You make only selections of what you like - like with your conspiracy theory; like with the Sun; like with anything and everything.
My, so called, " conspiracy theory" that is based on beliefs that steel buildings, such as WTC 1, 2 and 7; does not end up in their footprints in the same speed as free fall. In fact they stand the most impacts, even jumbo jets crashing in here and there in the buildings, no big problem for such constructions. Never in history has steel buildings behaved like they did in WTC. Only in controlled demolitions.
But some believes in fairy tales and you Estländer is one of those that belives that Jumbo jets do vaporize. That human remains do not burn- but that Titanium, Steel and Aluminium do. That is some of "my" conspiracy facts that you are welcome to explain. But you can not.
That the dust from the towers and WtC 7 was full of unleashed Thermite. That the rubble from the buildings was taken away, in a criminal speed, by The Controlled Demolition Incorporated. Such circumstances add to my "theory". A theory that I share with millions of people across the world.
And you know, that this "conspiracy list" of anomalies is very long , so please Estländer, stop picking of me for telling the truth.