Author Topic: My first shot at Haiku  (Read 212 times)

Offline tommy2

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Re: My first shot at Haiku
« Reply #15 on: October 09, 2006, 10:29:18 PM »
A Fifteen-Layered Haiku

“Bury me Funny”

Meet all nakedness
With your own type nakedness.
Refreshing approach?

What everyone “knows”
Just might not be “true” at all.
Funny Funeral?

“Belief” consequences
build their own fictional world
when unexamined.

Experience “with”,
Then experience “without”
In your lifes’ koan.

Your cherished “beliefs”
In story about your life
May not find “yourself”.

Imagining life,
Without depending on self,
Is power of life.

Losing what is “yours”
Shows what is not “yours” at all!
Funny funeral?

Personal armor
May not be necessary
In a war with self.

Conflict in your heart?
Nakedness on nakedness
Leaves you clothed in love.

What is “ought to be”,
Other than your hearts’ armor?
What’s a sad wedding?

Refresh your approach
Like a buddah not picking
Or even choosing.

Don’t add to nothing
And nothing is subtracted
From your “everything”.

The sun will stand still
If you look at it closely
In your own blindness.

Thoughts ever rising,
Not in themselves disturbing
Nothing in the world.

Why do we agree
As easy as we quarrel?
Picking and choosing?

Is it like ice cream,
Vanilla or chocolate?
Should we care at all?

Why are we dying?
From everything or nothing?
I always wondered.

Is sorrow and pain
Just conditions of our mind
Until we just let go?

Obvious is good.
Who we are is fine enough.
Just don’t pick and choose.

Tommy Feathers, 100906

Offline tommy2

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Re: My first shot at Haiku
« Reply #16 on: February 19, 2007, 06:06:17 PM »
A Layered Haiku (5 - 7 -5) after completing a Winter Ceremony


The hallow bamboo
as a field of consciouness:
simple yet profound.

Ones' self-compassion
as in transformational,
AS this consciousness.

It is surrender
or is it something harnessed?
Both are in common.

A bucket of earth
is the framework of a world.
Both found in a field.

Connecting life force:
natural phenomena
beyond potentials.


We have everything,
including an un-used tool
in self-honesty.

Focus on "effort"
changed to that of "achievement",
as in new patterns.

What you imagine
is already happening,
if you stop and look.

The hallow bamboo
as the field of therapy:
simple and at hand.

The hallow bamboo:
a river of energy.
Can you see them both?

two feathers/021807

Offline Jennifer-

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Re: My first shot at Haiku
« Reply #17 on: February 19, 2007, 11:43:39 PM »
Wonderful Tommy!  :-*
Without constant complete silence meditation - samadi - we lose ourselves in the game.  MM


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