Author Topic: we are unaware of being linked to everything else  (Read 598 times)

Offline Jennifer-

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we are unaware of being linked to everything else
« on: February 27, 2007, 10:51:48 PM »
"Will is the force that keeps the Indescribable Force's emanations separated and is not only responsible for our awareness, but also for everything in the universe. This force has total consciousness and it springs from the very fields of energy that make the universe. Intent is a more appropriate name for it than will. In the long run, however, the name proves disadvantageous, because it does not describe its overwhelming importance nor the living connection it has with everything in the universe. Our great collective flaw is that we live our lives completely disregarding that connection. The busyness of our lives, our relentless interests, concerns, hopes, frustrations, and fears take precedence, and on a day-to-day basis we are unaware of being linked to everything else."


Without constant complete silence meditation - samadi - we lose ourselves in the game.  MM
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Offline Jennifer-

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Re: we are unaware of being linked to everything else
« Reply #1 on: February 27, 2007, 10:53:13 PM »
We as average men do not know, nor will we ever know, that it is something utterly real and functional --our connecting link with intent-- which gives us our hereditary preoccupation with fate. During our active lives we never have the chance to go beyond the level of mere preoccupation, because since time immemorial the lull of daily affairs has made us drowsy. It is only when our lives are nearly over that our hereditary preoccupation with fate begins to take on a different character. It begins to make us see through the fog of daily affairs. Unfortunately, this awakening always comes hand in hand with loss of energy caused by aging, when we have no more strength left to turn our preoccupation into a pragmatic and positive discovery. At this point, all there is left is an amorphous, piercing anguish, a longing for something indescribable, and simple anger at having missed out".


Without constant complete silence meditation - samadi - we lose ourselves in the game.  MM


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Re: we are unaware of being linked to everything else
« Reply #2 on: February 28, 2007, 03:52:32 AM »
My first teacher in the Art of the Craft told me that there were three parts of it.

Focus--Where we put our attention

Will--The impetus of energy to change direction.  The starting point and the beginning of the beginning.  It's also the driving force that carries the action.

Intent--Specifically, what we want to accomplish or make happen.  It's also the underlying theme to all of the actions of individual Consciousness and All That is.


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Re: we are unaware of being linked to everything else
« Reply #3 on: February 28, 2007, 04:16:18 AM »
Fates of subsequent lives form destiny.

Theun Mares

Offline tommy2

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Re: we are unaware of being linked to everything else
« Reply #4 on: February 28, 2007, 06:38:08 AM »

The Fine Art of Self-Centeredness

Assertion:  To initially approach No-Self, the Self must be utilized.

“Self” defined as what you realistically view in the mirror and not to be confused with ego states.

“Realistically” defined as the awareness of the possibility of yourself having a deluded or semi-deluded habitual viewpoint of being alone or isolated from all other people or energetic qualities.  i.e., you “put yourself down” on a regular basis, whether consciously or not, and are trying to learn to deal with this situation for the purpose of self/no-self improvement.

“No-Self” defined as the spiritually-intact energy form which is not limited to, but possibly confined within, the human body/mind principle.  I am referring directly to an energy form which we all are but are basically unaware of being.

So, enough of this “definition” thing, already.

My ultimate goal, as a spiritually-energetic body or soul, is to escape the seemingly eternal cycle of physical birth/death/rebirth.  I go about approaching this goal by making my best attempt to drill permanently into my consciousness that I am an eternal life force and must use the powers present in my physical body/mind principle to learn all that is needed to achieve this endeavor.  In other words, “physician, heal thyself” first, so that “The Work” of spiritually progressing can occur.

Now, how do I go about tending to my spiritual self?  Just knowing it and letting my Intent “play out” on its own accord?  Is that enough to allow the evolutionary process to come about for an eventual “enlightenment” or release from this aforementioned cycle of physical life after life process?  Is “just letting things happen as they” enough to eventually become enlightened” or is much more involved?  Is there Work that needs to be done to become “enlightened”?  i.e., is Intent functional without Will?

