Author Topic: Just drop it! OMG  (Read 335 times)

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Just drop it! OMG
« on: June 10, 2015, 07:56:06 AM »
I have a crazy story. So there is this very creepy guy who lives in my apartment complex. I cant explain it. He just creeps me out. He will come up and talk to me about ridiculous things and I just want to get away. He always has a deranged look in his eye, and when I see him coming, I try to avoid him.

So this morning when getting coffee he comes up and he says, "I had an encounter with God this weekend. I am a believer but now I'm really a believer. I am like "Oh no here it comes." So he said he was talking to his pastor and then he told him he would see God and miracles and the like. Then he's walking through the apartment complex, and he runs into this woman. He was having some lower back pain going in and out. And he's all rubbing his back while telling it. So the woman says she is going into surgery and asks if he will pray for her. Then he said he heard Gods voice and it said "Its her pain not your pain," and he prayed for her and claimed he healed her. OMG.

So then later he is driving (though he has no car) and is 33 miles out of the tri cities. And then he said God told him to "Drop the Holy Spirit on the tri cities." So he is like drop it? And God apparently said "Drop it just drop it!" And then he starts flailing his arms around and said he turned up the radio and just 'dropped it" and then said something like, "I rebuke the religious confusion in the name of Jesus!" And he kept saying, " I dropped it. I just dropped the Holy Spirit on all the tri cities." I am thoroughly creeped out at this point, and want to get away, dreading the fact I was outside. I begin walking slowly to my apartment, while he is still going on about doing this feat. As I am finally approaching the safety zone of my apartment, he is going, "It was so awesome, God is awesome!" I on the other hand, am totally fearful for my life and could hardly wait to shut and lock my door. He is completely off his rocker, believing he, while in his car, just dropped the Holy Spirit all over the tri cities. OMG he freaked me out.
"A warrior doesn't seek anything for his solace, nor can he possibly leave anything to chance. A warrior actually affects the outcome of events by the force of his awareness and his unbending intent." - don Juan

Offline Nichi

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Re: Just drop it! OMG
« Reply #1 on: June 10, 2015, 06:24:28 PM »
He does sound pretty crazy indeed!
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Re: Just drop it! OMG
« Reply #2 on: June 10, 2015, 07:39:38 PM »
there must a be heaps of messiahs stuck in institutions etc

religion and god became tainted with all manners of human personification

looking up

spirits descent i am not sure its the same thing

influencing and being influenced

seeing what we see

religion is moths to candle

structure is necessary for the loose translators

every thing seems to be falling to bits

the church been built

upon foundations that are not sound in many cases

its a philosophical view i am sharing

i am sure for a woman there is a point of being un approachable

a strength where she is unavailable and stern

where she even must face the person coming to close herself off to the wind

many people are leaking badly

i try to stay mobile so i don't get stuck personally

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Re: Just drop it! OMG
« Reply #3 on: June 11, 2015, 02:48:08 AM »
there must a be heaps of messiahs stuck in institutions etc

LOL! That gave me a good laugh when I saw that! Yes he might have a messiah complex. My son was over last night and he found out from the crazy guy, the crazy guys sister was going to tell the landlord he has been smoking pot. LOL. Its legal in our state though. But if he's been smoking in his apartment he could get kicked out. So the messiah could get in some trouble. Perhaps the Holy Spirit will craft up a miracle for him lol. But he has some serious issues!
"A warrior doesn't seek anything for his solace, nor can he possibly leave anything to chance. A warrior actually affects the outcome of events by the force of his awareness and his unbending intent." - don Juan

Offline Nichi

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Re: Just drop it! OMG
« Reply #4 on: June 11, 2015, 11:38:31 PM »
For years I found that I would attract these sorts of people. I would listen to them, politely, and somewhat challenged and fascinated by trying to understand them. I'd have to say that I was even hooked into the interactions by a sense of self-importance, that "only I" could understand them.  It became less "interesting", however, when such a friend of mine became responsible for the death of one of my cats. I learned the hard way that there are dangerous aspects afoot.

Then less so would I attract them, when I began to have direct contact with chronically mentally ill patients, in the hospitals. There developed a shield or shell, and I could recognize such a person outside the hospitals from a long distance away, and avoid the interaction completely. Inside the hospital, I remember the nights Bob and I would see our walk-in come through the outer door, with both of us knowing right away that some sort of psychosis was in sway. Not all the walk-ins were psychotic, but there was a unique flavor to the ones who were.

