Author Topic: I wonder...  (Read 337 times)


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I wonder...
« on: January 08, 2008, 01:35:16 AM »
...if this makes any sense to anyone?

We are radiating an energy that will transform your emotional body. Energetic responses are the only way that the emotional body can function at present. As the transformation proceeds, the restructuring of the emotional body will occur. The emotional body will have a new function, as it will be the creator of joy and bliss in the physical body. You will learn to select and play with the emotions. This will allow Spirit to dive into the oceans of the emotions. Spirit will sweeten them and release all restrictions to the free flow of movement. This allows them to flow in a new order of natural rhythm. Emotional bodies will be free from the demands of the mental body. The mental body functions from a place of limitation, and, thus, denies the true expression of emotion.

Developing and evolving within the emotional realm will bring many challenges. The old patterning of fear will rise to be cleared by the winds of change that are circling your planet. Breathe in these winds; let the freshness of their origin reawaken your soul's knowledge and wisdom.

Learn to access your wisdom from the very air that surrounds you. Contained within the air are spores of energetic elements designed to clear and nurture the emotional body this is the reason We ask you to use deep breathing exercises. Take time to go out and breathe in the light and the winds. Do this with the intention that you want to clear your emotional body.

Your emotional body will become like liquid fire, free flowing with the warming and loving force of spirit. You will have transformed into shimmering fluid bodies of light. You will see your emotional tones animated as shimmering colors. Rainbows of spiraling light emanate from your emotional body. What wonderful beings of advanced emotional states you will look when you have totally rid yourselves of fear, the fear that now permeates and restricts the evolution of your planet. Gaia will cleanse herself with new winds, which will carry the negative pattern to a new order.

In order for the transformation to light to occur, there has to be an emotional body cleansing process. If you have a mindset that allows for this possibility, you may have recognized it on a mental level. Most people are unaware of this as the mental recognition occurs on a mental plane that is higher than your usual awareness. The people who are consciously aware of it see the process outside of themselves such as when meeting and interacting with inner guides and friends. The nature of your consciousness in third dimensional reality makes you see others, whether in your inner or outer realities, as separate to you. Actually, they are all your other selves and an intricate parts of your higher Soul Self.

On higher spiritual planes, the combining of these energies has occurred quite naturally. The spiritual body is designed as an energy body which allows all the forms and selves to integrate. This naturally gives the experience to wholeness. The spiritual body operates in a dimension that is above the realms of duality, and so, it finds it easy to integrate the other aspects of the self. The mind of this body is designed to understand the process in its philosophical and paradoxical nature.

The emotional body is the first place of duality and judgment. It is the body that believes all of existence as separate to itself. The process of integration can cause some problems on this level. The emotional body operates with the concept of good and bad, right and wrong, light and dark. Therefore, the emotional body tries to judge and perceive the nature of its reality through the responses that it feels in the physical. In its awareness, good feelings indicate good experiences and bad feelings, bad.

Unfortunately, the emotional body has been impeded by judgments from the rational mind and its controller, the Net. The Net has held the emotional body of the planet in an apocalyptic fundamentalist belief system. This system is held in the emotional body as miasmas. These miasmas are locked in the etherical mass that surrounds the physical body. They hold memories of diseased patterns that can be activated by feelings and emotions. In order for the integration to occur on an emotional level, there has to be a clearing of these miasmas.

The Age of Pisces was the age for removing negative karmic patterning from the emotional body. The miasmas hold genetic information, past life memories, and the negative karmic patterns. They not only manifest as physical diseases, but also as negative disease in behavioral patterns.

The memories are triggered by sights, sounds, smells, and sensations. Those of you who are not aware of your past life connections or karmic patterning can manifest them in your present life. This will give you the opportunity to heal out the negativity. Those of you who are able to be consciously aware of your karma can investigate it through visualization techniques, hypnotherapy and emotional release. You can also ask the aid of a healer who will remove the miasmas from the etherical body.