I am purposefully a self-centered person but, at one time, was not.  I spun my wheels, or at least thought so, searching via this or that supposed spiritual/esoteric practice. 
I literally immersed myself into the details of several “Ways”, hoping to find “the One Way” to spiritual liberation.  And, honestly, I didn’t know what I was looking for but a fire within me drove me on, anyway.

And I have thus learned that this is very typical of the humankind, no matter what the century or particular ethnic background of the “searcher”.  And, Ooops!, here come another (and hopefully the last) definition, as in “searcher”, here described as someone who is not totally satisfied with the religious/spiritual practice “handed down to them” in whatever way or form.
You know what I mean here.  I practiced my parents’ religion until I made my own decision on what to spiritually practice.

Now I will cut to the chase and ask the question, “Is “the search” ever over?  Or, is there actually a total enlightenment? You know, like the Buddah purportedly experienced.

I assert that any path with heart IS Nirvana.  And as a lay Buddhist priest, I define laughingly that this Nirvana, this Heaven is a house which we all build, us soul bodies, through the centuries.  It is the bridge between self and no-self.

So, how have I personally “utilized self”?  i.e., How have I been self-centered?  First of all, how do I describe, “Make myself available to the Spirit.”?  Does this require focus or not?  Is self-discipline involved or even necessary?  Or is “just laying back”, taking a serious chill pill just flowery words for being lackadaisical?  Is utilizing self actually focused Will?

When I found my mind opening up some 30+ years ago I became a sponge in this “immersion” of myself into several different Ways.  T.M., the Yogas, Zazen, prayer, Reiki, drug-induced states of mind, study of Vedantic scriptures, Buddhist retreats, communing with gurus and asthetics, martial art studies, heck, I could make this list a lot longer here.  And where did it get me?

Actually, I “became” something.  Yeh, that’s right.  I turned into a complete circle of rational faith, an entity without title, without a designation or goal.  I became something like a fresh coat of paint.  I am now constantly restoring my awareness to a state of self-acceptance so that living in the present is as fulfilling as it is possible. 
I learnt that I needed to view my entire current life as one whole unit.  And, thusly, it has become much more realistic for me to accept my “real self”, my no-self, as an eternal and divine energetic soul body.  Yes, one unit, one whole incomprehensible life which I construct throughout all known realities which I learn to experience.

And, remarkably, it seems I’ve only just begun.  Everything I’ve done is what I had to do at that particular time in my current life.  I followed my instincts and learnt not to repeat mistakes made.  I let my common sense decipher what worked for me and what would eventually fall to the wayside of my path.  And then, maybe, I’ve just been lucky.  Who knows what’s “meant to be” until after it’s already happened?

The essence of living “my life” is immortal.

And just how do I live my “Self-Centered” life?

I avoid passing judgement, for it reflects the level of my self-acceptance.  I remind myself that struggle comes from my own defenses.  I do not impose my past upon my present.  I listen to my bodys’ responses of emotional or physical stress and choose my behavior accordingly.  I keep my attention on the here and now through meditation, exercise and art forms, and my personal relationships.  I do not struggle against things or situations.  I remind myself daily that the world “out there” is a reflection of my world “in here”.  I pay attention to my inner life and follow my intuition.  I do not contaminate my mind and body with “toxics”.  I live and think healthy.  I judge my worth by myself.  And I always look for reminders that the physical world is a reflection of a deeper, purer and more-balanced higher Good.

All of these points direct me towards a wholeness which I know I ultimately share with all humankind and our universe.  It is my road to freedom, my Friends!

Respectfully, Tommy Two Feathers, 02/26/-7
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Re: we are unaware of being linked to everything else
« Reply #5 on: February 28, 2007, 07:34:52 AM »
Good stuff Tommy!  Thanks!!   ;D


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Re: we are unaware of being linked to everything else
« Reply #6 on: February 28, 2007, 09:55:41 AM »
Wow, T!

Offline Jennifer-

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Re: we are unaware of being linked to everything else
« Reply #7 on: February 28, 2007, 09:36:18 PM »
Excellent sharing dear Tommy!  :-*
Without constant complete silence meditation - samadi - we lose ourselves in the game.  MM


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Re: we are unaware of being linked to everything else
« Reply #8 on: March 10, 2007, 11:21:31 PM »

A group with a common intent creates more power than the number of individuals in it. It can be seen in many areas, and our area, our common intent is growth. A circle, or group, like ours create a formula of power where 1+1+1 is not equal to 3 but equal to 4.

