Author Topic: The Escapee's Dilemma  (Read 287 times)

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The Escapee's Dilemma
« on: January 12, 2023, 10:22:18 PM »
The Escapee's Dilemma

Imagine, for a moment, that you live in a gigantic prison. This prison holds thousands of people, who have been imprisoned for generations. The inmates have had to get on with living, as best they can, so an entire inner economy has developed, where people have families, jobs, children, relationships and eventually die, without ever seeing outside the prison. No one knows who originally established this prison, but many mythologies have arisen about life outside, and why the prison has been so successful in blocking escape attempts. Stories, embellished and most likely contrived, exist about some who succeeded in escaping, although none actually know anyone who has broken out. In fact, so secure is the prison, that no factual information exists about what the world outside is like. Thus, although the trope of the ‘prison’ is fundamental to the mentality of the inmates, much conjecture and disputation abounds as to whether the whole concept of the prison is a reality at all.

Meanwhile, life goes on, and the inmates evolved a unique social and political structure, in which certain of them adopted the role of prison guards, despite being prisoners themselves, and this has not only worked extremely well, but the role of these guards in enforcement of the prison security is effective and actually obvious to everyone. Such is the psychology of imprisonment, that the confusion around inconsistencies become too stressful that almost everyone pushes those questions into the background, and gets on with the immediate and difficult tasks of earning a living, bringing up their children and negotiating the endless disputes between inmates. There is little time or energy left for any fantasies of life outside, escaping their custodial sentence, or why they have been sentenced in the first place?

Now, imagine again for a moment, that you discovered an ancient manuscript which described in detail, how to escape the prison. Imagine that you diligently followed these instructions, and much to your astonishment, succeeded in crawling beneath the walls via a small tunnel, and that the world outside was full of rich colour, vibrant life and freedom for all creatures. But you also discover that without the safety of the prison system (unfair as it is yet oddly predictable) you have to be alert and self-reliant to survive in this beautiful, abundant world beyond the prison walls. This was not an option for the weak-willed and feeble-minded. It had to be met with audacity and courage, but then, these were precisely the qualities required to take up and execute the instructions from this old manuscript.

You were overcome with a desire to share this experience, so you return into the prison and begin excitedly trying to enlist others to join you in escaping the drab and stress-ridden inmate life. Unfortunately, you soon discover that for many reasons, no one is interested in your escape plans. Some are not suitable to make the journey, some don’t believe you, some are winners within the prison so have little drive to leave, but most are too committed with obligations and responsibilities which they refuse to walk away from. Then there are those who are so consumed with the anxieties that the prison has ingeniously designed into the social structure of inmate life, that their entire energy is deployed in this struggle, and they are incapable of detaching themselves from its fears and hopes, which they erroneously believe to be their own fears and hopes..

You are at an impasse – what to do? You have two options:

  •    You realise you could remain inside the prison, and help other inmates in their struggle for happiness – a happiness that you know can never be a substitute for the experience of life beyond the prison walls. By doing so, you become complicit in the prison’s scheme, as you are validating that clever plan and thus deepening the mind-frame that constitutes the prison itself. But you will be able to alleviate some of the suffering, and help people to reach a level of balance in their imprisoned existence – just that they will never be interested in your deeper quest as an escapee.
  •    Or you can leave – there is still much to be done outside the prison walls, and much to be achieved in a real and sustaining way, instead of always flutily cycling back upon itself as is the prison’s paradigm. But more importantly, you will be free from the prison, and those you leave behind never will be.

Which path would you choose?

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Re: The Escapee's Dilemma
« Reply #1 on: January 13, 2023, 02:15:45 AM »
I knew this was coming.


I have always faced this.


Love or Freedom

And its not im stuck in the matrix - im past that

you know that i am

Do i have to do this now?

But yet I KNOW i have to face it NOW.

I love the earth - but the world 'system' i do not.

Do you remember what william shatner said when he went into space?

He felt nothing but DEATH

and he realized was home.

let me find it its very important. and WS - remember della loved star trek.

Hang on...

Here it is:

“Last year, I had a life-changing experience at 90 years old. I went to space, after decades of playing an iconic science-fiction character who was exploring the universe. I thought I would experience a deep connection with the immensity around us, a deep call for endless exploration.

"I was absolutely wrong. The strongest feeling, that dominated everything else by far, was the deepest grief that I had ever experienced.

