Well, I haven't read all this, at least since I read that book many time long ago, but I have a few points to prosecute.
Firstly, forget about Carol - poor woman got roped into the Carlos drama. As did so many others. Best forget about Carlos and his dupes.
Secondly, intent is not intend. Intend is a verb, and to say all one needs to do is practice is frankly inane. To lift intend from wish, hope, and casual will, requires a lifetime of building inner force. How to do that is the core precept of sorcery. I'm always flabbergasted at how many play at sorcery terms but rarely ask how they can become a reality.
Thirdly, the comment about the prevalence of female energy, put to lie the excesses of feminism. True, masculine energy in the vast past and current history of humanity has been unbelievably appalling - in fact I'd call it down-right evil. But there is something unique and preciously essential about masculine energy. I understand why women throw their hands in the air and reject the whole thing - I get it - but that's no answer. If humanity is to have a future, male energy must align with its spiritual intent. That's not just a job for men - women must play their role in forcing men to drop their stupid brutality and ignorance. I suppose, this will never happen and we are all doomed...
Fourthly, I am coming to realise why the path of human evolution veered away from the influence of priests and mystics, into the hands of rationalists and materialists. Mystics must of course, continue to play their essential role, but they caused so much havoc in the past that it was with excellent wisdom that the inner sanity of humanity rejected them.
In so many countries, the mystics cast humanity down such a dark hole, that people simply walked away but never forgot. In so many lands there is evidence of wonderful social arrangements, like the Hopewell Interactive Sphere on Turtle Island, only to be followed by the worst male atrocity of Cahokia. Or like Teotihuacan followed by Tenochtitlan in Mesoamerica. Even Chavín de Huantar terrifies me. The downfall was always accompanied by the mystical priestly caste who validated inhumanity on an insidious scale. Truly, humanity is better off without a mystical tradition, except, with that went supersensible meaning and purpose.