The emotional body works very well with the senses of the physical body. Sights of a negative nature will bring up negative patterning to be viewed. Positive pictures will bring the memories of positive past life situations. As your Soul Self floods your bodies with light, your emotional body will release its patterning. This will allow you to heal out your karma and turn this body into light. During this process, you will get to know and understand more about yourself through the myriad lives and experiences you have had.


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Re: I wonder...
« Reply #1 on: January 08, 2008, 01:51:15 AM »
  The Zeta are now returning to your planet in service to assist your transmutation. They are responsible for the abductions you have experienced. There is much confusion around these interactions, especially the so-called collaboration between these beings and your governments.

The Zeta are intricately linked to the Web. The Web is a crystalline pattern that resembles a snowflake. It is a structure of thoughts. Each Zeta is an idea or a dream working as one whole-unified mind. The Zeta take ideas received from the dimensions above and structure them into conceptual theories. These concepts later become experimental dimensional experiences. They dream and create dimensional realities capable of housing beings with a connection to the Web as a whole. However, these beings experience themselves as unique and singular identities.

The Web is a mind structure. It is the mental mind maps of the Universal Dreamer. Mind maps consist of pathways that are created in the biological structure of your brains and triggered by thought patterns. The Zeta are part of the consciousness of the Universal Mind. They manifest in a form that we can imagine and relate to. The Web is the Universal Mind and the Zeta are one of its many thoughts.

The Web is the Universal Oneness of everything and everyone. The Zeta appear as they do to manifest an idea or concept.

The Zeta are an idea. As an idea they are beings from another world or worlds. This very idea pushes your buttons, and allows you to face the fears around this so you can shift in consciousness. They interact with you in various ways to make you shift. In order for you to take your rightful place in the universe, you have to co-operate with the Zeta to heal and transform yourselves. When a species first moves into the space beyond the confines of their world, they encounter the energy of the Zeta.

The Zeta do not always appear the same as humans perceive them. They create an image of themselves that the beings encountering them will relate to. They are the manifestation of the mind of the universe as you are the manifestation of the mind of Gaia. The image of the Zeta, with its elongated head and black almond shaped eyes is typically symbolic. Everyone remembers it and can perceive it as good or bad, frightening or enlightening. The Zeta exist on a dimensional reality that is outside of polarity and dualistic thought.

This image can be easily seen in the world around you and behind closed eyes. If you look at the image and close your eye, it is imprinted onto your retina. When you look at the image, it activates the development of the pineal gland. This is part of the Zeta's purpose in aiding you in your development. As you encounter such beings, their presence and appearance on Earth activates levels of your dormant and unconscious minds en masse. Through this activation you evolve.

The Zeta work closely with the pineal gland which is the conscious screen for your awareness. This screen allows you to view your animated reality. The Zeta can alter, manipulate, and rebalance the make up of the pineal gland or third eye. From this gland, stellar light creates pathways that criss-cross over each other to create a Web. On this level, you are all connected to the Web. The Zeta come and shock you out of your belief systems inherent in the nature of your reality. This will ultimately free you from the Net.

Fear in the unconscious mind is activated whilst encountering the Zeta be-cause their energy is of a high vibration. When a high vibration comes in contact with a low vibration, fear rises in order for it to be cleared and healed. Abductions are real experiences where people are having encounters with the Zeta. The drama they are experiencing is created out of the fears within their unconscious minds.

The reason this is occurring is to clear the fear from the cells of the body. The fear was planted there a long time ago when you were openly manipulated both genetically and biologically by extraterrestrials. The fear you experience is programmed into your mass consciousness. It is an illusion created by the Zeta to allow the mass consciousness level to shift. The American government has signed deals allowing the Zeta to experiment on American civilians. This enables the American government and its civilians to live out their illusions to heal and shift in consciousness.

