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Author Topic: Breaking free from the matrix  (Read 6384 times)

Offline CherryArc

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Breaking free from the matrix
« on: July 30, 2013, 03:14:50 PM »
The other night I went to visit my friend for his birthday. I wasnt feeling particularly strange at the time but, I had just recently experienced a lot of sychronicities, read about the tree of life, and accidentally fell into the realm of chaos for about half a day. Thankfully I had a couple of friends on the forum to help pull me out and guide me back to the realm of somewhat normalcy. One thing I will also mention is the part inorganic beings played in this. I am under the impression that I was aware of them, and I did communicate with them. I am also told I had a scout with me.

The synchonicities had to do with my path and confirm that I am indeed on the correct one, although I have been in the realm of chaos before, it is a place of great power, but it is not good to remain and dwell there for long periods of time. I see chaos as an advisor a primordial energy source that demands the utmost impeccability. anyway. I have been reading about the tree of life in Dion Fortunes Mystical Quabalah. Upon reading it, I think I picked up a little energy and at the same time essentially built the tree, which from what I gathered from the book, is a sort of weapon almost. Forged of imagery and intent, will and experience. What I like most about it is that its suited to the western temperament and contains a lot of structure as for arcane recipes and abstract knowledge. I did notice some similarities to Sorcery or the Toltec path though, which is my go to for bouncing information off of. Mostly because it is heavily shrouded as a code to me, Which I think was on purpose.

The realm of chaos was interesting, essentially I loose my internal dialogue and start to get a sense of negative pressure, I had a small theory that I somehow disconnect my mind from my body and I no longer become grounded.

The matrix I can describe as a not so much a fluidity, which I think I have to work on but a type of assessment, well seeing the code as it were. With my friends I had noticed some strange behaviour and conversational speech patterns, akin to a system. Anyway, later that night when we decided to visit the neighbours house for drinks in when it got strange. I was able to almost move outside of the "comfort zone" of where I would normally fit in and have to get back or support from the people I came with, I was able to do without this and therefore I was able to essentially I will describe it as being able to move freely about the landscape both literally and metaphorically. I really had no idea why or how anybody was talking about what they were, all I knew is that I wasnt involved in it. Although I could at will jump in and Participate in the conversation. When everyone was making decisions as a group pack, the pack being the people I showed up with, I was able to maintain focus and not get involved in that either. I was of my own accord, My own decisions and dialect. Now there is some other things which happened which I will not go into detail here but, After my social restrictions were gone I was able to accomplish social feats with a bit of base knowledge I had had from other areas of study, Almost like the scene from limitless. One thing I noticed too which I was hoping someone could shed some light on, is why when ever I break free from the social boundaries I seem to develop a subtle vibration, that of which gets more intense the father out I go.

Offline Endless~Knot

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Re: Breaking free from the matrix
« Reply #1 on: July 30, 2013, 03:27:07 PM »
Studying the Tree of Life and Kabbalah can open doors, but definitely regardless of study, one thing is with friends it can have a tendency to separate. I find I have to separate this part of my life from many people as it is ultra personal and most would think I'm mad if I began rambling about the beliefs that I have. Amazing some folks believe in a man who was crucified and raised from the dead after three days, but may think my beliefs mad. Not saying it cant be done probably was done. But I have to keep much of that separate and I find I have to have a certain odd detachment.
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Offline Skyflower

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Re: Breaking free from the matrix
« Reply #2 on: July 30, 2013, 06:45:43 PM »
Studying the Tree of Life and Kabbalah can open doors, but definitely regardless of study, one thing is with friends it can have a tendency to separate. I find I have to separate this part of my life from many people as it is ultra personal and most would think I'm mad if I began rambling about the beliefs that I have. Amazing some folks believe in a man who was crucified and raised from the dead after three days, but may think my beliefs mad. Not saying it cant be done probably was done. But I have to keep much of that separate and I find I have to have a certain odd detachment.

True though, right?  How far fetched is that story compared to some other faiths, mythologies and traditions? About the same.  It's true, also what you say about keeping your spiritual ideas and beliefs private.  I've been accused of being a witch on a number of occasions, so I choose to only share with a select few.
« Last Edit: July 30, 2013, 11:03:24 PM by Skyflower »

Offline Michael

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Re: Breaking free from the matrix
« Reply #3 on: July 30, 2013, 07:04:35 PM »
Dion Fortune, whose real name is Violet, is an excellent author. Died in 1946 at the age of 55 from leukaemia. I have read numerous of her books and find them all very informative - she is able to transmit knowledge subliminally through her words. Certainly the Tree of Life is a standard, and really worth knowing about, especially with her explanations. But Psychic Self Defense (or Defence depending where you buy it) is valuable tool for this path - highly recommended. I have also read The Demon Lover, which is a good example of her subliminal energy skills.

