Psychic and Healer.

Author Topic: Straighten Yourself  (Read 1799 times)

Endless Whisper

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Straighten Yourself
« on: April 01, 2008, 11:49:35 PM »
"Love yourself and be awake-
Today, tomorrow, always.

First establish yourself in the way,
Then teach others,
And so defeat sorrow.

To straighten the crooked
You must first do a harder thing-
Straighten yourself."



God knows it can be fun to be human. Let's all talk about the dukha in the house, folks. A lot of things have been going on, behind scenes, and so forth. I personally don't see anything accomplished, personally, by it all being kept back, behind the curtains around here. One thing, it only adds to more dissent. I even recently, had been accused of dissent. And actually, everyone has. Everyone has a gripe with someone else. Let's all stop, the spin cycle for a moment, just get off that carousel and sit down by the fire, where its warm, comfy. Cause Ive been seeing some folks who would normally be friends, be divided by opinions, or misunderstandings. Shit is gonna happen. However, unfortunately, when others take sides (and I raise my hand I can be guilty - but wont be unless I examine both, im not privy to biases myself), finally, I see some things have got to stop, at a given point and time.

When my kids do things like 'whisper' (funny I got the endless in my name, lol), around me, I will immediately leap on them and say "that is rude, do not whisper." Because if they're whispering around me, theyre saying something they probably shouldn't. So I will leap up on them, and let them know, I dont play that shit. Not in my house. No whispering, keeping things from me. There's been a lot of 'whispering,' and lets be real folks, folks can whisper around the way, but with a lot of seers, energy readers, so forth, little whispers and stabs and jabs here and there, do not go unnoticed.

But one little butterfly effect, leads to turmoil and chaos. Look above at the Buddha quote, I didnt say it, he did, or someone who said he said it. But its right there - before you can go, and straighten something 'else,' best be damned to straighten yourself. You better be a straight as an arrow, perfect muther if you think you have any business, pointing the finger to fix some flaw in another individual. Its more honest and real, to be out in the open and say whats up. But doing this PM shit, back and forth, saying shit about folks, only creates dissent. And now Ill admit and come clean, ive been on PM, saying shit about the PMs from hell. I do that, cause gods forbid, in public saying it, only gets more folks, sending PMs to everyone else. Its so stupid. So if someone has issues, best say it to my face, instead of being a coward.

Additionally, no one has any business picking at folks and making threats "Im watching you" and all this crap. You dont get respect, or earn it, sending pms of intimidation. You only create, exactly what you deserve, and that is people to only look at you like you're an intimidater. And that is not cool. Running off to folks to get your 'side in' so you can dance some illusion of you being 'right' about some 'other person' is not cool. This shit has gone on for quite some time, and Im saying to those who participate, STRAIGHTEN YOURSELF. Some of the folks around here, we're all still getting to know each other. Some of us we've known for years, but still, are just learning, what we're all about.

Ive probably fought with, almost everyone around the forums, with the exception of a few. But after many years, I respect many, and I thoroughly enjoy it, even more, not necessarily when we get the common ground on some bullshit topic, of spirituality, cause who cares about that? But when, regardless to some history, we find some commonality in spirit. That we really like each other, and we do have a common intent in spirit, no matter what. Ive fought with Daphne before, she with me, she laughs at me, and sometimes Id get mad like 'why doesnt daphne get mad, damn her!' But daphne is cool like that - Ive said some mean shit before, I dont know why she tries to get along with some folks I think are pretty lost, but thats her way, and who am I to judge? Lori and I had some shit, a couple years ago? but thats way back. Lori would trip me out with the whole gemini deal, but later im like hey, shes a gemini, and I did learn a lot  from lori on things myself. Like how I could project. It took some twins to see sure, I can project at times and need to chill on that. But because I dropped that early in the game, got to see the cool dreamer she was. Mayflow and I went at it too before, dont remember why now, lol, but then we aligned forces when lori was getting harassed and he was alright with me after that. Dont underestimate Mayflow, he's a gentle buddha but he will defend the honor of a lady, and that is a respectable trait. Then when I went to yaw after kris's ass, luckily we didnt have to go at it - that one coulda got bloody! :D Coulda been fun tho :) Kris, glad meeting you, you're like the male version of me, but im still cooler.

My point being on all this, is that - sneaky pm, running off, saying this and that on pm, whining, is not warrior folks. Its not spiritual, its selfish, self-important. Some folks do it, put others on the defense, then another defends, others whine they defended, the cycle spins on and on. Pull out the drama circle. There's a lotta good work, which can be done, which is pretty obvious. Id much rather have a good dream thread, and work applying. Im enjoying everyones dreaming work - that work is very valuable and im learning from my own as well as others. And if anything, it shows that, drama isnt the number one entertainment around here. There are more entertaining things to write about and do. Not saying, some brew ha ha wont break out again, im sure it will, and you might see me drag out the sword and wack someone, but so far, im enjoying keeping it sheathed, for now. It makes a nice wall ornament and decoration :)

So, lets all just, straighten ourselves, first. When you're straight, perfect, buddha-fied, then you can PM me and tell me about myself and how fu_cked up I am. Til then, I dont think anyone has much of a right. Siddhartha shows up, Pms me, ill say "okay, ill consider that Buddha, cool!"

We've talked ad infinitum about not taking things personally, et al. People need to stop fearing that cause a disagreement breaks out, its gonna 'ruin' something. Its not. What ruins things, is only adding to the disorder, by picking on folks and telling them how messed up they are, and running off and telling others, how messed up they are. You do that, this makes you messed up. In truth, we're all a little messed up. But ill think others are less messed up when they're honest, upfront, real, and do not fear, taking it, as well as dishing it out. Dont expect me to accept your dish, your meal, if you cannot accept my dish, my meal, served back at you. "Here's my plate, see that?" You dish it, better be able to take it. Period.

Straighten yourself.

Now thats my speech and preach. I personally think, a good thing, for anyone who has issues with another, myself included, if anyones sent me some shit pm, or said shit about me in past - im giving you a clean slate. Its never too late to start over. But ill respect folks more when they can come naked and say things upfront, verses whispering shit in the dark about myself, or others around the way.

When you bring things forth, they have nowhere to hide. Thats my intent. I wanna see a purgedown of this dissent, not a surfacing of slander. So get it out on this thread, if there are any issues, let it blow, and then, lets heal and move on, my sisters and brothers. Then lets bring on the dharma and let it be....

Endless Whisper

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Re: Straighten Yourself
« Reply #1 on: April 02, 2008, 12:12:57 AM »
Om shanti shanti shanti....

As a good friend used to say....