When a Zeta comes into contact with a human, because of the level of Zeta consciousness, they automatically set up an energetic synergy. This synergy calls all negativity that prevents shifts and changes to rise to the surface for release. The nature of your reality is basically a dream. When the Zeta energy comes in contact with your reality, it creates dreams within dreams. When this happens, weird occurrences, such as abductions and cosmic revelations, may transpire. As more fear is transmuted, you will see more of who the Zeta really are.

You are awakening and activating parts of your brains that have been dormant and unused. As you awaken, you meet your inner archetypes. At first you meet those of the personality, but, as you travel further into your inner space, you move beyond your terrestrial mind into the extraterrestrial mind. This is where you meet the Zeta archetype. They are a direct mirror of yourself. They reflect the beliefs you hold in relation to yourself and your reality. They are also a mirror reflection of your nature as a multidimensional being.

The Zeta are the part of yourself that you have not discovered yet, and are an outside manifestation of your subconscious. Their appearance is also a mass consciousness reaction to this level of evolution. The whole UFO phenomenon and the Zeta experience coincide with this level of your development.

In your level of consciousness, you operate as an 'I' consciousness. As you ascend the levels, you move into a dimension, which is the place of the 'We'. When you interact with a 'We' consciousness expression, you have come from your 'I' consciousness. When an 'I' comes in contact with a 'We' consciousness, it fears its annihilation or the death of identity. This is your biggest fear. It is your death programming. The 'I' has been programmed with the idea of separation and isolation from one body to another.

An 'I' singular identity is intricately interconnected with its physical body. When 'I' meets 'We', it fears its ego's death, and this fear sets up the so-called 'abduction' experiences. A 'We' consciousness is a group of more than one energy or beings that are joined at a mental and soul level. They no longer recognize themselves as separate or isolated from each other. They are one unified whole. They know there are many of them but as regards to their beliefs about their identity, they are one mind. Therefore, they operate from this perspective. The nature of their consciousness is designed to frighten you as it is opposite/ alien to the way you operate as an 'I' consciousness.

They are not physical beings like you, but pure energy. They take the form you see as vehicles or spiritual suits. This vehicle allows them to manifest in your reality. They reflect the process of your developing your Merkabar vehicles, your bodies of light. The flying saucers that fly through your skies are the Merkabar vehicles of beings manifesting in your reality.

The hybrid programmes are creating Zeta-human hybrids, the Essanani. The hybrid is a manifestation or reflection into your world of the process that is occurring. As humans ascend the levels, they integrate their Zeta selves and become the Zeta-human hybrid. For every evolutionary process that occurs in your consciousness and world, there is a reaction in outer space. The level of your evolution is creating the hybrid programme and the Essanani.

The Zeta exist on a plane of existence that vibrates on the same level as your imagination. This is how you seed the universe with your imagination and experience it as outside of yourself. Inner space and outer space are both the same thing, just reflections of each other. This is how the Zeta can mirror your unconscious fears. The Zeta are here to teach you about the reflective nature of your reality.

They show you that the dramas and manifestation of the third dimension are plays. The third dimension is simply a dream within a dream. You affect and create within this reality through your imagination. Until recently, the restriction of the Net has limited your imagination. The Zeta are here to assist you with your freedom. You will be free to activate the dormant parts of your consciousness and dream better realities in which to live.

The Zeta's prime directive is to be curious. They spark off curiosity, sometimes fuelled by fear but, nevertheless, curiosity. They supposedly come from Zeta Reticuli. Earth is a physical manifestation of a certain energy consciousness and Zeta Reticuli is another. Alclone, another, is the manifestation of the universal heart, and Zeta Reticuli is a manifestation of the universal mind. They are the unknown and it is human nature to fear the unknown.

Through your interaction with the Zeta, you are being asked to move beyond your human nature and evolve into something more. As I have already stated, they are assisting you in releasing your fears, and you have agreed to this on a subconscious level. Your entire planet has called for these beings to interact with you in a healing and teaching capacity. Part of the agreement is to learn to deal with the alien thought patterns of the Zeta. You can clearly see the intensity of your own power reflected in their eyes.

