Author Topic: Poison in Toltec teachings  (Read 225 times)


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Poison in Toltec teachings
« on: February 20, 2011, 06:00:07 AM »
Toltecs refer to poison as a cause to what we ordinary would call dysfunction or illness.

In some rare moments I am a Toltec teacher and would like to say a few words about poison.

Example 1: Lisa is 15 years old and she is at school. A young man that hasn't got a decent breakfast (so his energy level is low) does not feel well, and suddenly in a social situation, he burst out to Lisa and tell her that she is fat.

To be fat is in this group and setting is equal to be unattractive and dumb. Now Lisa is not fat, she does not even suffer from any particular overweight and she is smart, having grades above general. But she gets sad and when she returns to home that day she is not the same joyful person as she used to be.

(This is a poor summary of a case at Dr Phil many years ago).

The years run on and at the age of 25 Lisa has to seek help for her bad life situation. Dr Phil soon finds the significant event, that day when she was accused of being fat of another student in front of her close group of school mates, and how that event made her out of balance from that day on.

Toltecs would say that Lisa got a thorn in her mind that day and that that thorn developed poison in her system and that poison grew like cancer, and 10 years later she had to seek professional psychological help.
The cure is of course to get back her original confidence. She is a young attractive women with a great potential and she have to get rid of that nasty accusation from her teens. “Do not take anything personal” would be the reply from Toltec teacher Don Miguel. But Lisa is not a Toltec student so she has to rely on modern psychiatry and Dr Phil.

The thorn and the poison have to be removed. If not removed, Lisa will not be able to make herself justice in this lifetime, and she may even develop diseases as cancer or other life threaten states.
« Last Edit: February 20, 2011, 06:18:19 AM by Jahn »

Offline Nichi

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Re: Poison in Toltec teachings
« Reply #1 on: February 21, 2011, 01:59:40 AM »
"Poison" is an apt metaphor!

Here's an interesting aspect: what possessed the dude who told Lisa she was fat? Is there any agenda by the purveyor of the poison? Was there any reality in which he was the pawn of something else, which intends to dispirit (something of which he was unaware, that is)?
« Last Edit: February 21, 2011, 02:02:11 AM by Nichi »
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Re: Poison in Toltec teachings
« Reply #2 on: February 21, 2011, 05:41:57 AM »
"Poison" is an apt metaphor!

Here's an interesting aspect: what possessed the dude who told Lisa she was fat? Is there any agenda by the purveyor of the poison? Was there any reality in which he was the pawn of something else, which intends to dispirit (something of which he was unaware, that is)?

The guy that said the nasty words is rather uninteresting for this lesson. As you will see (or of course already know) such nasty things can come from anyone and it is an energy that has followed man for eons. Some times it is friends or mates that deliver these nasty things, but most often people get hurt by relatives, parents or other close persons.

The origin of this kind of poison is: Lies.

It was a lie that Lisa was fat (and indirectly that meant: unattractive and not smart).

Now we know that most people can handle such statement, and that we have seen worse things.

As you may have noticed, I have recently written a chapter in a government report about rape against children. It is very common, more than 50 percent of the cases, that those who make the violence toward the child are known by the child, either as a parent or as a close relative.

We also found out that, severe psychological problems, misuse of drugs and alcohol and also suicide in adult age is more common for victims of these crimes that happened during childhood. Please keep in mind that is not only girls that get offended, young boys are also a group that suffers from sexual offences. And also the perpetrators have in some studies been noted to have a more than 100 times increased risk for suicide. A great part of the offenders is not feeling very well either.

 The damage that children get after sexual offences and molestation is comparable to the poison paradigm, but in most cases that kind of offence has a more complicated structure in energy terms, because other areas than the traditional areas of thorn and poison, are infected or damaged  as well.
« Last Edit: February 21, 2011, 05:45:15 AM by Jahn »

Offline Nichi

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Re: Poison in Toltec teachings
« Reply #3 on: February 21, 2011, 06:02:30 AM »
Yes, that makes a lot of sense that the child abuse victims carry the poison and some! The damage becomes systemic - the messages given during the event(s) were so complex.
Not here, not there, but everywhere - always right before your eyes.
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Re: Poison in Toltec teachings
« Reply #4 on: February 22, 2011, 05:48:39 AM »
Yes, that makes a lot of sense that the child abuse victims carry the poison and some! The damage becomes systemic - the messages given during the event(s) were so complex.

Now, sexual abuse is not the typical "poison" that I want to talk about, this because sexual abuse contain a great part of physical contact.

The most typical poison that we usually achieve is verbal, and that poison is made on lies or broken promises. It is about what people do or say to us, and most often it is what people close to us say and do. That other people hurt us comes from the inherited dysfunction.

Kill the curse of the family” is a good slogan for warriors that wants to grow and evolve.

Par example of poison statements: My wife Inga-Lill fulfilled a class of art in the late 1970’s.  During the two year education she had especially connected to a school-mate that had some personal, psychological problem. That young women had once tried to make a suicide. In art schools many students have personal problems (females) and drug problems (males), and this school was no exception.