It would seem a safe bet that your coffee person is off his meds - or if he's young enough, perhaps he has not yet begun the path of meds. The last thing he should be doing is pot or other street drugs, but perhaps he will attract enough attention and get into the system, and get some assistance. I would suggest to you to not get involved in the whole business. You don't quite know what you're dealing with there, and while he might be a gentle soul, you just can't afford him attaching himself to you as an object of ___(insert delusion here)___. "All schizophrenics" are not violent, but the paranoid sorts are. And you just don't know what's going on there.

In other words, slip out gracefully and safely, while privately wishing him well.

« Last Edit: June 11, 2015, 11:57:30 PM by Nichi »
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Re: Just drop it! OMG
« Reply #5 on: July 01, 2015, 08:46:19 PM »
For years I found that I would attract these sorts of people. I would listen to them, politely, and somewhat challenged and fascinated by trying to understand them. I'd have to say that I was even hooked into the interactions by a sense of self-importance, that "only I" could understand them.  It became less "interesting", however, when such a friend of mine became responsible for the death of one of my cats. I learned the hard way that there are dangerous aspects afoot.

Interesting. I used to find them everywhere too. Some where just mentally ill, and 2 had messiah complexes. Since I moved to Johnstown I haven't come across people like that as much. Interestingly I also haven't come across as many deeply spiritual people, but those type where rare anyway.
I would do the same though, politely listen to them, try to understand, try to help, and yes there was some self-importance there when it comes to believing I was somehow specially suited to help them. Also I was occasionally looking for a grain of truth in there delusional state, the possibility that they where crazy, because they knew something others didn't. Sometimes some had a hint of this, but most where just ill.

I still remember the crazy lady on the bus in LA. She kept staring at something in the air in front of her and smiling, and when I looked I saw glowing white sparks moving with the wind coming through her window, it was amazing.

Then there was the guy I always saw wandering the streets (appeared homeless, in his filth) that sat down on a bench next to me outside the LA Zoo. The moment he did my perception shifted, and everything I was seeing seemed to flow to some musical rhythm I could feel....not sure if he was ill....
"As long as we confuse the myriad forms of the divine lila with reality, without perceiving the unity of Brahman underlying all these forms, we are under the spell of maya..."
 -Fritjof Capra, The Tao of Physics: An Exploration of the Parallels between Modern Physics and Eastern Mysticism

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Re: Just drop it! OMG
« Reply #6 on: July 01, 2015, 09:05:07 PM »
It is interesting for a while, Nick, but truth be, it's a self-indulgence to use the products of someone's illness in order to support one's suspicions about reality.

That being said, though, I'll partially tell an anecdote of a patient I interviewed one night, which does cross over into the realm of an alternate reality. He was a walk-in, probably in his early 30's. His trouble wasn't any major tier mental illness - he was a substance abuser.  He had been in and out of detox and rehab for using crack. He was seeking treatment, and told a wild story, worried that he had become psychotic or "crazy". I've told this story before, and it strikes me now that I never should have, ethically. So I'll move onto my own experience of it.

While he was telling his story, I saw spirit all around him --- in that case, a host of tiny sparkly lights. I couldn't tell him (or anyone) that I saw this, but I 'knew' that the story he was telling was real. As per his desire, I got him admitted, and all was well. I did not read his chart, but I speculate with confidence that the doctor wrote up his reported experience as a drug-based hallucination.

I was forbidden to acknowledge any other reality than the consensual one in that setting, but I'll go so far now, in my cranky curmudgeon-ness, as to say that it is not helpful to a psychotic patient to go into his delusion with him, in any setting. I could give many reasons, but I am so far away from my old clinical persona that I feel nauseated at the prospect of getting preachy.  It's like another life.
« Last Edit: July 02, 2015, 03:15:03 AM by Nichi »
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Re: Just drop it! OMG
« Reply #7 on: July 02, 2015, 07:10:09 AM »
Yeah he is crazy. And with crazy people they are somehow drawn to me. I try to check my energy and try not to do this. But they will just come up to me and talk to me for some reason. I dont know why they pick me oh Lord...  :P
"A warrior doesn't seek anything for his solace, nor can he possibly leave anything to chance. A warrior actually affects the outcome of events by the force of his awareness and his unbending intent." - don Juan

Ke-ke wan

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Re: Just drop it! OMG
« Reply #8 on: December 12, 2015, 05:42:05 AM »
I have a crazy story. So there is this very creepy guy who lives in my apartment complex. I cant explain it. He just creeps me out. He will come up and talk to me about ridiculous things and I just want to get away. He always has a deranged look in his eye, and when I see him coming, I try to avoid him.

