Was looking at my old dream journal and discovered that in spring 2005 I saw a dream in which I made an agreement with somebody to bring Christ principle into manifestation in our world.
Nice dream!
Many years ago, I came across the term "Christ principle". It took much work to overcome my conditioning on that one. Since it was my desire to overcome that conditioning, I found the Universe very obliging in presenting me with trigger situations of different sorts...
Eventually, it all culminated in a dream in which I was driving past a border post. Christ gave me a passport to cross the border. I still had some journeys to do so he also gave me a picture to remember him by. I continued on my journey, driving up and down hills, lovely green countryside with the ocean on my left. As I rounded the last hill, spread out below me was a town, nestling at the foothills of the mountain range I had just come through, and on the shores of a blue bay. I have seen this view a number of times in different dreams, and at times also been through the town and surrounding area. It is reminiscent of the Cape here in South Africa, the southernmost part of Africa. Though I was not familiar with the view at the time of the dream, today I can see the similarity. Of course.. could be another "Cape on a bay" too!

One day, that passport will come in handy!! heh