Author Topic: Work Mindfulness  (Read 154 times)

Offline tommy2

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Work Mindfulness
« on: December 24, 2006, 07:04:42 PM »
Hardly Waking up

The challenge of being at ease with ourselves at work;  what about this?  So very often we can’t control work.  It is chaotic, fickle, messy and often really nerve-wracking.  We can have our passion for work and work hard at it, yet complications always come up …. rebellious students, bad hours, long days and weeks, tired bodies and minds, ignorant or hard to get along with co-workers and clients …. it’s never what we expect and often never simple.  Untidy complications get distressing and alarming with so many uncertainties.  We get upset, stressed out and even under siege at times. 

And me, personally?  What do have I felt over the years “really matters” at work?  Paychecks, promotions, profits?  And all the demands on this path which I have wanted to be so smooth.  Yes, success is elusive and our work, by its’ very nature, is unruly and unfair and we know it.  Don’t we just keep regarding stubborn personalities, unrealistic goals and poor decisions just something we call bothersome detours and unwelcome intrusions?  How, I am asking, do we keep successfully and spiritually engaged at work?  I say we all need to pause and examine our work attitude.  Could interruptions and intrusions really be invitations to gain real wisdom?  Aren’t the complications maybe exactly what we are looking for and we don’t know it?  I know this may sound strange but think about this.  Don’t difficulties and messy situations tend to be the very things which demand that we slow down and pay attention?  Don’t these difficulties often go to the front of the line, so to speak, stare us right in the face and make us respond with resourceful attention, so that we have to dig in and resist?  This “resistance” can be a, “Hmm, here comes that knuckle head again.”  It becomes a recoil which sends us into hostile territory where we feel lonely, confused, at battle and even depressed at times.  Then we end up in a protective mode instead of achieving our work objectives.  The sober reality I am exposing here is that resisting work difficulties and hoping for smooth sailing is pointless.  It is futile, I posit here, to expect work to be other than disappointing and often uncertain, and that we end up in a war with ourselves by amplifying our discomforts and end up arguing with our lives rather than living them.

Take moments now and then, more often than not, and acknowledge work as an invitation to wake the hell up instead of reflecting works difficulties as bothersome.  Can we shape our attitudes to consider these speed bumps or demoralizing battles as being, instead, valuable experiences worthy of our wise attention?  Can we really learn from what faces us and actually discover something that’s been inviting us to stop and listen openly, to connect and not detach, to perfect skillfulness instead of putting things into question?  Can’t we maybe realize that our problems and pressures are what we’ve really wanted all along … to simply be awake at work?  I’m talking about redefining our entire approach to our livelihood and engage our job sanely and openly without giving up on success or disregarding our feelings or ambitions.  Can we just require something from ourselves which is really quite ordinary, like simply being what we are instead of getting somewhere fast or being somewhere completely? 

Can we start taking a larger view of work and a very basic truth about us humans … We can just be ourselves in the present moment and be alert, open and skillful.

Yes, my online friends, whether rich or poor, Christian or Sufi, CEO or hairstylist, we can accept works invitations to wake the hell up!  We CAN learn to engage a few or many or all aspects of our lives as spiritual practice and in turn live life more confidently without so much fear and anxiety!

But, in order for our lives and jobs to be a spiritual path we must be willing to set ourselves deliberately on a journey. We need to work with our minds by making firm yet gentle and utterly powerful gestures toward ourselves … not just once but habitually every day … a gesture that cultivates sanity and well-being.  Yes, a gesture of mindfulness and availability in the present moment and face the ordinary, fresh immediacy of our experiences to discover that simply being human is profound much further than our hopes, fears, dreams and preconceptions.  We just need to learn to trust ourselves more, don’t you think?  What I mean is, is to drop our resistances and be intellectually and energetically alert to our lives at work.  And I even put candles on this wonderful cake by making this personal and demanding process a lesson in nobility …. A truth in coming down to earth and into direct contact with our experience … a task which demands effort and discipline.  And by “discipline” I refer not to denying oneself your favorite stuff or running long distances or saluting your superiors … it is not punishment or obligations but, rather, the discipline required to be completely honest with ourselves and overcoming pretenses or deception about our work circumstances. 

I speak of an honesty here that requires a sharp and clear-minded intelligence that is neither gullible or hard-headed.  Yes, my friends, I ask myself to stop kidding myself, stop defending my job or prestige or smooth path and commit to being attentive to and honest about my actual experience, whether work-related or not.

