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Author Topic: Love for adepts?  (Read 15359 times)

Offline runningstream

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Re: Love for adepts?
« Reply #15 on: May 06, 2013, 07:18:27 AM »
Really need to write something , anything here
two streams run together
Adept non adept/ try at love
the struggle is with non struggle
untill we realise there is no boss
When a river is just a river
When the depth of an ocean is shared
when fluidity is shared
When the reflection cast is shared
When individual natures work
When time has one standing down stream waiting
And another hand reaches out mid strem to run together
when the hand wishes with everything it has that they may swim
When chemistry is also pertinent
When the weary never lose faith
when foreknowledge and sign join two along their stride
With everything you have
to be enough
When wishing that it will be a long ride finally wih another


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Re: Love for adepts?
« Reply #16 on: May 07, 2013, 03:42:55 AM »

nice, running stream.

love is really a key, tool, ...all...

The most important for all, to all and ... all ...sometimes at least,

in this place of the universe where we are... and from ... if we are to depart.~...

Don Juan said: "We are a feeling trapped here." Pushing or maybe showing , his chest.  :)

He also said there 're no survivors... Times are critical I think and we cannot have a total control most of the times.


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Re: Love for adepts?
« Reply #17 on: May 07, 2013, 04:26:21 AM »
Relaxing and allowing things go their way is crucial and what I 'm practicing more, recently.

In the end we don't know, but we can be relaxed and clear as spirits... *shrug left shoulder* ...^

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Re: Love for adepts?
« Reply #18 on: May 09, 2013, 06:18:57 AM »

It is nice to find companions
I heard in a movie once
" go , join rivers with him/her"
I think it is ingrained into our selves to find this

Offline Michael

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« Reply #19 on: May 11, 2013, 07:13:11 AM »
I have spoken of the ‘wilderness’ core of the adept. That is all very well, and oddly enough, not the difficult part. That is the Shavite heart of all who seek the path to the boarders of reality. But it has to be moderated, or at least accommodated, with some other realities of everyday life.

When I speak of love being extended, for the adept, beyond that of the familiar human sphere, it is not to say that an adept’s heart is always alien. I shouldn’t need to emphasise that the human sphere is our primary locus of influence - both in and out.

Anyone seeking to operate effectively in the world knows networking is essential. For this exercise, I’ll split networking into two groups: close friendships (meaning those we see often) and wider associations (those we deal with on an irregular, yet consistent basis).

An adept’s love is outward. Meaning she is not seeking love from others, rather, she is seeking to offer love. She has an abundance of love, which she seeks to share as widely as possible. And this has very practical consequences - as I have previously explained, it is a reciprocal process, not engaged in unconsciously.

Close friends are necessary, and here I refer to others who are not ‘on the path’, yet with which we have a karmic connection, meaning we feel affinity with, sufficient to categorise them as ‘close friends’. These are especially the group with which we experience the phenomenon of ‘platform’. To sit down, or share a windscreen, with a true ‘friend of the path’, is only something that young people enjoy. By the time an adept has reached her fifties, she is alone - all those who professed their credentials in youth, have long since been sucked back into their parent’s paradigm. An adept, almost by definition, is ‘one who is alone’. Or rather, she is a survivor of the path.

The wider associations of an adept, or of anyone for that matter, are absolutely critical. These are the people with which we exchange favours and connections, typically built upon our work-related sphere. By which I mean, directly related to work, or more often related to all the things we do through the finance we gain from our work. I can’t emphasise enough how significant this wider sphere of friendships is for our life, let alone our path. But there is an unstated agreement in all these relationships that we never address ‘platform’. Whatever that is to anyone - religion, politics (not sex, which is always present when the gender differs) - it is left to one side, except for the occasional, unavoidable quip. Addressing the platform is precisely the threshold of close friends.

Close friends are hard enough - there is always the issue of responsibility towards friendship, when you feel you have to say something the other person doesn’t want to hear, but which you know they could well respond years later, “Why didn’t you say something if you could see what was happening?”. For an adept, the case is significantly more difficult, because on many of the most important decisions in life there has to be an agreement of fundamentals - a basic platform of values from which decisions are referenced.

The agreement platform is a fundamental condition of direction - the direction we face in life. It is almost impossible to have close friends who share your platform. This creates a continual ‘gap’ between the adept and her close friends. A gap of frustration, of feeling inadequate to mount an argument (that you know should be said), because it is conditional upon a value platform that others do not know of, or accept. Yet it is precisely this very ‘gap’ that holds so much for the adept.

It is in the palpable awareness of distinction over such a critical point, that so much energy for our path can be harnessed. It is as if we are pursuing a line of discussion, until we realise our point can not be driven home because there exists this gap between us and our friend, which in a flash, we see cannot be bridged. At that moment we are left looking down into the abyss. An abyss that lies between the path of the adept and that of the common person. We have to catch ourself at that moment - see the gap, see the friend, and see the dilemma of love.

The path of the adept is not built upon comfortable foundations. It is built upon unanswerable questions, unresolvable feelings, uncertainty and dissonance. Again and again we have to place ourselves in the crosswinds, challenge our beliefs, dismantle our edifice of certitude. Why?