"I understood, in the clearest possible way, that we were living on a tiny oasis of life, surrounded by an immensity of death. I didn’t see infinite possibilities of worlds to explore, of adventures to have, or living creatures to connect with. I saw the deepest darkness I could have ever imagined, contrasting so starkly with the welcoming warmth of our nurturing home planet.

"This was an immensely powerful awakening for me. It filled me with sadness. I realized that we had spent decades, if not centuries, being obsessed with looking away, with looking outside. I did my share in popularizing the idea that space was the final frontier. But I had to get to space to understand that Earth is and will stay our only home. And that we have been ravaging it, relentlessly, making it uninhabitable."

-- William Shatner, actor

What if Shiva - that was Della and Orlando - speaking to us? I love her so much. But what if....she is telling us......

something really deep.....

What if... bear with me. We have been - and certainly could be - doing it ass backwards?

I have dreamed to, of better planets, beautiful astral planes and i know that there is plenty "there" heaven and hell sure, and yet so much in between and all that....

Buddha - he said the human realm IS the place.

The here and now is all there is.





I cant.

I cant leave THEM to pray to a GLASS SPIDER and no one comes for them when they cry.

I flowering cant.

I cant leave my son, my daughter, or anyone else.

Now i know i could ponder this whole sense of "but its not REAL freedom."

Really? Is della free?

What did WS feel out there?

Vicki - ok.

I at times definitely do pick and choose. Like who gets in SIR and who got in Journey and so forth. But...

course any mother no matter how bad ass a kid is, loves them. Like say if my son turned into that horrible, university of idaho murders boy? Would i still love him? I would. But i know he would have to face the consenquences. The love is the same. Disappointed, ANGRY, disgusted? But I wouldnt stop loving him. AND i bet his parents love him too.

Im very tired. Im exhausted. But i have grown to love many people who are within this place.

I pulled the magician.

That card is about INTENT

All about intent.


My double once said, as the MAGICIAN points to the sky - up.

When I asked what happens when we die.


That would be great. Fantastic.

Yet to leave many to pray to a GLASS SPIDER with no one coming when they shed those tears?

Those cries will still be able to be HEARD and FELT IN MY SOUL and how could I know PEACE in some place of freedom if i leave and i cant reach them, when they do cry out and then i lose the ability to help?

Could that be really, the silent scream that Della spoke of.

Or the SCREAM that Vicki posted on her profile close to before she passed?

Shiva I know, only cares about HER I know.

But Ma is not the same.

And that has always been the flowering problem in this horrible story.

So I say this - I only go  if everyone else comes with me.

Thats the deal.

You never leave a ..... kid behind.

Even if brats.

I know it may not be or seem like "real freedom?"

I cant leave them to worship a Glass Spider.

Guess Im gonna have to stick around.

Until SHIVA can come up with a better game plan.

Sorry man.
"A warrior doesn't seek anything for his solace, nor can he possibly leave anything to chance. A warrior actually affects the outcome of events by the force of his awareness and his unbending intent." - don Juan