Yes, to be willing to set the stage for engaging work skillfully as it unfolds without trying to always secure my well-being or gather false guarantees.  This honest discipline is the essence of mindfulness which just doesn’t up and appear out of thin air …. It must be cultivated over time.  Of course, this mindfulness doesn’t make my job any less messy … cranky truck drivers and supervisors, screw-off team members, mindless directives, purposeless paperwork, lazy department chiefs and just some basic knuckleheads floating around … these things don’t disappear because I am mindful and alert … I am still annoyed at times.  Being mindful will never eliminate works’ real and never-ending concerns, or even all my resistance to them..  But my mindfulness DOES keep me increasingly curious about my predicament.  It keeps me separated, to a large degree, from the constant undertones of discontentment that often seem to lurk behind every fourth or fifth person I encounter each hectic day.  I stay haunted, if you don’t mind my dramatics here, by my heightened awareness.  I am constantly noticing more, pausing amidst the bedlam, opening to the rawness of my daily work experiences and finding myself being much, much more candid with myself. 

Developing mindfulness, thusly, is really now becoming my central task at work (and as I teach all the newbies on our teams) because I want to do the job properly and completely.  In fact, such mindfulness has drifted steadily into my entire life over the years because finally I am beginning to live well at 60, without near as much anxiety.   Yes, my controlled attitude has splashed onto my daily routines.  Whether preparing a meal or washing the dishes, taking a shower or a crap, tinkering in the shed or filling the bird feeders, rocking in my studio slider or strolling the 3 blocks to work ………..  I am more at peace with myself because my life is no longer a predicament.  I no longer “just survive” until a wheelchair arrests me.  I am content but busy each moment with grasping what is at my next footstep.  Do you see what I mean?  I have hypnotized myself to keep my awareness trapped within my attention ……. i.e., I practice full-blown self-stalking. 

It’s THAT hard.

Can you, THE VERY NEXT TIME you step into your work environment and throw a switch?  The switch you have promised yourself to remind yourself every frigging work day to throw on.  Yes, THAT one.  Can you?  And WILL you?  SHOULD you  start getting more control of your life RIGHT NOW? 

Yes, it’s THAT hard.

Tommy Two Feathers, 12/24/06

Offline Michael

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Re: Work Mindfulness
« Reply #1 on: December 24, 2006, 09:48:34 PM »
good stuff tom

Offline tommy2

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Re: Work Mindfulness
« Reply #2 on: May 22, 2007, 05:42:01 PM »
WHAT ??  Me worry?

 - - - A newly-discovered sphere of work mindfulness - - -

I have written about the concepts of “pleasure” and “happiness” before here, or on the TNF, but it was always on a more philosophical context derived from my meditations and not from a whole lot of personal experience.  But over the last six to nine months I have had come to light something which may be in the category of what M asked a few weeks ago about our recent “spiritual work”. 

My security team function last Fall was subcontracted out to an out-of-state security firm, with wages and paid time off seriously reduced.  This led 90% of our staff to walk out and be replaced by a very less-than-professional group of folk, mostly those under the age of 22.  I chose to remain on the job basically because of my love for the public exposure and my not wanting to make any serious career moves at my age without first putting myself through an even more-serious thought process kicking in first.  My decision was driven purely by my logic and the fact that this particular security position accounts for less than 1/3rd of my yearly income, anyway, and is in walking distance from my home. 

But, as the months have rolled by and the serious “drama” of the teenage world has begun to blossom there, I have found myself in a deeper form of contemplation of my work position and my quickly-advancing age and retirement plans.  For those of you who don’t know me that well, I have the chronological age now of 60 and, believe me, such an event will come upon you much, much quicker than you now realize.  Anyway, here are some items which I am learning to deal with, because I am going to change myself and not my work environment.  The adult atmosphere has transformed into a teenage one, with maturity basically being replaced with immaturity. Professionalism has turned mostly into a playtime which holds very little respect for others and especially those in authority.  Also, basic human courtesy, politeness and self-control have turned into frequent vulgarity, rudeness and the atmosphere of a high school locker room.   Focus on the job has been replaced with focus on the personal agenda and most activities seem to have been overcome with drama. 

Remember now, working with older people and females is not new to me, but working with the younger generation is, so I am not labeling either as being negative.  Younger folk, generally speaking, are just a lot less professional, as I was at that age. 

So, what I have thus far resorted to is practicing a little acceptance of the situation, yet still setting an example of my own definition of professionalism, good attendance and job focus.  Remember now, what I call attention to detail at work is now called being “grumpy”.  Ha.  Actually trying to do the job accurately is now being labeled as “picky”.  I love it.  Yes, I have found another way to learn of something new and sometimes quite profound and, at certain times, very frustrating.  No, difficult is more the word, OK?  I have almost quit twice, already.

