The doves never came back and were replaced by lovebirds in the end .
I was told one got out too , and two butcher bird immediately chased it out of the yard.
It must have got out the hole where we had to cut the snake out of the mesh a couple months ago .
Miraculously the bird was back and went back in the cage "could'nt wait to get back to safety probably" all after a quick fly within 10 minutes .
The doves lived with the door open so they were free to come and go , but mostly they stayed . They would hide in the geisha girl tree as the
branches bend down forming a protective apron .
I think the love birds have love though , so they will just be loved up chasing each other around smooching .
The butcher birds are fierce like that , they have a peculiar look on their faces , a particular expression , it could just be territorial .