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Re: The Escapee's Dilemma
« Reply #2 on: January 13, 2023, 02:30:40 AM »
Up until one century ago there lived
In the Zi Duang province of eastern country
A glass-like spider
Having devoured its prey
It would drape the skeletons over its web
In weeks creating a macabre
Shrine of remains
Its web was also unique in that it had many layers
Like floors in a building
At the top of this palace-like place
Assembled with almost apparent care
Were tiny, shining objects
Glass, beads, dew-drops
One could almost call it an altar
When the breeze blew
Thru this construction
It produced sounds of wailing, crying
Tiny wails, tiny cries
The baby spiders would get scared
And search frantically for their mother
But the Glass Spider would have long gone
Having known that the babies
Would survive somehow on their own
Oh-The Glass Spider had blue eyes almost like-a human's
They shed tears at the wintered turn of the centuries
Don't you hear this wasted cry
Life is over you
(Mummy come back 'cause the water's all gone)
But you've seen who's in heaven
Is there anyone in hell
(Mummy come back 'cause it's dark now)
Take care, take care
(Mummy come back 'cause the water's all gone)
Somewhere she glows divine
Somewhere she wakes alone
But you, you've promise
In your lovin' eye
God it's dark now
Jah Jah Jah Jah Jah
Jah Jah Jah Jah Jah
Gone, Gone the water's all gone
Mummy come back
'Cause the water's all gone
Stay low on the ground
Fire can drive you savage and afraid
Spitting the dawn, come come come along
Before the animals awake
Gone, Gone the water's all gone
Mummy come back
'Cause the water's all gone
Run, run, we've been moving all night, rivers to the left
If your mother don't love you then the riverbed might
Gone, gone, the water's all gone
Mummy come back
'Cause the water's all gone
Jah Jah Jah Jah Jah
Jah Jah Jah Jah Jah
Jah Jah Jah Jah Jah
Gone gone the water's all gone
Mummy come back
'Cause the water's all gone
Gone gone the water's all gone
Mummy come back
'Cause the water's all gone
Gone gone the water's all gone
Mummy come back
'Cause the water's all gone
Mommy come back because it's dark now
Mommy come back 'cause the water's all gone
(Ja ja ja ja ja)
(Ja ja ja ja ja)
Mommy come back because it's dark now
(Ja ja ja ja ja)
(Ja ja ja ja ja)
Mommy come back 'cause the water's all gone
(Ja ja ja ja ja)
(Ja ja ja ja ja)
Mommy come back because it's dark now
(Ja ja ja ja ja)
(Ja ja ja ja ja)
"A warrior doesn't seek anything for his solace, nor can he possibly leave anything to chance. A warrior actually affects the outcome of events by the force of his awareness and his unbending intent." - don Juan

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Re: The Escapee's Dilemma
« Reply #3 on: January 13, 2023, 03:31:08 AM »
Let me toss in here an opening

I dont think you or I are "complicit" whatsoever.

I mean the devil is in the details of that "manuscript" and yes while many dont 'believe' in this way

Like for a moment. I dont know if you ever have seen me say this. But I said the CC books. I mean I remember when I purchased my first copy Tales of Don Juan.

Bear with me.

I know many called him a fraud, charlatan, and all that. We know the drill.

It was SUPPOSED to be that way.

Because these books, you know!  :) When you open them, they will come alive for some, and for others? The words lay flat on the page and read as a good fiction tale.

A cool story about jumping into the abyss, turning into a crow, freeing a cat Max! HAHA I know I can sit here. And dont you dare say by me staying I am walking any cats into a vet to be put down.

Not on your life.

Ill shove their little asses through that PORTAL that vicki and i saw.

Anyway so its not exactly per your design totally.

You can stll get the freedom.

But I know. and walk around among the Phantoms and all those....I know.

And flyers and the FI and who stuck all this in?

Man, demiurge - flower who cares its sick.

And you know what they tried to do to the Goddess - oh god dont get me started on that.

But anyway so The option 1 is a tad flawed. Its not necessarily about making happy. Fall in love have a family get a nice job and enjoy foods vacation etc. Then comes death and do it again.

Its a bit different than that.

The books came alive for me. They did their thing - and for others they will not.

Really spirit knows who is ready or ... at least who to open the door for the opportunity.

IM not being complicit

I have shown MANY spirit is alive and real and shook up some folks with messages surely.

How did she know?


So no there isnt a thing of being complicit in the situation whatsoever. Not at all no way! I am not here to lie to anyone or anything. And im glad I didnt believe the LIE.

When ready - we will talk about that portal.

My alarm is going off I have to work soon.
"A warrior doesn't seek anything for his solace, nor can he possibly leave anything to chance. A warrior actually affects the outcome of events by the force of his awareness and his unbending intent." - don Juan

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Re: The Escapee's Dilemma
« Reply #4 on: January 13, 2023, 04:27:14 AM »
Let me add.

Battlefield shit

I need to come down

This is a lot at once

A lot

I’m fine. Perfectly calm

It’s just a lot.

Bowie. Spiders. Death. Crows. Lenny. Brandon. Don Juan

Jason replied to this

Birthday Goal

Lambert house

Lots want readings

Learning job

I need to buckle down and deal tonal for a moment.
"A warrior doesn't seek anything for his solace, nor can he possibly leave anything to chance. A warrior actually affects the outcome of events by the force of his awareness and his unbending intent." - don Juan

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Re: The Escapee's Dilemma
« Reply #5 on: January 13, 2023, 05:36:50 AM »
I never found out who sent me this key chain

I know. A psychic should know.

But it’s ok. It’s a mystery.

