Author Topic: Abstract warrior piece  (Read 199 times)


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Abstract warrior piece
« on: July 15, 2014, 09:33:18 PM »


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Re: Abstract warrior piece
« Reply #1 on: July 16, 2014, 03:44:40 AM »
enjoyed this take

on definitions and seers

Thank you runningstream.

The message is right on the spot how the history could be described.

I especially got fond of this part:

"The new seers discovered and rediscovered a couple of things that make them unique in comparison to all the bad press about secret societies. First they aligned themselves with freedom not with dominant power.  This is a root knowing that the universe creates and sustains itself in a myriad of ways, often randomly.  The new seers realized that only through freedom would the most enduring evolutions in awareness survive.  Freedom challenges the predator(s) to the core.  Cooperation among warriors of freedom sustains maneuvers of awareness.  Yet it was freedom that the seers came to know absolutely as the fundamental drive of awareness.  It is the basic drive of the bands of awareness (intent, eagles emanations, commands etc.).

Second they rediscovered the goals of the ancient seers in aligning emanations within with those outside their luminescent structure.  They practiced this through the art of stalking themselves. This was something the ancients had no concept of, the self which is the fixation of the assemblage point.  They came to realize that the result of the old seers dreaming was to create a constant obsession with the eternal self and our eternal reflections concerning it.  So they stalked away that obsession with first attention self-reflection, which wanted to defeat death through myths of heaven and eternal salvation of the self.

Third they understood the downfalls of dreaming, the morbid obsession of the old seers which caused further slavery to the predator.  By returning stalking to its primary position as a necessary task of the seer on the road to freedom.  They were able to liberate vast resources of energy to expand and explore avenues of awareness in the abstract.  This was the real key because it redefined dreaming and thus redefined the purpose of life in all its myriad of being.
Forth, they founded their practice on warrior’s techniques.  As mentioned above, recapitulation became paramount to freedom for this technique challenges the dominant paradigms of beliefs and mores of culture.  The new seers freed themselves from themselves.  Which allowed for the gathering of energy to do different maneuvers than the old seers.  They were not interested in control, but rather knowledge, freedom, and awareness in the universe at large.  Often they became the artists, scientists and philosophers of their periods giving to their local cultures that which was necessary to keep them hidden while interconnecting with a band of like-hearted warriors.

Last, they realized that the old seers had aligned themselves with an upward shift of the assemblage point and to a position of ration.  Everything, so the old seers taught, should be understood, written and rationalized.  Everything was to be justified by ration.  And in the extreme case, ration actually split off from the assemblage point to dominate it.  This was the dark side of the predator that evolved a way to control humans through instilling its mind and mythologies into the human band through ration

The new seers practiced silence, which through great effort realigned their assemblage points to the ancient position and re-opened avenues of awareness that had lain dormant in the human structure.  This practice of silence became key to freedom and to maintaining their ability to stay hidden within the framework of the dominant paradigm of culture."

Don Voss


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Re: Abstract warrior piece
« Reply #2 on: July 16, 2014, 03:55:46 AM »
Second they rediscovered the goals of the ancient seers in aligning emanations within with those outside their luminescent structure.  They practiced this through the art of stalking themselves.

This section can be difficult to comprehend. There is ancient seers, old seers, and new seers. Don Juan talks a bit about the old and new seers, but I am unsure that he ever mentioned the ancient seers, or if he puts the ancient and old seers toghether? But DJ mentioned that old seers could experience trees, even though the trees do not belong to our bandwith of emanation.

Anyway, the ancient seers had exercises to align with living beings outside our band of emanation. Humans and animals (including the fishes) belongs to the same band of emanation. Trees, vegetables and the flora has their own bandwith, and so have the insects. Then there is the ground, stones and earth, and then water, oceans, inner seas, rivers, ponds etc, which all belong to a fourth band of emanation and spirit.
« Last Edit: July 16, 2014, 03:59:45 AM by Jahn »


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Re: Abstract warrior piece
« Reply #3 on: July 16, 2014, 05:38:06 AM »


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Re: Abstract warrior piece
« Reply #4 on: July 16, 2014, 09:04:17 AM »
this dream contains elements

elemental s some people call them

i don't know about that being separate beyond that point

in this dream we are experiencing

everything is connected

that means upon realising this

everything begins to speak at once

and in harmony

and it is every thing and it is the "whole" time

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Re: Abstract warrior piece
« Reply #5 on: July 16, 2014, 08:00:08 PM »
That guy has some interesting material there. Not sure how accurate it will be, but I admire his intention to draw a link of evolution across the globe of how humanity was developed and exploited. He has some very good arguments about how the seers evolved and the consequences. I think I'll explore this further.


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Re: Abstract warrior piece
« Reply #6 on: July 17, 2014, 02:09:15 AM »
That guy has some interesting material there. Not sure how accurate it will be, but I admire his intention to draw a link of evolution across the globe of how humanity was developed and exploited. He has some very good arguments about how the seers evolved and the consequences. I think I'll explore this further.

About Don Voss:

Born in Germany and raised all over the US as a result of his father being in the military, Don grew up around diverse cultures and is a mixture of Native American and multiple European cultures. He received a double major in History and Social Studies, taught high school art and developed his personal artistic style while living in the Southwest.

He studied and learned the roots of his own spiritual and sacred past from Native American elders.  In 2000 he moved with his wife and son to Oregon where he majored in print making and began to create artist’s books that tell visual stories of his spirit walk.  After that he spent seven years in Colorado working for CSU, and continued to create works, showing in both local and national galleries across the country. 

Now living with his wife in the Red Rocks of Arizona, he is represented by Zen Mountain Gallery in Jerome, Beads of Tubac, Back of Beyond Books Moab UT, Vision Quest Bookstore in Phoenix, Xanadu Gallery Scottsdale, and Red Queen Books.  He teaches bookbinding classes upon request at local working galleries. He continues to pursue the “art of the perfect book” while constantly doodling on pages with ink. 

He is also working with his wife on RavenCircle Creations, an unfolding idea where they are developing events, books, and prints that allow for healing of all mankind’s cultures in balance with the earth, our mother.

For the most recent work, check out RavenCircle Creations on Facebook.

Offline Nick

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Re: Abstract warrior piece
« Reply #7 on: July 17, 2014, 12:02:40 PM »
« Last Edit: July 17, 2014, 12:06:35 PM by Nick »
"As long as we confuse the myriad forms of the divine lila with reality, without perceiving the unity of Brahman underlying all these forms, we are under the spell of maya..."
 -Fritjof Capra, The Tao of Physics: An Exploration of the Parallels between Modern Physics and Eastern Mysticism


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