To truly understand them, you have to consider all theories and possibilities, and only then can you say that you know the Zeta. I would like to now introduce you to the Zeta. We live in two separate realities, yours and ours. The phenomena you label as abductions are necessary but not arbitrary encounters. We have told you over and over that we are you.

Through monitoring your fears, it is plainly obvious that you are not ready for a totally conscious encounter with our kind. You still experience our interaction as negative in nature. We are your dreams; that is we, operate on a level of consciousness that you would consider your dream realm. This is why many of you are experiencing encounters with us of a light nature in your dream states. This occurs shortly after going to sleep and first thing in the morning. These are the times when you are in rapid eye movement or R.E.M.

Could you imagine that in each chakra of your body there is a story waiting to be told and a reality to express itself? In order to be fully conscious multi-dimensionally, each chakra has to translate the energies of the various dimensions. The translations need to be perceivable to the 'I' consciousness. Access to your multi-dimensional selves occurs in the chakras of the body. Each one is a portal to another reality and allows you to have various perspectives.

We, as a species, operate from the brow chakra, which is the opening to the third eye. The brow chakra is the chakra to use when you wish to access or channel our energies and experience the perspective of the Zeta. Various notes of music currently found in electronic music activate this chakra. Under the guidance of the person's higher self, the Zeta can come into your reality. In turn, they bring many gifts and talents of perception to aid the mind of the person to transform the way they perceive their reality.

So, imagine that you have activated your brow chakra. You are about to experience an encounter with an aspect of yourself that you consider separate to you, your Zeta self. We shall describe to you what occurs. We, as an energy of beings, gather ourselves together in intention. We are not of corporal living flesh bodies like yourselves.

In fact, we do not resemble anything that you could perceive with your physical senses. Through your extrasensory senses, you are capable of picking up our presence. Once we have gathered ourselves together as one, we enter the dimension just above yours. From this vantage-point, we can read the energies of the lower dimensions of your planet. We call upon the energies of Earth to guide us in our interaction with you. By reading these energies, we can construct a plan to transform, through interaction, both our species.

It is as complicated and as tricky a business for us as it is for you. We contact and summon the higher selves of the individuals that we encounter. We make an energetic agreement that the encounter will be a free-will exchange of energies. Through all of the experience, the higher self of the individual consents to the encounter. Once this so-called agreement has been signed and sealed, we have access to the guardian angelics of Earth.

We ask them for their assistance to pave the way for our arrival. The angelic beings set the stage so to speak. They cleanse and hold a frequency that all are comfortable with. They do this so that when our alien energies enter your realm, we will not bring catastrophic damage to your conscious awareness.

We have explained what happens when two energies of opposites come together. So, when one is of a higher vibration than the other, the lower will shift in consciousness. Sometimes this can be experienced as death. We can now enter your reality using our Merkabar vehicles. These are sometimes seen as spaceships. We are simply energy and the rest is pure imagination. It is a game that your head likes to play as it awakens neurons and develops a new perspective. It is simply becoming the dreamer and dreaming you awake as you raise your vibration.

Activate the third eye chakra and open yourself to our interaction. You will experience an amazing occurrence between two totally alien species. When you encounter us, you have been known to experience it as negative. These encounters are illusional energetic pictures of reality. They are pulled from your mind by the nature and function of our energy.

Our energies are of a pure imaginary frequency. When we come in contact with a reality of physically animated construct, like yours, dreams are created out of the material within the species' unconscious mind. We wrap ourselves, so to speak, in energies, pictures, and beliefs that are present in the collective unconscious. We use these pictures that we find to communicate with you as a species. We seem to only have fearful images and stories to dress ourselves with.


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Re: I wonder...
« Reply #2 on: January 08, 2008, 01:55:18 AM »
Yes it makes sense. I read the Barbara Marciniak books back in the early 90's, and there is some element of truth therein... or there feels to be ... but then part of me holds out, wondering if I'm in the grip of some new age zeitgeist.

