Author Topic: Che  (Read 165 times)

Offline Michael

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« on: June 22, 2007, 10:54:33 PM »
Thousands of posts here and to my knowledge, not a single mention of Che Guevara.

Has no one a good word to say for Ernesto?

In my day, that would have been unheard of. I was an expert on Che in my twenties - is everyone so brainwashed by the money people that he is now a 'fool in the jungle'? I admit, I have not seen or read his diaries, but I was an expert in Guerrilla Warfare, and studied his struggle and theories in detail. I also studied Urban as well as Rural Guerrilla Warfare, and now put all that into practice...

except I don't kill - well... at least not people (Daph ;))

Has that wild asthmatic in the jungle been totally forgotten?
or are we all such good capitalists these days (I even own shares!),
such good non-revolutionaries?

oh how I sometimes long for the exuberant optimism of my youth, when we though we would all die on the last hill.


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Re: Che
« Reply #1 on: June 22, 2007, 11:07:22 PM »
Power to the people!

Offline Michael

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Re: Che
« Reply #2 on: June 23, 2007, 04:29:42 AM »
how strange, I've never in my life associated Che with Russia, for me he represented a physical manifestation of a life lived for an ideal of wealth and beauty for all. And as for guerrilla warfare, that is exactly how I have lived my path within the world, and I learnt the first tricks from Che.

I completely ignore that he murdered many of the intelligentsia, and that he became increasingly isolated from the people he was fighting for in Bolivia, and was a bloodstained, misguided and tragic genius. I just turn my hat around, and use him like I use didgeridoo with electric guitar. I cherry pick the best pieces and weave them into my own silk.

Russia? they were a bunch of thugs, how could anyone compare dickheads like Mao and Starlin to a noble savage like Che? For me Democracy has brought the shadow of humanity upon us in a different way to Communism - these are just humans who are greedy, and they rise to the top in any world.

But if you want to talk 'popular' politics, then you will need to know that Che was also cherry pluck by the generation in the sixties and seventies who were struggling to defeat the fascist culture of our parent's world. Where to wear jeans was a reason to be called a slut and told to leave home. Where governments slaughtered thousands of their own and other's people on a whim that nasty people were going to take over the world. You know the old tale, kill to free - everyone's power battle cry, generation after generation have been doing it as long as humans have lived. They call it this they call it that - who cares what they call it, they will kill for power, and they live next door to you. And those Che generations always had few radicals who like in Spain, and France, sought freedom from oppression. Of course they were fools, we all are.

Would you kill for ultimate freedom?

If only they were more intelligent about it and saw that balls is balls.


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