Ganesh. You were kind of a dick to him too one time lol

K well…
"A warrior doesn't seek anything for his solace, nor can he possibly leave anything to chance. A warrior actually affects the outcome of events by the force of his awareness and his unbending intent." - don Juan

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Re: The Escapee's Dilemma
« Reply #6 on: January 13, 2023, 05:39:38 AM »
One more.

That card. The baggage bull

Coming down the mountain with a bunch of shit

THIS has been going on TOO LONG

Shiva you GOT to be smarter than this

Come up with a better PLAN

You make the RULES MF

Cause I gotta stay
"A warrior doesn't seek anything for his solace, nor can he possibly leave anything to chance. A warrior actually affects the outcome of events by the force of his awareness and his unbending intent." - don Juan

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Re: The Escapee's Dilemma
« Reply #7 on: January 13, 2023, 08:19:08 AM »
I’m chatting with the kids

In a way it’s almost like facing two prisons

Sometimes kids…

Good to listen to them.
"A warrior doesn't seek anything for his solace, nor can he possibly leave anything to chance. A warrior actually affects the outcome of events by the force of his awareness and his unbending intent." - don Juan

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Re: The Escapee's Dilemma
« Reply #8 on: January 13, 2023, 08:48:35 AM »
That glass spider.


All that we see or seem is a dream within a dream

Tiana and TONZE JR are REAL

flower that Spider.

I’m not stupid.

I’m awake.

Did you ever think it’s not 100 percent their fault?

The game was rigged from the start.

And if SHIVA

flower that Spider.

I’m staring at Ganesh.

I know my man.

Buddha said the Earth is my witness

This is the only place in the universe with life.

And they are destroying it.

If I stay.

We all go

flowering I can’t think.

I’m confused.

flowering Maya
"A warrior doesn't seek anything for his solace, nor can he possibly leave anything to chance. A warrior actually affects the outcome of events by the force of his awareness and his unbending intent." - don Juan

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Re: The Escapee's Dilemma
« Reply #9 on: January 13, 2023, 05:29:57 PM »
Cool down Kaladhara, you are becoming manic...

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Re: The Escapee's Dilemma
« Reply #10 on: January 13, 2023, 06:29:28 PM »
Cool down Kaladhara, you are becoming manic...

No I’m not.

You owe me an answer.

I need to know

Did you DROP Lisa Marie Presley?

Be honest.

Are you that cold blooded about kids or what?

Oh it’s all not real so…

Just tell me cause I am close to packing up.
"A warrior doesn't seek anything for his solace, nor can he possibly leave anything to chance. A warrior actually affects the outcome of events by the force of his awareness and his unbending intent." - don Juan

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Re: The Escapee's Dilemma
« Reply #11 on: January 13, 2023, 06:41:31 PM »

I didn’t know her son had committed suicide

She died of a broken heart.

I’m sorry.

I should have known you would not hurt me like that

"A warrior doesn't seek anything for his solace, nor can he possibly leave anything to chance. A warrior actually affects the outcome of events by the force of his awareness and his unbending intent." - don Juan

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Re: The Escapee's Dilemma
« Reply #12 on: January 13, 2023, 07:45:47 PM »
Lisa Marie Presley

Lights Out
Main Results
You were a million miles behind
And I was crying every time I'd leave you
Then I didn't want to see you
I still keep my watch two hours behind
Someone turned the lights out there in Memphis
Ooh, that's where my family's buried and gone (gone)
Oh yeah
Last time I was there I noticed a space left
Oh, next to them there in Memphis, yeah
In the damn back lawn
I didn't know that I was in the crowd
Oh and then the fresh cut grass stopped growing
Everything on my shelf has fallen
I still keep my watch two hours behind
Someone turned the lights out there in Memphis
Ooh, that's where my family are buried and gone (gone)
Oh yeah
Last time I was there I noticed a space left
Oh, next to them there in Memphis, yeah
In the damn back lawn
Was that bridge I was crossing?
Somewhere I stopped walking
I guess I fell off on my own
I heard all the roads they lead to Memphis
Ooh, except for the one I'm stumbling down (down)
And I'll, I'll be damned if I ever get this
Little son of a bitch from Memphis
Oh, someday I guess I guess
Yeah and I haven't forgot
Yeah, yeah, yeah
(Um yeah)
Yeah (yeah)
"A warrior doesn't seek anything for his solace, nor can he possibly leave anything to chance. A warrior actually affects the outcome of events by the force of his awareness and his unbending intent." - don Juan

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Re: The Escapee's Dilemma
« Reply #13 on: January 13, 2023, 10:56:58 PM »
Naturally, this is a contrived dilemma. Not every angle can be incorporated. Yet it is a fundamental question, because in life we have a unique option, governed by death. We cling to the attachments of all kinds, because they constitute our identity. We are faced with the dilemma that freedom from the command of death, is to accept death.

