1 to 1 relationships. It considers these 1 to 1 energy lines and does not permit any other outer point of reference to disrupt how those 2 points connect.

"I am connecting to you, and in that moment is eternity, therefore I don't care what Bill, Bob, Alf, Jo, Bernard and Phil say about it."

These one to one relationships are therefore focused on and made strong. When this energy type gazes on one of these points he sends awareness down the line and lkes to know what response comes back.

At times, he can become enraged that someone is blocking him/ her and not being either receptive or responding to what he/ she is trying to commune themself. This could also relate to learning about a potential mate. This is where the impatience comes in and where the dragon energy starts to demand things and try to command the entire Universe.

What this energy seeks is a balance and good relationship or connectivity to those in its dream. It deems the other dreamers as *useless* if he/ she finds no openness to connect, which is not so realistic, especially when dealing with more shy, secretive or private energy bodies.

New Breath

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Re: The Egg of Awareness
« Reply #13 on: September 16, 2007, 05:00:55 AM »
Now this is what Karttikeya (Pisces) shows me:

The 1st born will only know the shell - and the 2nd born will be the yolk.

New Breath

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The shell as given through Neptune
« Reply #14 on: September 16, 2007, 05:04:49 AM »
The shell as given through Neptune

Here is my shell for those who are interested. My rising sign is Virgo.

My sun is in Taurus and my moon is in Pisces
My Venus (heart) and Mercury is in Gemini
My Neptune is in Sagittarius
My Uranus is in Libra
My Pluto is in Libra
My Jupiter is in Aries
My Saturn is in Cancer
My Mars is in Pisces

And I was born in the year of the Rabitt.