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Toltec [Public] / Re: The Art of Dreaming
« Last post by Firestarter on September 07, 2024, 03:09:05 AM »
So I was reading last night about The Blue Scout, and how stupidly Carlos got a hero complex, and was willing to die to save The Blue Scout from the IB world. Then don Juan, Carol Tiggs, and friends all went in and they yanked him out. Really, she did though, and that got me thinking about The Nagual Woman. I wonder how she is doing now. But this is probably a reason I have always felt an aversion, even to medium reads. I am happy doing tarot cause that's just me and the higher self. Now I have mediumed on occasion. Like I did do one recently for an older client, who I felt needed a message from late husband. It went well, when he showed me them dancing together, and went on about it. She said "When you said dancing, I knew it was him! He took me out dancing every weekend!" And while it can help folks, I also know it can open portals that are hard to close. Now course, I wouldn't be worth much, if I could not close a portal. I can see them and I can close them, But still, doing this all the time, I would think it would cause a lot of collateral damage.

But course we know the tale of the physical Blue Scout, and how their bones were found in Death Valley, not that long ago. Such a huge mystery here. So am I off if the spirit of the girl from the IB world, became the Blue Scout in the physical and possessed? I know that could occur, but then I wonder where the Physical Blue Scout is, soul wise, or if they shared a house. Just some thoughts. It's a little confusing.
Action [Public] / Re: WE'RE STUFFED!!!
« Last post by Firestarter on September 06, 2024, 01:29:19 PM »
It's "Old Man Yells At Cloud" at this point. The Deranged Dingleberry can't keep a coherent thought, he just, I think he just thinks out loud, no matter how stupid or embarrassing it is. He's a mess.

DOJ charging for more Russian interference. No surprises here. It's Traitors galore at this point:

And today Alan Lichtman predicted The Devi will win

But it's not so simple, as the Republicans will try to cheat this election. Of course. Hopefully the Dems got a good plan for it. In the meantime:

Action [Public] / Re: WE'RE STUFFED!!!
« Last post by Firestarter on September 06, 2024, 12:19:00 AM »
Michael asked the other day "who is the enemy?" I know his context a bit different. But you DO want a presidential candidate to KNOW the difference, between allies and enemies. The Deluded Melon, has blurred the lines for the masses on this one. Which is one of the most disgusting and dangerous things he could possibly do. Now you have news media, and even other folks, supporting Russia. A country which would be happy to get us out of the way.

I was talking to a friend the other day, concerned Russia would start throwing nukes like at Ukraine. I said no, not till after the election. They are waiting to see if Orange Judas wins, so he will hand over Ukraine and other countries. Why do something drastic and dramatic, when you can make a move with the least resistance? So no, no nukes before election day.

This stuff would have destroyed an opponent long ago. But we are dealing with The Strong Delusion. The scoop:
Toltec [Public] / Re: The Art of Dreaming
« Last post by nikos on September 04, 2024, 06:21:31 PM »
Actually 'still' was the word I was seeking up .... my english sometimes..... :D
Toltec [Public] / Re: The Art of Dreaming
« Last post by Firestarter on September 04, 2024, 05:40:25 PM »
I 'm not sure about this, and how could I be, but I remember don Juan's last words about dreaming to Carlos were about the assemblage point; he said dreaming could be translated/referred as keeping the AP steady, stationary.

Don Juan was a man of knowledge .........

But not fixed. Move it at Will with intent.
Music [Public] / Re: music...... blog ...
« Last post by nikos on September 04, 2024, 04:51:53 PM »
Toltec [Public] / Re: The Art of Dreaming
« Last post by nikos on September 04, 2024, 04:24:29 PM »
I 'm not sure about this, and how could I be, but I remember don Juan's last words about dreaming to Carlos were about the assemblage point; he said dreaming could be translated/referred as keeping the AP steady, stationary.

Don Juan was a man of knowledge .........
Toltec [Public] / Re: The Art of Dreaming
« Last post by Firestarter on September 04, 2024, 04:19:29 PM »
“The emissary’s voice urged me to open up to them by canceling out my suspicious thoughts. I heard the voice, and, as I listened to what it was saying, I realized that I was hearing, feeling, and thinking exactly as I do in my daily world. I slowly turned to see around me. Taking the clarity of my perception as a gauge, I concluded that I was in a real world.

The emissary’s voice sounded in my ears. It said that for me the only difference between perceiving my world and perceiving theirs was that perceiving their world started and ended in the blink of an eye; perceiving mine did not, because my awareness-together with awareness of an immense number of beings like me, who held my world in place with their intent-was fixed on my world. The emissary added that perceiving my world started and ended in the same way for the inorganic beings, in the blink of an eye, but perceiving their world did not, because there were immense numbers of them holding it in place with their intent.”

It’s interesting. For us, or Carlos, the immense holds the daily world up. For inorganics, same, for them. For them in our world, blink of an eye. And the eye is the focus of perception. For Carlos, their world, blink of an eye. It’s something to ponder on.

Then also the emissary says “We can’t exist without each other.”

What would it be like if the gates closed for all?
Toltec [Public] / The Art of Dreaming
« Last post by Firestarter on September 04, 2024, 04:04:23 PM »
Half way through my reread. The whole deal with the inorganics. I see why Don Juan isn’t fond of this. But still, I guess he knew Carlos had to get through the Gates of Dreaming. But this emissary! Like it says to Carlos, they don’t want to feed off his energy, just experience it, like sunlight touching him. That’s like a man saying he doesn’t want to have sex with you, he just wants to lay there with you naked. As believable as that! 😂 Of course they want to feed off him! But I notice Carlos seems to be losing his wits, getting pulled in deeper. I think this happens to lots of folks who astral travel. That’s why I was always told dress dark, hide your light. Be inconspicuous.
Books [Public] / Good Energy
« Last post by Firestarter on September 04, 2024, 02:04:26 PM »
Highly recommend this book! I am reading several at the moment. But this arrived yesterday and I dived in. The author is a Doctor who gave up her prior practice of treating symptoms basically, looking into cures with more practical lifestyle changes for folks. She extensively discusses metabolic health. I found her speaking on YouTube and liked she didn't just discuss say, food, and exercise. But also how folks nowadays are impacting their health by not being outdoors, in sunlight. Or even being affected by blue light on electronics, or not getting enough sleep. Or even how watching the news and all the negativity, how it can impact physical and mental health. In her book, she covers many things like this, and it's highly recommended. Very practical and intelligently written, check it out:

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