In this case, we prise open the confrontation of death, and see that in the appearance of death in our lives, two deaths present. One is the death of the body, the other the death of the soul. One is physical – the body must die… our body. The other is the death of our identity – everything that life has meant for us, all our memories, our experiences, the people we have loved and those we hated, the places we lived, the achievements and disappointments. This amorphous conglomeration of everything we intend when we use the word ‘I’, at death, is to vanish.

Freedom from the ‘prison’, means the death of the soul. Let me explain – you love your children, your partner, your passion, your aspiration for yourself, children, world: but if you are incapable of releasing these from your control and aspiration, you are in effect imprisoning these to your soul… your soul’s vision. How can you say you love what you imprison? That is not love, that is desperation: the fear of losing.

The prison trope is in the mind – it is the imaginative representation of our mental world. The tree doesn’t change, the people around us don’t change, the mountain doesn’t change – we change. Freedom means the collapse of our stencil, our filtering – instead of seeing in all these things the reflection of our own identity, we see them for what they are in essence, without our own emotions plastered across them. We not only release ourselves by the death of our soul, we also release the world we love.

But that is not the end of it. Unfortunately, the humans we love, the human world we long for, remains embedded in the same enchantment from which we have escaped. This enchantment, the dream of the prison, is an agreement. Make no mistake, those you leave by denying the agreement, will know perfectly well that you are denying their identity – the very identity of imprisonment that you have rejected. You will be rejecting their souls, by dying to your soul, because our souls are group-souls – not souls based on unique essence of our life monad.

What is the gift of love? One who has discovered, seen and tasted of freedom, can have no other gift to those they love, but the gift of freedom. That rule is core, and unchangeable. No matter how fierce the anger from the ‘agreement’-mind of those who resent our challenge - those remaining bowed to the command of the species - so be it.

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Re: The Escapee's Dilemma
« Reply #14 on: June 30, 2023, 04:17:35 PM »
I reread this again. This whole flowering thing is the allegory of the cave. It is. And even if we walk outside, folks are inside it in mind. BUT I notice, old people are not. I talk to them all the time. The elderly because they arent tech savvy by nature seem to be spared. They like old stuff you know ;) So I see them and they are really sweet and some of them speak from an inner child.

I swear today a man came in with a Pink Panther hat on and pink shirt elderly man. I stopped him and told him I have one too and his jaw dropped like he was the only one. So many dont remember that guy but I do! And his wife and I talked about him when he ran off how he had a relative work for a company with PP as his logo, so he has tons of hats and merch and she laughed and told me he has Pink Panther underwear! After they walked off, I was laughing in an aisle for a good 15 min I couldnt stop he made me so happy! One cause I said i had a hat and two, he existed and was mischief like me! But yes old folks arent stuck in a matrix. They are for the most part happy and the last little bit of.... normalcy we got left. And they are my favorite people. And really everyone is nice but...i know younger ones are depressed and things and it sucks. So detachment tho i do try to help others. If my own werent on this thing i would totally be done. BUT they arent totally but at least not on tiktok done. So i try to keep to certain spaces so i dont get my own poor brain warped and yes i have people i care about. BUT yes i purposely had to see shit and pull away. Like della and vicki were warriors and they did their part to educate but i know its worsening in areas. But my thing is im aware....whats going down. I am broke cause i am prepared to leave soon when the call comes down. Hence why i stocked on things. I will evacuate so to speak when ready. But before i bail, i got to finish a task. If it can be done. If possible. Its brutal. BUT I also feel like....something is a huge lesson of course so...itt comin. Dad knew it was so....