I know that I experienced a rapid accleration of something which could be called 'instant karma' a while back. This could fit with what your passages are saying.

But I disagree about the seat of judgement being in the emotional body: to my way of viewing, it sits in the mental body. It's the emotional body which needs healing, though .. it takes the heat, it carries the wounds inflicted by the mental body.

Then again, a discussion of the "bodies" invariably leads one into different perspectives and different systems. There is likely to be a lot of variation in our collective points of view there. 

If I recall correctly, the Pleiadians of Marciniak-fare transmitted that we have come to earth to heal...
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Re: I wonder...
« Reply #3 on: January 08, 2008, 02:46:45 AM »

Everything in the cosmos serves a purpose when viewed in the grand scheme of creation, including anger. Its purpose is to break up stagnation or stuck patterns. The part of creation that is the most reluctant to yield to a higher order is what we call the dark—the portions of the Infinite’s being that are as yet unknown. Rage is the result of suppressed light. Thus, when Lucifer and his hosts volunteered to embody the chaos and the unknown, they had to suppress their light, causing great rage to form. This rage can be utilized to break up the density so that those representing the light can turn the unknown into the known (which is light) through their experience of it.

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Re: I wonder...
« Reply #4 on: January 08, 2008, 03:02:05 AM »
...if this makes any sense to anyone?

I havnt had a chance yet to look at the source youve provided and have only read this post so far.. from my own experiences I can relate to this info very well.

Ill select some thoughts when I come back to this thread to further share things I feel related to my own growth process.

Has your own experiences felt/been similar to this?

Sorry to rush.. limited time this morning.
Without constant complete silence meditation - samadi - we lose ourselves in the game.  MM


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Re: I wonder...
« Reply #5 on: January 08, 2008, 03:32:13 AM »
I'm looking for more general description of the role of emotional body on the path. Healing and cleansing it are prerequisites to moving forward, but there is something more to it...something I seem to know is said somewhere, but cannot find.

This resonates, but it's not all of it.

What I look for, goes along these lines:

We have come to separation - sexes, bodies, etc
Yet we can move closer, we can achieve unity at some levels
But not all aspects of our individuality can survive this process
Something must give for us to transcend individuality - or would it be more correct to say 'separateness'?

What is it?

What did Theun Mares meant when he outlined the rule of nagual and said that while opening wider and wider to encompass the whole world, nagual becomes ruthlessly severed from it? He gains the unprecedented unity with the world, but loses something.

What and how?

Well...these questions have been with me for some years now.

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Re: I wonder...
« Reply #6 on: January 08, 2008, 03:43:28 AM »
Still havnt read where you found this.. after reading it again it appears to be a bit flakey to me in delivery.. but my understand of what is coming across seems to flip that into making some sense.

<<<<<In order for the transformation to light to occur, there has to be an emotional body cleansing process. If you have a mindset that allows for this possibility, you may have recognized it on a mental level. Most people are unaware of this as the mental recognition occurs on a mental plane that is higher than your usual awareness. The people who are consciously aware of it see the process outside of themselves such as when meeting and interacting with inner guides and friends. The nature of your consciousness in third dimensional reality makes you see others, whether in your inner or outer realities, as separate to you. Actually, they are all your other selves and an intricate parts of your higher Soul Self.>>>>>
Transformation to light= awareness

By becoming awake Ive discovered far more to reality , other realities over lap or slip time to stand here before me in the now.. it makes the moment vast and infinite in possiblity.  When the veil of my sleepy eyes is blinked away.. the otherworld/unknown, not only is seen as landscapes but is occupied by many.. thus contact with many different energies has been as possible for me as picking up the phone.

"The nature of your consciousnes in third dimensional reality makes you see others"

I just wouldnt word it that way.

"Actually, they are all your other selves and an intricate part of your higher soul self"

I would agree that within dream, Ive come in contact with beings that are a reflection of me.. but I would disagree with saying 'all' are.

