Let me toss in here an opening
I dont think you or I are "complicit" whatsoever.
I mean the devil is in the details of that "manuscript" and yes while many dont 'believe' in this way
Like for a moment. I dont know if you ever have seen me say this. But I said the CC books. I mean I remember when I purchased my first copy Tales of Don Juan.
Bear with me.
I know many called him a fraud, charlatan, and all that. We know the drill.
It was SUPPOSED to be that way.
Because these books, you know!

When you open them, they will come alive for some, and for others? The words lay flat on the page and read as a good fiction tale.
A cool story about jumping into the abyss, turning into a crow, freeing a cat Max! HAHA I know I can sit here. And dont you dare say by me staying I am walking any cats into a vet to be put down.
Not on your life.
Ill shove their little asses through that PORTAL that vicki and i saw.
Anyway so its not exactly per your design totally.
You can stll get the freedom.
But I know. and walk around among the Phantoms and all those....I know.
And flyers and the FI and who stuck all this in?
Man, demiurge - flower who cares its sick.
And you know what they tried to do to the Goddess - oh god dont get me started on that.
But anyway so The option 1 is a tad flawed. Its not necessarily about making happy. Fall in love have a family get a nice job and enjoy foods vacation etc. Then comes death and do it again.
Its a bit different than that.
The books came alive for me. They did their thing - and for others they will not.
Really spirit knows who is ready or ... at least who to open the door for the opportunity.
IM not being complicit
I have shown MANY spirit is alive and real and shook up some folks with messages surely.
How did she know?

So no there isnt a thing of being complicit in the situation whatsoever. Not at all no way! I am not here to lie to anyone or anything. And im glad I didnt believe the LIE.
When ready - we will talk about that portal.
My alarm is going off I have to work soon.