Author Topic: Tibet  (Read 139 times)

Offline Michael

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« on: July 22, 2006, 10:44:09 PM »
Alexandra David-Neel

1. My Journey to Lhasa
This is not one of her most 'revealing' of Tibetan mysticism techniques books, but in my view is one of the most revealing in actual practice - some incredible events along this journey. This was always her goal, and she finally made it! against incredible odds, that are not all mentioned in this book - you need to read her Biography for that. One of my favourite books of a shaman in practice in dangerous situations.

2. Alexandra David-Neel, Portrait of an Adventurer, bu Ruth  Middleton.
Biography - gives the overall picture of her life from French girl to international opera singer to Tibetan mystic, then to her recluse in Switzerland.

3. Initiations and Initiates in Tibet
Now you need to be careful here - one of those new-age publishers has produced this book, claiming it to be the full text - it isn't! Try to get the old edition by Rider - you would have to get it on the second hand book shops on the internet. It has the unabridged text. This is a must - has in it some of the stuff she was later banned from returning to Tibet for.

4. Tibetan Journey
My copy is by Book Faith India. Another journey she made into the wilds of the outlying Tibetan plateau. Good stuff.

5. The Superhuman Life of Gesar of Ling
This is really a translation/rendition of an ancient and perennial story in Tibet. A really interesting tale of a Tibetan hero. This is such a Tibetan classic story, with all the insight she can bring to it.

There are others, just can't find them now, and some I am still looking for - they are all out of print now as far as i know, so you have to scan the second hand shops.

Oh, i forgot - she also wrote a very famous text book on Buddhism - we have it somewhere, but i couldn't finish it due to all that suffering stuff in Buddhism - i'm an adventurer myself. She wrote this before she ever left France.
« Last Edit: July 22, 2006, 10:48:23 PM by Michael »


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