<<<<The emotional body is the first place of duality and judgment. It is the body that believes all of existence as separate to itself. The process of integration can cause some problems on this level. The emotional body operates with the concept of good and bad, right and wrong, light and dark. Therefore, the emotional body tries to judge and perceive the nature of its reality through the responses that it feels in the physical. In its awareness, good feelings indicate good experiences and bad feelings, bad.

Unfortunately, the emotional body has been impeded by judgments from the rational mind and its controller, the Net. The Net has held the emotional body of the planet in an apocalyptic fundamentalist belief system. This system is held in the emotional body as miasmas. These miasmas are locked in the etherical mass that surrounds the physical body. They hold memories of diseased patterns that can be activated by feelings and emotions. In order for the integration to occur on an emotional level, there has to be a clearing of these miasmas.>>>>

I beleive the collective can swing either way.

<<<<The Age of Pisces was the age for removing negative karmic patterning from the emotional body. The miasmas hold genetic information, past life memories, and the negative karmic patterns. They not only manifest as physical diseases, but also as negative disease in behavioral patterns.

The memories are triggered by sights, sounds, smells, and sensations. Those of you who are not aware of your past life connections or karmic patterning can manifest them in your present life. This will give you the opportunity to heal out the negativity. Those of you who are able to be consciously aware of your karma can investigate it through visualization techniques, hypnotherapy and emotional release. You can also ask the aid of a healer who will remove the miasmas from the etherical body.>>>>

I dont know what "the age of the pisces" means ect.. Ive never poked into that sort of knowing... I also dont know what miasmas is...

Ive been discovering by uncovering past lives, what/if that has for influence in my current soul, an example of this would be dancing. This link to spirit is one Ive nurtured for many lives..

I also believe physical suffering in this life time is/or can be often a result of what many call karma.

Being aware of these things of course speeds the process in ways of healing them.. can't heal what you dont understand is lacking.

<<<<The emotional body works very well with the senses of the physical body. Sights of a negative nature will bring up negative patterning to be viewed. Positive pictures will bring the memories of positive past life situations. As your Soul Self floods your bodies with light, your emotional body will release its patterning. This will allow you to heal out your karma and turn this body into light. During this process, you will get to know and understand more about yourself through the myriad lives and experiences you have had.>>>>


After the process of the above is started.. this is indeed what it has felt like for me.  Poetically written in different words yet feathers against my knowing.

We are radiating an energy that will transform your emotional body. Energetic responses are the only way that the emotional body can function at present. As the transformation proceeds, the restructuring of the emotional body will occur. The emotional body will have a new function, as it will be the creator of joy and bliss in the physical body. You will learn to select and play with the emotions. This will allow Spirit to dive into the oceans of the emotions. Spirit will sweeten them and release all restrictions to the free flow of movement. This allows them to flow in a new order of natural rhythm. Emotional bodies will be free from the demands of the mental body. The mental body functions from a place of limitation, and, thus, denies the true expression of emotion.

Developing and evolving within the emotional realm will bring many challenges. The old patterning of fear will rise to be cleared by the winds of change that are circling your planet. Breathe in these winds; let the freshness of their origin reawaken your soul's knowledge and wisdom.

Learn to access your wisdom from the very air that surrounds you. Contained within the air are spores of energetic elements designed to clear and nurture the emotional body this is the reason We ask you to use deep breathing exercises. Take time to go out and breathe in the light and the winds. Do this with the intention that you want to clear your emotional body.

Your emotional body will become like liquid fire, free flowing with the warming and loving force of spirit. You will have transformed into shimmering fluid bodies of light. You will see your emotional tones animated as shimmering colors. Rainbows of spiraling light emanate from your emotional body. What wonderful beings of advanced emotional states you will look when you have totally rid yourselves of fear, the fear that now permeates and restricts the evolution of your planet. Gaia will cleanse herself with new winds, which will carry the negative pattern to a new order.
Without constant complete silence meditation - samadi - we lose ourselves in the game.  MM

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Re: I wonder...
« Reply #7 on: January 08, 2008, 03:50:11 AM »
I'm looking for more general description of the role of emotional body on the path. Healing and cleansing it are prerequisites to moving forward, but there is something more to it...something I seem to know is said somewhere, but cannot find.

