All things are of impermanence and change by their very nature of beingness. Change is the spice and the variety and the beauty and the ever-oscillating and ever-wondressness, and newness of life at any and each and every moment. Otherwise, we would bore ourselves to death.
And yet! Each sentient creature has a "core-central" so to speak.
Eha!! "Corecentral!" I revolve around you and you revolve around me, but neither of us loses our core-central, so we each retain our freedom of will, and in this way we each give meaning to ourselves and to one-another!
Now, to take this further, I do have the power to assign any meanings I wish to assign to you and that will vary according to my wishes of the moment at the time, and you have do have the ability to move your Ap* around (if you want to use that vernacular), and I will change my perceptions and meaning assignments around accordingly.
Everything, everyone
is always in the dance.
It's a sort of ever-lasting
multicultural, never ending romance!
*Ap, is short for "Assemblage point" which means the ability to change attitudes and perceptions, and create quantum internal paradigm shifts at will.