The point of all this is that I could have opted for the pleasure of some other position in this gigantic meat-processing facility (BTW, Tyson Fresh Meats is no small fish in the international business waters) where I would be basically more away from the “drama” and non-professionalism, would be making about 25% more money and have much more paid time off.  But then I would be strapped to a desk and not in the public eye, and would be a new guy on a job instead of the senior staffer.  i.e., I am happy where I am at and can easily stay in this position for another 64-odd months until my Medicare kicks in and I won’t need health insurance anymore. 

But, you see, if I had flown off the perch in a heated frenzy, as did several guys on the old staff almost as close to retirement as I am, I would be having my unemployment running out soon or could even be finding myself in a position where I was not near as happy as I am now.  Haste CAN make waste, even of something so precious as Ones’ personal happiness. 

And, yet, the deeper inquisition here is about “the Work”.  Yes, how I have continued to strive for growth in facing self and life changes which may appear to be “beyond my control”. 

But, really, just what IS beyond my and OUR control, anyway??  A very little or a very lot?  Is there really such a commodity as “luck” or “chance”, or is usage of such words just cop-outs or excuses for lack of serious and habitual study of what is in our world around us?  What are we, really, you and I, when we seriously look at ourselves and the reality we have created?  Victims of chance or victims of self-induced ignorance and its’ ensuing spiritual blindness?  Or is it something I like to label, “Mankinds’ Inhumanity to Mankind”?  Are most of us, most of the time, just too lazy or too self-indulged to take a real look now and then at what is called the Nagual and the Tonal?  i.e., things in our awareness, “as they are” and things in our awareness “as they can often appear”? 

To use some other folks’ terms on this and other forums, if we really are Dreaming all of this, then where is the Work of creating this so-called Dream?  Is it sharing poems and pictures and other folks’ words?  Is it reading and contemplating, meditating into the night until our butts and backs scream out in pain?  I don’t think so.  How have we made ourselves change because it was for the better of us?  How have we stood up in the face of trial and tribulation and did something about a particular undesirable situation or human condition of ourselves or others? 

I just wonder about all this a lot and often think that maybe it’s just my imagination and there is no real reason for us being where we are at any given moment in time.  Maybe I’m just dreaming this all up because the Matrix has programmed me to entertain my tiny ego-laden perception in this way.  Or, just maybe, my reason for living and working on self/no-self is the one I make up FOR myself because I really DO give a shit about my next incarnation enough to do something, ANY thing, about it right now and right here, damn it.

And, what am I doing right this moment to enhance this new phase in my Work?  I guess I am going through a very serious re-evaluation process, with regards to dealing with another human situation which I have yet to be exposed to until less than a year ago.  And I am reluctantly admitting to myself that I have some very serious ego concerns as I realize that “age” is not an accomplishment yet it has for me brought a level of patience to allow myself to re-evaluate just what I want and what are my values.

And why am I even calling this all “Work”?  Because it is painful to find myself on shaky ground again.  I am not accustomed to not being sure of myself and what I will do next.

« Last Edit: May 22, 2007, 05:44:34 PM by tommy2 »

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Re: Work Mindfulness
« Reply #3 on: May 22, 2007, 06:25:43 PM »
good Tom, you are right in the thick of it there, and you've put it well.

Offline daphne

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Re: Work Mindfulness
« Reply #4 on: May 23, 2007, 01:55:42 AM »
Nice tommy! I constantly 're-evaluate' my life. It helps to know others do too!  Thanks!   :) :-*
"The compulsion to possess and hold on to things is not unique. Everyone who wants to follow the warrior's path has to rid himself of this fixation in order not to focus our dreaming body on the weak face of the second attention." - The Eagle's Gift

Offline elliot

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Re: Work Mindfulness
« Reply #5 on: May 23, 2007, 02:17:44 PM »
Hi Tommy2,

Quite an interesting fix you currently experience in your work situation.  I could go into long drawn out detail of all the bull shit that I am currently going through with work today.  However, it wouldn't be inappropiate for this setting.  I have to always remember that when it is me telling an 'objective' story that the subject is always there to turn it subjective.  (Subject is me)

Wanted only to thank you for sharing this.  It seemed almost like you were talking directly to me when I read the first post.  Especially with everything that is going on with work right now.  The last couple weeks have been a true battle.  One of epic porportions man.  Lots of strategy with meditations, and dreaming, controlled folly (what little I truely posses at times)  Oh! to be mindful of control folly when at work, 100% of the time.  I have been given the ultimate test to carry this task out this week.  There have been times that I have been.....about half.

You are right, it is not smooth sailing.  The key for me is to not tie into the lower energy fields that come to play as much as I can.  I have to maintain my higher energy field and not let the lower energy pull me down.  Yes, most the time my higher energy brings others up as well.  I have experienced this.  HOwever, in the work place this is especially difficult at times.  It is almost like a nagging hell knocking and pounding at your door alllll  the time......