So this morning when getting coffee he comes up and he says, "I had an encounter with God this weekend. I am a believer but now I'm really a believer. I am like "Oh no here it comes." So he said he was talking to his pastor and then he told him he would see God and miracles and the like. Then he's walking through the apartment complex, and he runs into this woman. He was having some lower back pain going in and out. And he's all rubbing his back while telling it. So the woman says she is going into surgery and asks if he will pray for her. Then he said he heard Gods voice and it said "Its her pain not your pain," and he prayed for her and claimed he healed her. OMG.

So then later he is driving (though he has no car) and is 33 miles out of the tri cities. And then he said God told him to "Drop the Holy Spirit on the tri cities." So he is like drop it? And God apparently said "Drop it just drop it!" And then he starts flailing his arms around and said he turned up the radio and just 'dropped it" and then said something like, "I rebuke the religious confusion in the name of Jesus!" And he kept saying, " I dropped it. I just dropped the Holy Spirit on all the tri cities." I am thoroughly creeped out at this point, and want to get away, dreading the fact I was outside. I begin walking slowly to my apartment, while he is still going on about doing this feat. As I am finally approaching the safety zone of my apartment, he is going, "It was so awesome, God is awesome!" I on the other hand, am totally fearful for my life and could hardly wait to shut and lock my door. He is completely off his rocker, believing he, while in his car, just dropped the Holy Spirit all over the tri cities. OMG he freaked me out.

I'm not sure this guy was totally crazy.  (He probably is, doesn't matter much)  But it seems like he has the answer, the holy spiirit ought to be dropped everywhere,  Would solve a lot of problems.  And maybe, in a small insignificant way he did some  dropping.  It's entirely possible his perception is out of whack a bit, maybe magnified or concentrated.  And obvs he didn't drop (the entirety of) the Holy Spirit on all of th e tri-cities.  But I think he had the right idea.  Maybe the message got lost in his translation of it.

It's a hella lot better than saying, "Kill em all, let god sort it out." People say that all the time, as a joke.

I just think you never really know who a message is meant for and sometimes mediums (even if they appear a little wonky), can have a hard time getting the message across as intended.  Brave are the ones who just don't give a f*ck and dance around hallways with their arms opens open shouting "halleluja!". 

Thanks for sharing anyway, Ellen.

Ke-ke wan

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Re: Just drop it! OMG
« Reply #9 on: December 12, 2015, 05:48:15 AM »
Yeah he is crazy. And with crazy people they are somehow drawn to me. I try to check my energy and try not to do this. But they will just come up to me and talk to me for some reason. I dont know why they pick me oh Lord...  :P

Happens to me, too. (Not just with boyfriends, guys, come on...)

I try to listen to the message without fear.  Sometimes something good comes out. 
Little old lady on the bus, a few weeks ago.  Jake was creeped out!  She had some interesting ideas and I could see how she had sort of spun herself around abit.  But the message was good.  In a way she was acting out a little tiny part of myself,  So I took note and make sure to check myself if I see that I go to far to te crazy side.  You know, some thoughts are for inside of my head only lol

There was a guy lived in Quesnel, people called him barefoot jesus.  He had a travelling foot massage cart.  A lot of negative things were said about him on the 'street'. 

But one day, in church (Yes I went to church a few times last year, met some fab people) I talked with him and found out he has a real connection to the land and does stone and wooden carvings.  He gave a wooden elephant to Jim's mom as a gift.  Was a special moment.

I would hate to be the crazy person, just trying to get through life and having other people fear or mock and judge me, so I try not to do that to other people.

Living with anxiety disorder  lately has taught me that is' not fun to be the crazy person.  Not fun at all!


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Re: Just drop it! OMG
« Reply #10 on: December 12, 2015, 10:03:19 AM »
sounded a bit pushy and all up in ya bubble that fella


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