Author Topic: The Two Belief Systems - By Jahn  (Read 118 times)


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The Two Belief Systems - By Jahn
« on: June 25, 2014, 05:22:31 AM »
From my book - Carlos Castaneda in the Astrological Eye

This picture is not difficult to verify on Carlos Arana. The vein of a dogmatist has probably all readers noticed. When Carlos starts to accept the phenomenas of the sorcerers world he does it half-hearted and primarily to be able to communicate with the other apprentices. As soon as he in their company starts to ask questions from the angle of his ordinary view of the World, he then creates worries and he get the answer that he talk too much. In difference to the native Indian apprentices Carlos can’t let go his old view of the world. What is shining through is the earthbinded stubborness to be Capricorn.

This stubborness is also a protection against the permanent attacks made by Don Juan. But lessons and “attacks” that would get the common adept to change is not enough for a solid Capricon, to change a Capricorn requires some extra efforts. So Don Juan explains for Carlos the incredible efforts that Don Genaro made to Carlos, with the aim that Carlos would be able to experience the Nagual.

"He (Genaro) disintegrated your belief system, though you are not yet aware of it. But even in this case you required more than the most. Some single outcomes from Nagual would be enough to raze your  perception, but still, until this day you seem unaffected of the barrage of Nagual. By this you have presented the way of knowledge as more complicated than it is. But beside that, this resistance is oddly enough your best personality trait".

"To learn, the pupil must change his life, accept the thought of his own death, control all his own thought and action within that perspective. When these pressures are revealed one can understand how the apprenticeship goes more quickly for some Indian boys /.../ Our repre¬sentive, trying desperately to satisfy two schools, cannot give his heartfelt allegiance to his teacher‘s discipline. He is literally torn between two worlds of reality. To his effort to control his vision in both, we owe this report. "(Richard de Mille, The Don Juan Papers, pp 28)

 Literally torn between two worlds of reality ” Castaneda was aware about his double loyalties. In one of the few interviews he gave he ponders about his difficult situation in the beginnining as apprentice. This interview lasted four hours and is done by Keith Thompson in Los Angeles, 1993.

His teachings were like a club beating my thick head until I saw that my precious view was actually a construction, woven of all kinds of fixated interpretations, which I used to defend myself against pure wondering perception/…/ By teaching me sorcery he presented a new lens, a new language, and a new way of seeing and being in the world. I was caught between my previous certainty about the world and a new description, sorcery, and forced to hold the old and the new together. I felt completely stalled, like a car slipping its transmission. Don Juan was delighted. He said this meant I was slipping between descriptions of reality -- between my old and new views.”
« Last Edit: June 25, 2014, 05:24:34 AM by Jahn »

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Re: The Two Belief Systems - By Jahn
« Reply #1 on: June 25, 2014, 05:28:01 AM »
LOL I can identify with the stubborn of the capricorn. I would say not as much as the taurus of course, but we can be thick at times, and perhaps one dimensional. But I like what is said, this capricorn nature gave him a bit of protection to stifle some of the blows of don Juan. And I think we need to remember, reality being challenged, or I should say, the fixed view of it, and holding up that dream and that world, and holding for dear life, perhaps this would be all signs would do, in their own special way. I wonder if he were pisces, if he would have say crumbled greatly under this. Dont get me wrong its a great sign, very spiritual, and can grok the unique. But the sensitivity in the assault on the senses, from someone like don juan, this would be very difficult for them. Perhaps the earth nature could keep him grounded somewhat, to not flit off forever and lose it completely too, I would gather. Like one thing we caps can do, is say we flit off too far, we can bring ourselves back to a safe spot. Perhaps cc had this ability to.
"A warrior doesn't seek anything for his solace, nor can he possibly leave anything to chance. A warrior actually affects the outcome of events by the force of his awareness and his unbending intent." - don Juan


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Re: The Two Belief Systems - By Jahn
« Reply #2 on: June 25, 2014, 05:37:35 AM »
LOL I can identify with the stubborn of the capricorn. I would say not as much as the taurus of course, but we can be thick at times, and perhaps one dimensional. But I like what is said, this capricorn nature gave him a bit of protection to stifle some of the blows of don Juan. And I think we need to remember, reality being challenged, or I should say, the fixed view of it, and holding up that dream and that world, and holding for dear life, perhaps this would be all signs would do, in their own special way.we flit off too far, we can bring ourselves back to a safe spot. Perhaps cc had this ability to.

Beside being a Capricorn, Carlos had a very significant Scorpio influence, to the verge of being too loaded with that energy. Say no more. Read the book the very day it is published ;)

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Re: The Two Belief Systems - By Jahn
« Reply #3 on: June 25, 2014, 05:42:33 AM »
Beside being a Capricorn, Carlos had a very significant Scorpio influence, to the verge of being too loaded with that energy. Say no more. Read the book the very day it is published ;)

Well I can relate even more, having scorpio rising myself, and mars in scorp in 12th house, then neptune in the first. The neptune in the first, dancing by my ascendant, has definitely caused me to see things very uniquely, and i really have to lean on the sun to stay grounded! I have found interestingly with doing numerous charts, many neptune in the first house folks have a very unique spiritual path, wheras say neptune in the eleventh house of groups, need to go to chuch and need their spirituality more formalized, hence fall into dogma. some of my findings doing hundreds of charts for people over time. :)
"A warrior doesn't seek anything for his solace, nor can he possibly leave anything to chance. A warrior actually affects the outcome of events by the force of his awareness and his unbending intent." - don Juan


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