Sometimes I open the door and yell,  '  get the f out!'

(then i get in trouble)


"O great creator of being, grant us one more hour / to perform our art and perfect our lives."    Jim Morrison

Offline tommy2

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Re: Work Mindfulness
« Reply #6 on: May 23, 2007, 03:23:17 PM »
Ha.  Well put, Elliot.  Awareness of these energies and our relationship to them is definitely a key issue.  You seem to be getting a good handle on it but surprises are always at hand with such matters, it seems. 

Just like the Cub Scouts, I plan as much as I can in my life issues to "keep it simple and make it fun".  Plans help eleviate stress and stress is ALWAYS self-induced.

Keep up the work.  :)

Offline elliot

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Re: Work Mindfulness
« Reply #7 on: May 25, 2007, 03:17:30 PM »
I have to remind myself sometimes.  By working through and talking (writing) about it. 

My unique roll in this madness at the time can be expressed nicely.  I am the boss. 

Sure, I have bosses.  (One even infected with hell of the everyday)  Yet I work the evening shift (very purposefully as we have discussed before) because I have curtain freedoms!  Especially when everyone goes home for the day.

My goal, is to infect the hell out of every one on my shift with positive energy.  I have been accused of being on drugs.  (That's OK, because every now and then ocassionaly I do drugs).  (((I admit this wanting everyone to understand that ocassional for me means about once a month and in moderate levels. )))

However the accusations that people make are not a result of my taking drugs. 

I posses a higher energy level because of two specific reasons:

1)  I do not do physical labor as they do  ,   day in,  day out......  (Sure I get fatter, but that is mainly from me not smoking....   Right????)

2)  I enjoy the "bigger" picture.  All the time.   Because of my position.  It makes me smile.

« Last Edit: May 25, 2007, 03:20:48 PM by elliot »
"O great creator of being, grant us one more hour / to perform our art and perfect our lives."    Jim Morrison

Offline tommy2

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Re: Work Mindfulness
« Reply #8 on: May 25, 2007, 06:23:47 PM »
I possess the aptitude to know what to do to avail myself to accessible energy. 
This is not to insinuate that I wield some sort of weapon, but that there is power availabe to One with a good heart.  I no longer have to remind myself to be of good nature.  You may well be of the same character and only you could know that for sure.  What I am saying, Elliot, is that if One makes themselves available to certain energies, that One is changed and the change becomes noticeable to others.  I, also, am laughingly asked now and then if I take drugs or something.  It's just that I don't ask anything from anyone except for their attention.  This is where the energy exchange is for me.  It's like with a writer or something, I guess.  When the energy is right, all they have to do is put their fingers to the keyboard or writing utensil.  You see, Sir, there is a river which runs at the feet of those people of Power.  It is there because of their Intent, the freeness of their nature.

And it isn't something that one tries to do, either.  That probably doesn't make much sense, but that is the nature of Intent herself.  It is much like awareness.  Awareness, when harnessed by a Nagual, is as alive as any animal could possibly be.  This makes awareness function almost as a tool but, actually, the Warrior itself is the tool.  The Spirit is the wielder, the one facilitating the individual to enact the power that is readily available to anyone with the bent to even fathom such a perposterous thing as comprehending the Nagual.  This makes jumping into the Abyss such an easy maneuver.  It requires no action at all.  It just happens because there are no longer options available to the Warrior ...... except to just up and die, I guess.  And who, in their right mind would want to waste such a precious commodity as life itself?  But then, again, I guess it depends upon the "position" one finds oneself in, right?  Just study your own supposed position, OK, and don't lock yourself down by some sort of definition as to what you think you might be or what "picture" you assume you are enjoying.  I have all the damn fun in the world with my Personal Power but I am as serious as a heart attack.  Impeccability of Intent is the ultimate necessity or one is playing a spiritual game of Russian roulette or something.  The power is in the knowledge that all this energy is available.  That's what makes my life such a lone voyage.  I cannot tell you how I feel.  You have to see it for yourself within the display of my energy.  It's like me and all the damn flowers I cultivate.  I don't do it for the blossoms.  I do it because I love the feel of the dirt on my hands.  The affect upon other people is only secondary to how I act around them.  My Intent is in the freedom of choice which I elected to sidestep, for some damn reason.  I guess my Spirit was tired of all the normal folk it had been residing in or something.  I dunno. 

So, buddy, just keep being abnormal in the view of yourself which you are currently entertaining.  Maybe you'll get lucky, like me, and trip over yourself or something.  Then you'll have to light a fire under a full moon four or five times a year just to catch the attention of the inorganics you dream about.

Now, ain't THAT a hoot?

« Last Edit: May 26, 2007, 08:18:20 AM by tommy2 »


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