I have been watching the forum for awhile, and it has become obvious that it's usefulness for members on this path, is limited.
This place is a harbour. A place to rest with friends who understand the struggles and joys of being on a different road to the rest of our fellow humans. We can quietly work on many things which I call the 'lining' of the well - the supports, the padding.
So much material and resource is already revealed here - there is much for anyone who wants to learn more, to follow up on. A lot more could be said, or offered, but there is never an end to this, we will add as we can, and follow up as we see what attracts us.
But growth from this is very limited, unless it is put to the test.
Since ancient times, the way has always been to go out into the world, into spirit, to places you have never been before - to have an adventure, undertake a journey - a journey into spirit.
The energy from this group works slowly but surely upon each of us, until we reach a point, where unless we take flight, we wither and die. that is the point each of us here arrives at, now, or later.
Something is missing here. There is too much armchair talk, too much reflection with a way out.
It won't work. Soma will not save anyone, it will kill your soul with the fog of illusion that you are 'on the path'.
You have to Journey. Travel out of your neighbourhood, and take to the road. It is there that the smoke gets blown away, and you see just where you really stand.
This place is becoming a trap for the lazy in spirit. Go out your door and have an adventure, then come here and tell us of your journey.
Don't tell us of old journeys you once made, tell us of the journey you are ripe for now - tell us of your preparations, your intent. Then tell us of what happened, or is happening.
Go far away.