Author Topic: Jesus and the Essenes  (Read 80 times)


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Jesus and the Essenes
« on: July 08, 2014, 05:19:46 AM »

"Jesus was born as an Essene, and the Virgin [Mary], from that moment, deployed her will so that he would receive the education and the transmission of the spiritual laws issued by the fraternity.  This is how, at the age of twelve, he was able to astonish all the priests of the temple of Jerusalem .  Nevertheless, she made sure that he was educated by a dissident and non-dogmatic branch of the fraternity. 

In fact, there were two Essene communities: one external and official, and the other more internal and quiet.  One finds the same aspect in Christianity: on one side, there is the church of St. Peter , which takes care of the external side and which is very dogmatic and rigid; and, on another side, the church of St. John , which seeks, in liberty and love, to live Christ's teaching from the inside.

This will of the Virgin to remove Jesus from the external community was very difficult to live with because that community wanted to gain possession of the child for reasons that are very easy to understand.  Finally, through negotiations, the Virgin succeeded in keeping the child with her and having him educated by the dissident group.  She succeeded in this thanks to the help of the angels who were with her and who protected the Master Jesus.  The Essenes were sensitive to the angels and were used to obeying them.

It is the Essenes who taught the Master Jesus to eat, to walk, to speak, to read, to write, to pray, and to unite himself with the One With No Name, with the Father and the Mother of the world."


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Re: Jesus and the Essenes
« Reply #1 on: July 08, 2014, 05:22:57 AM »

"The technique of Essene initiation consisted in plunging deep inside oneself to find again the source of divine existence which then allowed one to recognize, in the inner level and also around, in the outer level, the living and divine water which animates everything.  This water was called the blood of the lamb, the blood of the prophets, of the spiritual Masters, of the great sages of the fraternity and of the people of God.  The Essenes considered themselves to be the guardians of this spiritual blood and it is through its intermediary that they succeeded in keeping alive the alliance with the Divine.

 It was a whole state of mind, a culture, that is very difficult to put into words now and match today's mentality.  It is this state of mind, voluntarily cultivated, that opened up the doors of the spiritual worlds to them.  Thus, an Essene was conscious of belonging to a people, a tradition, a lineage.  It is only when he felt himself in harmony with this lineage that he could really find his place and his fulfillment as an individual amid the community.

 An Essene could not reach fulfillment outside the lineage of light.  Whatever he did in his individual life, had to be linked to the global task.  Some cultivated the soil, others were craftsmen, others therapists or teachers… but all of them worked, in one way or another, for the ensemble and the common goal. "


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Re: Jesus and the Essenes
« Reply #2 on: July 08, 2014, 05:27:22 AM »
Mary the Virgin should be read as Mary the Pure or Mary the Clear

"History talks about man's free will and his being torn between two opposite complementary forces: death and life, the shadows of false knowing and the light of knowledge, the children of hatred and those of love.  The one who was called the Virgin because of her inner purity, her mastery and her divine wisdom was a woman who made the scales of history lean towards the side of the children of light.

The Virgin is a historical personage and, to understand her, one must place her back into her cultural context.  She was part of the fraternity of the Essenes.  She was born in the bosom of this fraternity and was raised in accordance with their mysteries and their particular initiation.  Her entire life, therefore, had been dedicated to serving the knowledge of the Divine. 

The Essenes considered themselves as the custodian people of the alliance with God and his spiritual hierarchy.  The goal of their entire life was to keep this alliance alive through consecrated human beings.  This alliance was as real for them as fire, air, water or the earth are for us.  Just as a contemporary man can verify the accuracy of the earth's fertility by planting a seed in it and watching it grow, an Essene could ascertain the reality of the alliance through the celebration of the mysteries. 

The goal of these mysteries was to form "prophets"--that is, beings capable of sensing, feeling or knowing the spiritual world and the will of the eternal Father.  Not all of them succeeded in becoming prophets, but each one worked hard to it according to his own means, and they all participated in a communal work: that of making the Divine triumph in humanity. 

There were prophets of different categories, and those that the fraternity sought to give birth to, within its bosom, were the great spiritual Masters, those having the power to sow the world. "


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