You speak of stepping outside the matrix, as you call it. This is good practice, but as you say, it is not always so easy to operate both in and out. It does become easier over the years. In whatever way you do this, it is important for the practice of self-remembering. When you are in that state you call chaos, it does open you to attract all kinds of spirits, both good and bad.

It is also true for those of us who have a spiritual calling, that we have positive-protective spirits around us at critical times in our life, especially in childhood.

It would be quite natural to feel energetic vibrations at such times as you describe, depending on how sensitive you are. This can be for a number of reasons - one can be the situation you are in, and another has to do with the fact that we are subtly out of our body which in itself causes a certain vibration. At one time in my life I spent some years like this, which I can assure you was not pleasant - I had to work very hard to recentre myself, and get back into the matrix, because I lacked all confidence and effectiveness for action. I had to push myself constantly into critical situations to force my subtle body back into place, as it had little interest left to itself, meaning I had little interest to 'belong' to the world. I was told by an old psychic I sought advice from at the time, that I would die if I didn't succeed in rejoining the matrix. Even my hands were pale and shaky for a long time. I did enjoy being outside, but this has to be under our control. I don't think I ever really fully synch'd back, but I do know now how to pretend very convincingly.

Offline Endless~Knot

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Re: Breaking free from the matrix
« Reply #4 on: July 30, 2013, 08:39:57 PM »
Michael, I second you on Dion Fortune, I recommended psychic self defense and the mystical quabalah for him, and found out he is already reading them, so he is up on Dion Fortune. She was an awesome mystic.

I have often fantasized about leaving the matrix and say joining a buddhist monestary and just pursuing enlightenment, but for whatever reason, the path calls me to live in the matrix. So I do. I suppose the main thing is to show folks a bit of the light through us, to motivate them out of the same matrix. That is what I think. Just a glimmer, so they will see it for themselves.
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Offline nemo

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Re: Breaking free from the matrix
« Reply #5 on: July 30, 2013, 09:01:08 PM »
Michael Said:

I don't think I ever really fully synch'd back, but I do know now how to pretend very convincingly.

Came up with a (modified) saying in my early twenties for myself . "If you can't beat them, look like them" because I never wanted to join them.
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Offline Skyflower

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Re: Breaking free from the matrix
« Reply #6 on: July 30, 2013, 11:04:46 PM »
Came up with a (modified) saying in my early twenties for myself . "If you can't beat them, look like them" because I never wanted to join them.

Or pretend to look like them! ;)


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Re: Breaking free from the matrix
« Reply #7 on: July 31, 2013, 02:58:55 AM »

One thing I noticed too which I was hoping someone could shed some light on, is why when ever I break free from the social boundaries I seem to develop a subtle vibration, that of which gets more intense the father out I go.

You may like to expand a little on this?

It's the only thing I didn't 'understand'.


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Re: Breaking free from the matrix
« Reply #8 on: July 31, 2013, 03:37:55 AM »
i had to 'develop' a role in the matrix also, not always what i am but some bevaiour way of it's when it comes to dealing with it.


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Re: Breaking free from the matrix
« Reply #9 on: August 01, 2013, 03:12:53 AM »

The final idea is impeccability. I think it encompasses all that a warrior should uh... have.

Sometimes I think that life as a descension. Surely a walk with plenty limitation...

Offline CherryArc

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Re: Breaking free from the matrix
« Reply #10 on: August 02, 2013, 07:01:00 AM »
Updates: I now believe that this state of chaos I am in is a form of seeing.

I just stated some intents last night and it stopped the extreme pressure in my third eye.

The subtle vibrations are like an over amount of energy, which causes me to tremble slightly.

The thing is sometimes I will lack the language to properly describe what I experienced.

Offline Michael

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Re: Breaking free from the matrix
« Reply #11 on: September 03, 2014, 09:11:38 PM »
Yes, that's sounds about right. The way out of the city changes constantly, so if you plan an escape, when you decide to go, the plan is no longer useful.

That is the common experience, but not the only one. There is a way out, but it's not one that presents itself in any improvised way.

To begin, it sounds like you are trying to escape by avoiding engagement, because engagement embeds you further into the group mind. It doesn't work that way - that is far too easy. First you have to be successful within the system you wish to escape - if that means you forget your intent to escape, then that is bad luck, but it is the common condition. Only once you have 'equalised' the system from within, will you find an opening out - so long as you haven't forgotten, or have become committed within the system.

In other words, you are attempting this from what the military call conventional warfare - you line up and face the enemy. The enemy have that one covered - will never work. You need to study guerrilla warfare.

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Re: Breaking free from the matrix
« Reply #12 on: September 21, 2014, 05:53:31 PM »
Rajneesh had a good image for this: imagine a see-saw. If you are sitting on either end of the board, it is dangerous to step off. The best position to step off is if you move to the centre, which is still. From there you can step off easily.