This women told Inga-Lill that her father once said, “You are no good, you could not even kill your self”. Heh, we do not know if that statement is true. However, on the breaking up day for the class, that was in June, her friend hanged herself in an apple tree. Probably she tought it was a good day to die. But she died, and made that suicide, because the poison that she carried had infected her whole mind. She was no longer able to appreciate the value of being alive. Not even together with close friends as Inga-Lill and the boy-friend that she had.

« Last Edit: February 22, 2011, 05:55:24 AM by Jahn »


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Re: Poison in Toltec teachings
« Reply #5 on: February 23, 2011, 05:03:15 AM »
Lies can go two ways into our body (actually bodies), either in to the emotional body, or into the mental body. It is in the emotional body that the lies create poison. When the lies infect the mental body it is more like a virus. It infects our belief system. However, when looking real close on infections in the belief system, we often find a emotional wound behind that belief.

Humans belief so many lies. Some of these lies are so subtle and convincing that we base our entire virtual reality on them without even noticing that they are lies. The lies we believe about ourselves can be difficult to see because we are so used to them that they seem normal.”

“The truth is still the truth whether or not you believe it. Can we say the same about lies? No, lies only exist because we believe them. If we don’t believe in lies, they simply disappear
Don Miguel Ruiz, The Voice of Knowledge, p 94.

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Re: Poison in Toltec teachings
« Reply #6 on: February 23, 2011, 11:58:16 AM »
Julie had a similar case - father told always undermined her (and her brother), no matter how hard she tried. So we have this recurring ongoing battle against her father's 'voice' which operates sub-consciously. We are both very aware of it, but that doesn't stop it's automatic sabotage of everything she wants to achieve.

Thus no matter how well she does at anything, she can never gain her father's approval. Plus it is always there to sap her energy when she gets obstacles. She is aware as I say, and she struggles to deny it power over her, but it sits at the back of her mind always, waiting to say, "I told you you were hopeless".

However, of course, he was told the same thing by his father, and he in turn by his father. It is a family curse. Julie knows this, and has largely distanced herself from it, but these things run very deep.


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Re: Poison in Toltec teachings
« Reply #7 on: February 24, 2011, 05:01:18 AM »

However, of course, he was told the same thing by his father, and he in turn by his father. It is a family curse. Julie knows this, and has largely distanced herself from it, but these things run very deep.

The curse of the family, yes, I know it damn well.

When I had the fight of my life with my father back in 1998 I realized the whole plot - that my father was a victim for the old curse.

We, three brothers, had a schedule to help our parents with the summerhouse. So about once a month I went there. My stomach always went into a knot, and I got anxiety before I arrived at their place each time, wondering about what this event would bring in anger and frustration.

So I attacked him, put him against the wall every time he came forward with some stupid thing, and it was during one of these attacks that my mother and I stood outside the house. We were all upset. And I said to her, the words came from some distant behind, it was almost like I just repeated what I heard:
"It is he who is sick, I said. It is he that needs help."

My mother hummed. She had lived with him almost her whole adult life and she knew that he was choleric, pedantic and difficult, he really could hurt people, not only within his family. But the words that I uttered, they was not a direct communication with her. It was my Soul that just told me the truth. Like thinking out loud, and not waiting for a reply from anyone.


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Re: Poison in Toltec teachings
« Reply #8 on: February 24, 2011, 05:06:23 AM »

"Opportunities to perceive the truth always come to us, and my life has been full of these opportunities. Many of them I just let go, but others opened my spiritual eyes and made transformation in my life possible."

Don Miguel Ruiz, The Voice of Knowledge, pp 16.


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Re: Poison in Toltec teachings
« Reply #9 on: February 25, 2011, 05:10:07 AM »
“You can change your life by refusing to believe your own lies. You can start with the main lies that limit the expression of your happiness and your love. If you take your faith from these lies, they lose the power over you. Then you can recover your faith and invest it in different beliefs. If you stop believing in lies, everything in your life changes, just like magic.

There is a part of the Iliad by Homer that I really love: “We, the gods, will live as long as the humans believe in us. The day the humans no longer believe in us, all the gods will disappear.” This is beautiful. Centuries ago, the Greek gods were worshipped by hundreds of thousands of people; today they are just legends. When we don’t believe in lies the lies disappear, and the truth become obvious.
Many lies enslave us, but only one thing can free us, and it’s the truth”.

Don Miguel Ruiz, The Voice of Knowledge, pp 98-99.


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Re: Poison in Toltec teachings
« Reply #10 on: February 27, 2011, 07:34:47 AM »

So I attacked him, put him against the wall every time he came forward with some stupid thing, and it was during one of these attacks that my mother and I stood outside the house. We were all upset. And I said to her, the words came from some distant behind, it was almost like I just repeated what I heard:
"It is he who is sick, I said. It is he that needs help."

My mother hummed.

Now, my father and I have a good and quite a dear relationsship.
But he still makes nasty situations.


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