This resonates, but it's not all of it.

What I look for, goes along these lines:

We have come to separation - sexes, bodies, etc
Yet we can move closer, we can achieve unity at some levels
But not all aspects of our individuality can survive this process
Something must give for us to transcend individuality - or would it be more correct to say 'separateness'?

What is it?

What did Theun Mares meant when he outlined the rule of nagual and said that while opening wider and wider to encompass the whole world, nagual becomes ruthlessly severed from it? He gains the unprecedented unity with the world, but loses something.

What and how?

Well...these questions have been with me for some years now.

One of the most powerful 'doings' for me to fully grasp what it means to 'be' all of these things.. mental, emotional, physical, spirit ...

I was told to take a length of time and do exactly the oppisite of what I desired to do in every moment..

If I wanted to sleep, I stayed awake.

If I didnt want to do the dishes.. I did them.

If I felt like reading.. Id go for a walk.

It took about 3 days of this to break free to the understanding of things I still wouldnt press myself for words.. all I can suggest is try it.. it worked for me.
Without constant complete silence meditation - samadi - we lose ourselves in the game.  MM

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Re: I wonder...
« Reply #8 on: January 08, 2008, 04:20:15 AM »
I sort of escape the routine by artfully creating the world I wish to live within when it comes to the tick tock of my folly. In my life nothing is boring or flat.. it's all alive with mystery and love.

Sometimes, to do my homework for school, I had to pretend to be someone else to believe that I had to do it, or that doing it was worthwhile. Only then could I find that spark of inspiration to apply myself to that work.

Perhaps I remain within this childlike realm of 'make believe' with the adult understanding of the sorcery of it all.

For me it seems the source is the same.
Without constant complete silence meditation - samadi - we lose ourselves in the game.  MM

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Re: I wonder...
« Reply #9 on: January 08, 2008, 04:21:27 AM »
It usually all starts with...

"I wonder....

 ;D ;)
Without constant complete silence meditation - samadi - we lose ourselves in the game.  MM


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Re: I wonder...
« Reply #10 on: January 08, 2008, 04:28:51 AM »
I try to shake off my habit of pretending that it was something it was not.

Yes, diving into some other persona, using will and intent to reshape it, is a method for coping with it. I'd probably do it if could. But, for whatever reasons, something in me refuses and says NO!

I wish I could look more at these cobwebs with morning dew...

But something is surfacing and I can do nothing about it.

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Re: I wonder...
« Reply #11 on: January 08, 2008, 04:39:04 AM »
Pretending is a funny thing to me.. one must ponder where the imagination comes from...


Im just in a rambling mood today...

If something is surfacing, be strong and embrace that which you resist. Tis the only way to really change I think.

Lots of love toward your movement.. my support in all.
Without constant complete silence meditation - samadi - we lose ourselves in the game.  MM

Offline Jennifer-

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Re: I wonder...
« Reply #12 on: January 08, 2008, 04:40:34 AM »
Seems the flip side of pretending is accepting.
Without constant complete silence meditation - samadi - we lose ourselves in the game.  MM


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Re: I wonder...
« Reply #13 on: January 08, 2008, 05:10:10 AM »
Seems the flip side of pretending is accepting.

Yes, that sounds quite right!


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Re: I wonder...
« Reply #14 on: January 09, 2008, 03:51:05 AM »
Hey E, Zam left a link to a site a little while back, and lo and behold it houses the entire Barbara Marciniak book, amazingly enough.

Bringers of the Dawn: Teachings from the Pleiadians by Barbara Marciniak

It's a different angle of the same subject material.


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