Author Topic: Here is some good stuff from my bloggie  (Read 89 times)

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Here is some good stuff from my bloggie
« on: September 07, 2022, 09:34:11 AM »
Bringing this over from my website

“You have little time left, and none of it for crap. A fine state. I would say that the best of us always comes out when we are against the wall, when we feel the sword dangling overhead. Personally, I wouldn't have it any other way.” C Castaneda.

Its a sense of urgency we must have on the path, to learn, and grow. We do not want to postpone our growth for tomorrow. It needs to begin..well, yesterday. It really does. If you are here, I suspect you know this. The spiritual gives life to the path. You know you walked a road for some time something felt missing. You now know thats what it was. A path needs some spirit.

And really per the quote its knowing at any time, any moment, it could all come crashing down, the urgency is felt here, and so we plot, plan, act. We do our best to educate ourselves. We practice the path. We work at being impeccable warriors and beings. We know the road must be taken, even if it seems against the odds at times.

IN actuality it is a bit against the odds. Think how many lifetimes one must go before they get it right. We cannot all be like Milarepa. Legend is he was able to take care of all karma one life. When you have seen folks have every conceivable bad thing happen to them, it seems unfortunate events and you can "feel" karma at play. What you may not see is before they got here, they agreed to wrap it al up in one more life. So they said "hit me lets finish" and they dealt with all the blows. Its difficult and crushing. Its not necessarily they did a lot of bad stuff. But that they asked for the fiercest challenges to perfect their spirit.

Most of us did not accept it that hard. But we did accept some challenges upon coming here we would take on. So we must get in tune with things. When the blows come, dont ask "why me?" Ask "why is this happening - and how can I make this situation work to my benefit?" There is a way. No matter how ugly it gets, there is a way.

There is a time to be vulnerable to such things, and a time we must get our defenses going. The lesson we are vulnerable to. The challenges we do not have to be. They do not have to crush us. You are not here to be crushed. You are here as a diamond in the ruff, who has come here to shine. So aim for that shine, and do it!
"A warrior doesn't seek anything for his solace, nor can he possibly leave anything to chance. A warrior actually affects the outcome of events by the force of his awareness and his unbending intent." - don Juan

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Re: Here is some good stuff from my bloggie
« Reply #1 on: September 07, 2022, 09:34:58 AM »
"Seek and see all the marvels around you. You will get tired of looking at yourself alone, and that fatigue will make you deaf and blind to everything else." - Don Juan.

One of the tasks we have on this path is to break the mirror of self-reflection. We get hooked on the self so extreme, we feel everything revolves around us. And most walk through life under the illusion this is so. And yet we are much smaller than we would like to admit. If we look at ourselves in the face of infinity, then perhaps we can accept our place in the grand scheme of things.

This does not mean we lack power. In actuality, to be hooked on the mirror of self-reflection is giving away our power. For we arent groking our proper place in the world when we do so. And we are missing out on true knowledge. And yes. We do look within for knowledge. Its in there. But the other knowledge that we will access from ourselves is we must look outward. We can miss out if we are lost in sadness, despair, depression. Curled in fetal position and not finding any hope. Thats a way of being detached from the magical world that is before you. Its all right there. Everything you need. And even this is a huge message from the books. Everything is accessible to us what we need. We are not lacking. We are not in a hopeless position to our circumstances. We do not have to be weakened by the obstacles. The other thing about the tales of power is we have the ability to change our perception. To make the necessary shift into a real, an extraordinary world which was masked from us prior for we were so hooked on our own self-reflection. We can become one with the Nagual, by cleaning up the Tonal world and doing away with it being such a mess.

The ultimate task of a warrior to to become a free spirit. We are here to set ourselves free. "From what?" you may ask. From everything. From all that stands in your way. From the cage of your own mind making you a prisoner. From the jailers in the world who try to keep you there. By realizing you held the keys all along. You were just listening to other voices in the world saying "This is all there is. Stay safe in that cage," however; at a point you started to know better. For the spirit will whisper in your ear inevitably, to seek much more. That all you see does not make a lick of sense. And its time to go beyond the confines of mind, grab the sword, and go to battle to free your spirit from that which presses you and holds you back.
"A warrior doesn't seek anything for his solace, nor can he possibly leave anything to chance. A warrior actually affects the outcome of events by the force of his awareness and his unbending intent." - don Juan

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Re: Here is some good stuff from my bloggie
« Reply #2 on: September 07, 2022, 09:35:44 AM »
“Only as a warrior can one withstand the path of knowledge. A warrior cannot complain or regret anything. His life is an endless challenge, and challenges cannot possibly be good or bad. Challenges are simply challenges.” - Carlos Castaneda.

I was reading a post by a member who has had every possible thing go wrong. Life has been an endless struggle. But its not unlike many others Ive read. I can be blown away the struggle and the suffering. And Ive had my own set of challenges and struggles. Surely I have more on the way! But when you have those moments, how many of you said "I know I did not sign up for this!"

You may have not chose the exact situation you encountered which is difficult and exasperating. But something in you chose the spiritual path, and you want the knowledge and the wisdom which will help you excel. Think about it. And I raise my hand guilty as charged. When things are going smooth, easy, and life is good, the spiritual path hardly gets your attention. You operate in the world happily without any care or worries. But once a massive challenge hits or traumatic event, brought to the knees, and we seek. "Where is the light in my darkness?" We nearly beg the spirit to escape that darkness. The feeling emotionally, mentally, even physically at times, is crippling. But its those moments we do reach. And in a very wicked way, thats how the double gets us back on track. So thats another reason its also wise to stay grounded on the path and not lose sight of it.