This is the secret of love. Underneath, on the other side, the ‘double’ of love, lies wisdom. To be willing to stand vulnerable between convictions, in no-man’s-land, with the abyss below and only our momentum keeping us stable. This is not only the experience of love for all beings, it is also the experience of enlightenment for adepts. There is a difference, but not in essence - only in knowing why we have come this way.

A threshold on the path, marks the adept’s initiation. It is the moment we realise our choices have had irreversible consequences. For better of worse, there is no turning back - we must lie in the bed we have so romantically made for ourselves. Our invisible guide may point back to our past, with an unspoken question. It’s too late. We mistakenly think of love as wonderful and pleasurable. That is not true.

Love is struggle and courage. Love is a solitary path which only our death watches.


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Re: Platform
« Reply #20 on: May 11, 2013, 01:09:30 PM »

Michael said:

For better of worse,

I like that.  :P

It's true that the real path is staying real to yourself which means walking at the edge of an abyss.

The word adept is new to me, and I wouldn't use it personally to define "One" real to himself. At first I thought it was a term for external, non human help.

Our terms vary, I can't easily use the word double as well for instance which I replace with the word dreamer. (.!)


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Re: Love for adepts?
« Reply #21 on: May 11, 2013, 02:48:47 PM »

I watched this video again, it was on my recommendations,

You must have seen it.

(just needs a little quietness/silence if you see it.(...after)

It's the girl's speech that stopped "the world" for a while.

Nick /Nikos

Offline runningstream

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Re: Love for adepts?n
« Reply #22 on: May 16, 2013, 06:06:01 AM »
Without reading whAt you wrote again , yet finding my tea kettle boiling about it suddenly , i havE realised within simplicity i find myself completely cut of from tradition of structures which others find necessay , social structures in particular , as you pointed out the platform and even the idea of " forum " structure as it would be in somebody hypnotised to have such informatio. Hidden from them in plain sight , hence a sort of disfunction dream life which is quite real and funtional within its parameters and yet somewhat unconventional to the point of appearing complEty disfunctional . I seem to have ommited the tier and platform although present nowe in view , to a great extent , " selfishness" is a balanc between functionality and movement , not of distinguishable parMeters , more as i imagine it somebody has burnt down all the fences " or continues to do so" and following bread crumbs

Offline runningstream

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Re: Love for adepts?
« Reply #23 on: May 16, 2013, 06:25:46 AM »
I once had a dream i was flying with a girl , we
Shot up
Like an arrow into the sky
Literally shot fast up like an arrow
As we flew through the sky
Many people tried to catch us
I was afraid
Of their grabbing
And so zoomed fAster and avoided them
It may be something like this
Yet another time
I began to learn
A man seemed to be explaining minute
Details in microscopic painstaking steps
This was knowledge spoken
I looked at him with skewed glace
And slowed to see what he spoke
He was intriguing
And i saw that he spoke of intricacy
" in intricacy"
So much detail
And i began to see this way
That was a long time ago
so it was walking to see
What was seen
Those scales
walking and talking about walking
A snare was one
Another view necessary
One complimented the other
now i wonder if one leg was longer than the other
what is this double business

Offline Michael

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Re: Love for adepts?
« Reply #24 on: May 19, 2013, 04:17:21 AM »
Michael for the most part, in these last three posts, there is a running theme that I am not in total agreement with. It is not that what you are saying is wrong, it's not as expanded as it can be.

Would you like me to point what I see out to you, with and explanation? 

Still waiting for your offering nemo...

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Re: Love for adepts? Love for Life!
« Reply #25 on: May 22, 2013, 10:53:07 AM »
Sorry about that, my attention was required elsewhere :)

If you remember Brave sir Robin, stepping forward after he deflects being the first, by having the great idea that sir Lancelot go ahead of him. We (the greater we) have had others postulating, a path,a view point, a description of their experience, and then the next generation of those inclined to can add to it. Put things in their own words. The confidence of sir Robin came by making the incorrect assessment, that those three questions are not uniquely specific to whomever approaches, the questioner. Each age, and civilization has those that come forward, to answer metaphysical musings, and seeing energy directly, today, one is not looking at the same energetic presentation from the bridge keeper. This day and age is unique in that most if not all offerings from the past are available to many seekers, and reflect what was, not what is.

When we are forced to forget ourselves, and begin life as babies, we have surrounding us a set of fixed parameters.That new being is by the force of life moved from something pliable and innocent, to something managed and contaminated. It is meant to be that way, it is part of the way things have been set up.

Looking at this, situation is not the same as seeing this event. Much like the characters in a play/movie as we become familiar with the characters, we "get" what is funny about Sir Robin, and goofy about sir Lancelot, faulty about King Arthur, and so on. If all the divisions manifest in the differences that can be labeled love, an adept in my view has learned to be fluid enough to move in and out of experiences, without being hooked by them, and love then is just part of an inventory available to the emotional body.

