Author Topic: I wonder...  (Read 338 times)


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Re: I wonder...
« Reply #15 on: January 09, 2008, 04:39:06 AM »
I dont know what "the age of the pisces" means ect.. Ive never poked into that sort of knowing... I also dont know what miasmas is...

The age of the pisces refers to the great year. Our solar system is doing a kind of circular movement just like the planets move in circles. This Solar circle is about 25 000 years and astrologers divide that part into 12 pieces, one for each sign. Now the only difference from the normal year is that the Great year is moving backward in the Zodiac. So before the age of the Pisces there were the age of Aries.

It is usually said that the age of the Pisces started about the time for the birth of Christ. There is a book about these ages written by Zipporah Pottenger Dobyns; The Zodiac as a key to history. Tia Publications. Los Angeles. 1977.

Miasma is what caused a disease before man knew about bacteria, virus and the direct health effects of public nuisance. Miasma was said to exist in certain areas if people was found to get sick in certain diseases, especially when epedemies occured. I suppose you can use the word "miasma" for any poisened or negative thing as well.


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Re: I wonder...
« Reply #16 on: January 09, 2008, 04:42:15 AM »
It's a good link.

This sentence seems to hold the answer to my question: Once you can consistently maintain a frequency of information and not be riding the roller coaster of emotions up and down because you don't know who you are, you will be given a task. p. 78

Emotional body will cease upon reaching the constant state of high frequency.
Emotions will cease, the emotional body will cease.
That's the 'severing of nagual' of Mares upon completion of his training.
Man with practically no common emotions with his fellow humans is light years away from them.

The message in Ch 13 is one that I've seen in various forms and sources being trumpeted throughout 1990s. Yet I practically have not heard about it in 2000s. This decade has been very different - some voices have talked about raging battle of heavens, others have lately said that it has been fought and its outcome is clear.

I'd agree with the latter voices.
« Last Edit: January 09, 2008, 04:48:43 AM by erik »


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Re: I wonder...
« Reply #17 on: January 09, 2008, 04:48:28 AM »
The age of the pisces refers to the great year. Our solar system is doing a kind of circular movement just like the planets move in circles. This Solar circle is about 25 000 years and astrologers divide that part into 12 pieces, one for each sign. Now the only difference from the normal year is that the Great year is moving backward in the Zodiac. So before the age of the Pisces there were the age of Aries.

In more esoteric tradition, this circular movement is also related to the Light, or to the Source. Meaning that in one endpoint of the circle we are as close to the light as we can get and in a opposite point we are as far from the Light or the Source as we can get. Whatever we think about the "Dark middle ages" we are as close to the most far off point now as we were then with one big difference, everything happens at a much higher speed now. In the medevial one could spend a whole life within a village and very little changed. Nowe live in the turning point so far away from the light as we can get but very much happens, it's an upheaval.

This means that in the future the common vibration will rise and the tasks in a spiritual path will change. The age of the Pisces will last for at least our lifetime. It is the Age of Aquarius that the opera is all about.  

Offline Jennifer-

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Re: I wonder...
« Reply #18 on: January 09, 2008, 10:39:34 AM »
Thank you Jahn! Understood much better now  :-* Excellent sharing!

I agree there is a large scale change coming.
Without constant complete silence meditation - samadi - we lose ourselves in the game.  MM


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Re: I wonder...
« Reply #19 on: January 09, 2008, 11:55:53 PM »
Yes, in 1990s there were energies calling mankind to arms and energies stirring people out of their lethargy.

In 2000s the tone is much more sober and cool: it's the business of usual.

The energy is much more matter-of-fact and we are told how it is going to be:


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