The energy that connect such a group like ours can be seen in the astral plane. And there are forces that want to join such eminent intent of growth.

In this dense time frame it is important to keep up the work in groups as much as possible because the group energy of it self have a protecing shield towards the mass conciousness, a energy of the masses that is not focused on growth and thereby detrimental.

Therefore it is also a heavy, dense energy input to bring in the suffering world here, not said that it should be left out but I suppose everyone of us knows whats going on without reading every column in the Guardian.

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Re: we are unaware of being linked to everything else
« Reply #9 on: March 14, 2007, 02:53:53 AM »
The ultimate connections between every principal, every manifestation, every essence, every perception and state of awareness, every thing and whatever it appears on; it is all right here in front of us and effective in an absolute sense.  It is the way things are.  None of it is actually happening behind the scenes because there is no scene.  We are given the total package, not just a mere front.  What we pay attention to is our choice.  As all of the relative forms are operative in relatively structured ways, their direct origin becomes the obviously absolute basis becuase it is the background on which they can exist.  It is as though moving holes were cut out of a black sheet of paper, not seperate moving things pasted on - we can see this because the inherent relationship between everything requires complete communication and total cooperation to allow anything to exist at all, so seperation can only exist within the context of totality.  We find extremes only in the context of balance.

So it is not only taking things for granted and forgetting to actually be here in a mindful way that causes us to neglect ourselves, but there might even be an unwillingness to acknowledge the depth of the relation between everything.  That sort of unescapeable reality might be disconcerting to some, but that is what it is.  You have no choice in choosing.  You can choose not to choose, but that is still choosing.  Otherwise, the choice doesnt exist in the first place.  And if its affecting you or if its part of your world then it must exist in some form, at some level.
Other is.  Self must struggle to exist.

- Brian George


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Re: we are unaware of being linked to everything else
« Reply #10 on: March 14, 2007, 05:16:55 AM »
"We are given the total package."

I like that statement because it tells a lot. There is a veil but that is our own construct. Once man understand that he can fool no one except himself then he is far on the path.

On my Tao.

« Last Edit: March 17, 2007, 03:23:29 AM by Jahn »

Offline tommy2

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Re: we are unaware of being linked to everything else
« Reply #11 on: March 14, 2007, 05:22:02 AM »
Keep your focus, man. t


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Re: we are unaware of being linked to everything else
« Reply #12 on: March 16, 2007, 03:31:17 AM »
Keep your focus, man. t

Thank you Tommy, it went well.

Offline daphne

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Re: we are unaware of being linked to everything else
« Reply #13 on: March 16, 2007, 07:32:54 AM »
Thank you Tommy, it went well.

Good! It must have been the new shirt!!   :D
"The compulsion to possess and hold on to things is not unique. Everyone who wants to follow the warrior's path has to rid himself of this fixation in order not to focus our dreaming body on the weak face of the second attention." - The Eagle's Gift

Offline elliot

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Re: we are unaware of being linked to everything else
« Reply #14 on: March 16, 2007, 03:01:40 PM »
"Is “just letting things happen as they” enough to eventually become enlightened” or is much more involved?  Is there Work that needs to be done to become “enlightened”?  i.e., is Intent functional without Will?"

These questions alone could bring upon a wide aray of response in my opinion.  In fact they probably warrent an entirely new thread to properly address them.  However my response here is limited because I myself am caught in the same question at times.  Do I bend over backwards and turn the other check no matter what happens.  Or do I properly defend myself and others according to my values.  Values is a thing that for me gets wrapped up in beliefs and sometimes for me confused.  No one has ever sat me down and explained them to me, I am laughed at when I ask what they are (which is funny in a way, also a good exercise in loosing self importance, try it sometime in a group of a captive audience.  Ask, "what are values".  The look and reesponse I got was incredible.)

"O great creator of being, grant us one more hour / to perform our art and perfect our lives."    Jim Morrison


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