Im almost there. I got my idea finger pointing. may help. Ill try. But i know unlike the elderly who are cool with records on a player and things....simple living. Others are mind stuck. Even the hospital was a wake up call...they thought it was weird i wanted kiddo off this. Agent Smiths. And then the hospital with folks...yeah i know.Try

I know you....think it useless and exasperating to educate. On this the thing which can make folks sick. Well Buddha probably thought it exasperating too.... But he got up from the tree to educate others. He didnt just sit there "No one will believe or listen." He did get up and changed people.

I have often considered living in a monastery. I really have. BUT... i dont know. That feels an escape from the problem at large. Tho I appreciate what they do in the mountains. They do their chanting and work and it does cause effects.

I got a regular contact book and wrote down friends i care about really i care about many many more. But I did. So i can call when i do leave.

I trust spirit will tell me when. I printed tons and tons of photos and now i have music and im not done movies i cared about. And i leave. Im prepped.

But the kiddos. I got to try cause its not their fault and they are innocent. I have to try.

All i can think of for now.

The Escapee's Dilemma

Imagine, for a moment, that you live in a gigantic prison. This prison holds thousands of people, who have been imprisoned for generations. The inmates have had to get on with living, as best they can, so an entire inner economy has developed, where people have families, jobs, children, relationships and eventually die, without ever seeing outside the prison. No one knows who originally established this prison, but many mythologies have arisen about life outside, and why the prison has been so successful in blocking escape attempts. Stories, embellished and most likely contrived, exist about some who succeeded in escaping, although none actually know anyone who has broken out. In fact, so secure is the prison, that no factual information exists about what the world outside is like. Thus, although the trope of the ‘prison’ is fundamental to the mentality of the inmates, much conjecture and disputation abounds as to whether the whole concept of the prison is a reality at all.

Meanwhile, life goes on, and the inmates evolved a unique social and political structure, in which certain of them adopted the role of prison guards, despite being prisoners themselves, and this has not only worked extremely well, but the role of these guards in enforcement of the prison security is effective and actually obvious to everyone. Such is the psychology of imprisonment, that the confusion around inconsistencies become too stressful that almost everyone pushes those questions into the background, and gets on with the immediate and difficult tasks of earning a living, bringing up their children and negotiating the endless disputes between inmates. There is little time or energy left for any fantasies of life outside, escaping their custodial sentence, or why they have been sentenced in the first place?

Now, imagine again for a moment, that you discovered an ancient manuscript which described in detail, how to escape the prison. Imagine that you diligently followed these instructions, and much to your astonishment, succeeded in crawling beneath the walls via a small tunnel, and that the world outside was full of rich colour, vibrant life and freedom for all creatures. But you also discover that without the safety of the prison system (unfair as it is yet oddly predictable) you have to be alert and self-reliant to survive in this beautiful, abundant world beyond the prison walls. This was not an option for the weak-willed and feeble-minded. It had to be met with audacity and courage, but then, these were precisely the qualities required to take up and execute the instructions from this old manuscript.

You were overcome with a desire to share this experience, so you return into the prison and begin excitedly trying to enlist others to join you in escaping the drab and stress-ridden inmate life. Unfortunately, you soon discover that for many reasons, no one is interested in your escape plans. Some are not suitable to make the journey, some don’t believe you, some are winners within the prison so have little drive to leave, but most are too committed with obligations and responsibilities which they refuse to walk away from. Then there are those who are so consumed with the anxieties that the prison has ingeniously designed into the social structure of inmate life, that their entire energy is deployed in this struggle, and they are incapable of detaching themselves from its fears and hopes, which they erroneously believe to be their own fears and hopes..

You are at an impasse – what to do? You have two options:

  •    You realise you could remain inside the prison, and help other inmates in their struggle for happiness – a happiness that you know can never be a substitute for the experience of life beyond the prison walls. By doing so, you become complicit in the prison’s scheme, as you are validating that clever plan and thus deepening the mind-frame that constitutes the prison itself. But you will be able to alleviate some of the suffering, and help people to reach a level of balance in their imprisoned existence – just that they will never be interested in your deeper quest as an escapee.
  •    Or you can leave – there is still much to be done outside the prison walls, and much to be achieved in a real and sustaining way, instead of always flutily cycling back upon itself as is the prison’s paradigm. But more importantly, you will be free from the prison, and those you leave behind never will be.

Which path would you choose?
"A warrior doesn't seek anything for his solace, nor can he possibly leave anything to chance. A warrior actually affects the outcome of events by the force of his awareness and his unbending intent." - don Juan


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