Author Topic: Spider  (Read 84 times)

Ke-ke wan

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« on: December 10, 2015, 04:47:15 AM »

Supplement: Spider Bites

Being bitten by a Spider is a warning call to pay attention to your thoughts and feelings. The Spider is letting you know that your thoughts are manifesting your reality – and if you are currently unhappy with your reality you need to change the way you think. All too often we use self blame, criticism of others, anger, and hatred to sabotage ourselves and our futures. Occasionally we need to get to this stage in our lives in order to manifest massive spiritual growth within ourselves. A spider bite is reminding you to stay on purpose and transcend yourself into your authentic self.

Pay attention when a Spider bites! Being aware of this state will give you the chance to analyze why you keep attracting detrimental people, events and situations to yourself. All of these will have the effect of delaying or derailing your own self development efforts.


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