Loke is the dark part of the gods, son of a giant, a troublemaker but he is not malicious or evil. In fact there do not exist any evil in the Sir cult.
Though, his killing of Balder is too much for the other gods and Oden.
Loke fled and got haunted by the other gods. Loke tried to hide in the disguise of a fish (a salmon), but they caught him in a net and after that followed the punishment. A many thousand year long punishment that in its completion has to do with Ragnarök, the end of old times. At the time of Ragnarök, Loke would be released with the aim to join the others to fight the coming battles.
The most beautiful and beloved of the gods, Balder, son of Odin, had been slain by his blind brother wielding a misletoe shaft aimed by Loki. Balder's wife had joined him on the funeral pyre. After their funeral, they were in the world called Niflheim.The great thing in this old story is that when Ragnarök was ahead, Loke would be released
and now comes my personal message.
I have never been especially interested in these Norse guys or Sir cult, but power wrote on my nose and threw me in in the old myth stew and gave me a role. Odin here and Oden there. It was a lot of connection to old history back then.
The old story said that Loke should be released when the time of Ragnarök was getting close. In September 2003 a five year old girl was stabbed by a maniac with thirty hits outside her kindergarten. After such a traumatic event that poor girl did not make it to the other side and one morning, walking to my office, I was asked to help her to do the pass to the land of the dead spirits. A robin in my bedroom the morning before (it was a Sunday) made the omen (! (the blood of christ on the chest of the Robin)) that the spirit of the girls was coming my way. (Yes ther was two girls but the other girl is not of any certain interest here, the other girl was shot by the mob drug in UK, her father was a drug dealer).
I really did my best and after two weeks (in earth time) te swedish 5 year old girl found and reached her heaven. The great thing was that she, with a childs natural convince, forced me up the ladder to heaven. Sabinas heaven was a traditional one, but it was also, to my surprise a heaven of Norse mythology. And there I met Höder, thanks to that young girl. I must say that that experience changed my life in a most fundamental sense.
Long story short.
At about the same time it stood clear that to "release" Loke someone like Oden, one of his Ravens or at least the best replica you can get, any look alike energy on Earth, must take that decision. The gods, how powerful they might be above, had no influence down here. So I simply made that decision, and gave the commission of releasing Loke to Höder. After all they had a historic event together. And I said:
Dear Höder - you that can smell my presence from a mile away - Find Loke, and set him free. Tell him that now is the time and that all mischief is forgotten.
I remember that evening in my chair very well, it was like two thousand tons was pressing my chest and it was not glorious at all. I was pressed down so much that I was almost lying in that armchair. The order had to be outspoken, and that was like talking in cement. The order had to be given, my whole being was saturated with the "knowingness" that this was the time, simply since the world had gone crazy. The War had begun and the North was gathering their power, Loke should be brought back to the tribe. Odin opened up the heaven for the mighty forces that day.
And I later saw Lokes car on the street. In Sweden we have register plates that goes ABC 123 in any combination. For example my plate on one motorcycle is RHA 937.
Then you can buy plates for USD 600 and choose your own letter and numbers. So people and institutions do this. For instance my University use the abbrevation LIU and then add numbers like 1, 2 and 3 for their internal rental cars.
More spectacular, I saw a (100 thousand bucks) Ferrari that had the plate PANT 1 (PLEDGE 1) meaning that the car was a security for his loans I suppose.

Now, back to Loke and our Ragnarök, I have seen his (Lokes) car. In Swedish Salmon is read Lax. So on a Silver colored Corvette Stingray (!) I have seen the plate LAX. I saw that fine car the first time in 2004 and I saw it this autumn too, so I know "he is hanging around". Now Loke has nothing to do with the owner of that car. It is only a way to show me a sign, a way to give me a message. You all know that kind of details.
~.~ jm ~.~