Looking at Love, is not the same as seeing love, but the difference between love for an adept and that for a non adept, the way you have put it Michael, to me is separating something that is uniform. When we see white light separated into the spectrum of colors, Love to a seer is much the same, there is love, and then there are different types of love. If we remember ourselves, then we know we are primal love, and all the different expressions of love are an enjoyment, a chance to see the spectrum of love experience. An adept, is not separate from the full spectrum, an adept uses will to  navigate the full spectrum, complemented by the knowledge that all forms of Love, from it's source perspective is equal.

Will then being an active ingredient of personal power of an adept to pick choice alignments, available within the spectrum of love. Your partner Michael must be a wonderful being, showing the fluidity and will to emphasize choice alignments. Put another way, I choose with my will to make everything equal, then enjoy what comes my way, without judgment, then I asses what I choose to align with, from the full emotional range available to the energy body.

Love then looked at in this way shows that the adept can carry continually a dual perceptive of love, One that is more akin to a  detached frequency resonance, view that all he or she observes, is love,an experience of self reflection, where judgment is inappropriate, because one is "seeing" and the other as a separate being enjoying the moments as they come and go.

One thing brought forward by DJ, through the works of CC, that intrigues me are the "irreducible truths". I have over the years eliminated items from my ponderings once i reduced them to prime. One such item is love, the irreducible truth for me is that all and everything is love, period 

All that is not based on truth shall crumble and fall, much that crumbles and falls was once truth --- nemo

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Re: Love for adepts? Love for Life!
« Reply #26 on: May 22, 2013, 06:37:55 PM »
the irreducible truth for me is that all and everything is love, period 

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I see this sentence as the principle behind your post above.
I don't have a problem with it, but there is something in this, often repeated, view that I find curious. I see it as a philosophical deceit, in the same sense as 'poetic deceit'. Not deceitful in intent, but in the need to use language to describe the indescribable.

This view, that everything is love, seems to me a product of having been raised in a Christian culture. I am not aware of any other religion (except Bhakti in Hinduism and Islam) which places such central importance on love. And although all cultures like the experience of romantic love, very few have any tradition of its significance outside romantic relationships. The Japanese didn't even have a word for love. Hinduism in general would cringe at such a simplistic concept, pointing instead to a vast array of love-like emotions attributed to certain Gods. Hindu Bhakti, a more recent development in Hinduism, is definitely into full-on 'everything is love'.

The point I am making, is that we choose the linguistic/conceptual tools of our culture to interpret something beyond interpretation. I could equally say everything is fruit, or everything is seed, or everything is energy. The feeling behind these is quite different, but they are all a way to reference back to what we see personally as our crucial value.

Unfortunately, for me, I have a visceral antipathy to Christianity. Having been raised a Catholic, which of all the sects of Christianity I prefer due to its colour and weirdness, I was never comfortable in it. Once I discovered other religions, I realised how arbitrary are so much of our profound beliefs. So a part of me winces every time I perceive a Christian element. It is an echo of what to my feelings was such a constricted and dark memory of boredom. Thus I go to considerable trouble to redefine 'love' away from the Christian stamp.


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Re: Love for adepts?
« Reply #27 on: May 22, 2013, 09:20:36 PM »
In a realm ruled by a predator there can only be but love.  ;D

Interesting -it would be- to discuss 'compassion'

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Re: Love for adepts?
« Reply #28 on: May 22, 2013, 09:58:43 PM »
The Christian theology is probably my least favorite of them all. If you see or feel that what I am saying is a repeated from that doctrine you are mistaken. I almost did not put that last part in because it makes something I see with depth into something mistakingly familiar and is then understood in a preconditioned way, not the way I mean it.

There was so much more to my post than that bit at the end, so I though it would be seen in that context.

The seeing of love being everything comes from seeing all that is in play directly, this for me at least is a fundamental condition of being an adept. The jury may still be out that a being can be an adept but not see energy directly.  If you read my post and got what you did out of it then I must conclude that you are not seeing what I am saying.

You started this thread because you felt that the Egypt thread had some loose ends, and I do not agree with that assessment. You seem to feel the need for external confirmation of what Love is for an adept, where I do not, I know what love is for me and if love to you was close to what it was for me then you would have understood what I said in the context I meant it.

Another way to say this, is that we live in an energetic framework that separates into individual parts something that is whole and complete such as light into the experience of colours, sound into the experience of musical scale, emotion into a variety of experience, knowledge into a variety words, looks into a variety of appeal, and assemblage points into personalities. For me then love is the primal source of everything, because everything is conscious, and everything is radiates divisions of source energy unique and whole, separate, yet complete.

When Genaro hugged the earth, he was expressing his love for the being that is the expression of the emanations that he has aligned with, he acknowledged the elements, his body was made of, conscious and aware.


All that is not based on truth shall crumble and fall, much that crumbles and falls was once truth --- nemo


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Re: Love for adepts?
« Reply #29 on: May 22, 2013, 11:18:34 PM »

I think the west, a sunset for example, separates thye things differently than the east.

For a more colorful purpose.

I would like to not complete my thought right now since it's not so important currently...

by my definition love must involve some action, even if it is like putting a pebble in a spot.

I can't understand love without "an" action involved - let's say- in.

<.Just one pebble.>
« Last Edit: May 23, 2013, 07:27:50 PM by Nikosv »