A Warrior does not laugh at him- or herself out of controlled folly, it is no fun with practicing controlled folly - it is only a must do. A Warrior laughs along with his Source. However, what may amuse a Warrior and his or hers Source is some times, human folly.
This because the funny thing is the revelation of how things "really are set up" in this Universe and how that state of "how it really are set up" is in conflict with the world of the humans. They (the humans, in their folly) got the horse behind the carriage so to speak.
To put it in other terms: We laugh when we get insights - it is as simple as that.
Controlled folly is only trully 'controlled' when one lives from their Source.
It is being from the Source that gives the detachment needed to see how things are "really set up".
It is being from the Source that give the detachment needed to allow folly to be, and thereby controlling it.
Things are set up in such a way that if we are honest it is impossible to know for certain what will happen next.
Knowing how things are set up; that we can not predict what will come next, creates an incongruity between what we know is happening now, and what we can not know for certain for the next moment. An incongruity between what is experienced as sensible, and what can never make sense; the grand mystery of existence.
We can not laugh if we are not already somewhat detached from the normal mind of the masses. The more detached we become the more free we are to laugh.
Therefor living from our Source allows laughter.
If we not at least a little detached we will not laugh,
We will not laugh because we will be too much in our response/reaction to either the known factor or the unknown factor (like when someone can not laugh at a joke about a disabled person because they are to attached to their seriousness concerning that issue),
therefor the impressions will not fall equally and not produce at once the sharp yes and no needed to produce laughter.
Another instance is when you have so much excess energy that it has to fall on both sides of our energy accumulators.
The above would also explain why staying up late and being half very tired, but youthful and full of energy can set us up to laugh a lot. It is that you are tired, a downer, and full of energy, an upper, then bamb laughter. Yawning is also the opposite of laughter. Laughing relieves us of superfluous energy, but yawning pumps in energy. Therefor, if you are tired, and just feeling tired makes you inclined to pump in more energy because of yawn, this may lead to laughter. Plus bent tired distorts our perception of reality, thereby allowing many things to seem sufficiently incongruous.
The process of controlled folly is a process of energy conservation, the more energy we conserve the more likely we will have enough for it to fall on both sides of the accumulators. Also the core of controlled folly, living from our Source, will also fill us with abundant energy.
Laughter is the natural result of living harmoniously.
Controlled folly is fun if you want it to be.
I have also noticed that laughter deepens feelings of reverence, and increases intellectual ability.
I would further propose that laughter can be deliberately coveted and used as a tool to aid in seeing through the veil of illusion/maya. This is due to laugher allowing us to see reality as incongruous.
This is inspired by personal experience, the scientific theory called "Incongruity theory", and Gurdjieff's theory from In Search of the Miraculous pg. 236-37
Also, we have to believe because there is no way of knowing with certainty. Yet believing is a part of our folly, because we know it is only belief and therefor we are not affected by the seriousness of dogmatism. We believe without believing.