But we do, in a way, sign up. Especially if we have had that moment of surrender and we said "Yes! I want the holy grail! I want to know the secrets to immortality. I want my freedom. I want to know if I could possibly cheat death." So there is a lure with this that leads us (or whatever it is that leads you, such as love). But the spirit does not hand over the keys to the kingdom (pardon the expression). There is a huge task before us, and we cant get to where we need to go, unless we are challenged, build up a resolve, and with that said, become more and more impeccable on the path along the way. You cant make it in the face of the indescribable force if you are not strong. You cannot take on the adversary when its time if you are weak. So when these moments come, the hard crushing ones, even if it be physical pain, dont question that you signed up or not for it. Just simply ask "Now what am I going to do about it?"

Also its important to not compare yourself to others and their own circumstances, lest you make yourself miserable. "Why does she have it so easy it seems?" Some do seem to live charmed lives. But this is the way their life went for whatever reason, and we cannot always see behind the scenes of another persons life. How often have you seen a celebrity who seemed to have it all, and they just break and you find they suffer an addiction, depression, mental illness? So just because your challenges and struggles seem more than another, dont necessarily think others lead a charmed life. Because everyone struggles with something. Everyone has sad moments or down days. Just like death. We all, regardless to how we live, will inevitably face death. All the money in the world wont get one out of it. It wont matter your good or bad deeds. We all shall die. But how we die? We can do that with dignity if we want to. Have our last stand. And not go gentle into that good night.

So be strong. No why me moments. Breathe in those moments. "What am I going to do about it?" Try that.
"A warrior doesn't seek anything for his solace, nor can he possibly leave anything to chance. A warrior actually affects the outcome of events by the force of his awareness and his unbending intent." - don Juan

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Re: Here is some good stuff from my bloggie
« Reply #3 on: September 07, 2022, 09:36:48 AM »

“People’s actions no longer affect a warrior when he has no more expectations of any kind. A strange peace becomes the ruling force in his life. He has adopted one of the concepts of a warrior’s life—detachment.” - Carlos Castaneda.

This actually is a supreme peaceful state. When one lets go of being frustrated with others and what they do. The focus is not about trying to change everyone and everything around you. The work is within. And if others do somehow respond to the light you emit and change...great! But many do not. So its a huge challenge on the path to let things be. This is also the lesson of Carlos and the snail. To let things be and progress at their own pace. If someone had tried to force you on the path, prior to being ready, you may have not responded well to it either! To detach from others and operate in such a way also frees up energy.

Many in this group who came over recently are the healers and the helpers of the spirit. That is your nature. But the key is if you embark on such a task, can you do this from a detached place, letting go of any desired outcome? If say you are offering a healing, can you let go of what the other will do with it? Can you accept others are not ready to awaken? They need more experiences in the realm of sleep? And while we would like more to join us in the fray, we are on spirit's watch, not our own?

Once you let go of trying to manipulate, control, anything and everything around you, and simply adapt, then you will will free up mental and emotional energy. You will have cut yourself loose from others in trying to boost them and you will be lest drained. Think of the Beatles song, "Let it be." Learn to do this. Concern yourself with you, and your world. Let others live their lives and make their own mistakes.
"A warrior doesn't seek anything for his solace, nor can he possibly leave anything to chance. A warrior actually affects the outcome of events by the force of his awareness and his unbending intent." - don Juan

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Re: Here is some good stuff from my bloggie
« Reply #4 on: September 07, 2022, 09:37:35 AM »
Death and Time

No one likes to talk about it. But you cannot have spirituality and then not have death.

Im telling you, much of religion was created as an answer to death. Our ancestors wanted to know what happened when we die. Is it over? Are we just dust? Look at the body of a corpse. The life taken out. The last breath took. But somehow, the ancients were able to find some answers, and give us comfort, that death is not final for us. There is a continuity. They could see it in the everyday world. This cycle of life. How even though death came in various ways to people, creatures, plants, trees, and so forth, a beginning would emerge. New life would enter.

And if the cycle continued and life would still go on and on, why not us? If a tree dies but from the seeds it shed, a new tree is born, then perhaps we too, can shed seeds and continue in some way. And then they pondered deeply if there was a master behind the whole of it. As you know many look to God/dess like a parent in many ways, and we as children. Which is not unusual considering we too, have physical parents, and we too, can become parents and bring life into the world. So their ideas were perhaps more simple than most. And of course they had signs and wonders. They witnessed various gods with messages. Angels offering guidance. Many tales of life after death. That much is beyond a veil which cannot necessarily be seen with the naked eye at all times. But we could experience these things when they bleed through the crack between the worlds, and show a part of themselves that yes, another world awaits us when it is our time.

But we still must not get too wrapped up in the hope for immortality. This world is impermanent and we, here, must discover what our mission is in the world. We have a purpose here. Its important to get the gist of what that is and make it a reality. But we have to live our lives like we dont have time. Because on earth we do not. How much evidence do we need? Do you realize each day, you hear about death? Every day. Turn on the news, death. Scroll your newsfeed, death. You can walk in nature for an hour and see death before your eyes. We witness all this and it challenges us. And yet we have that nagging feeling about it all. "Wait. There is more to this. Perhaps death is a lie." But no matter, in the human world, you must let it sit with you that the you, here, with your name, your appearance, your goals and ambition, your soul, your awareness, is on borrowed time.

I realize this more and more as I get older. I check my hair for gray strands and creases at the corner of my eyes. Or when my bones creak. Or I feel aches and pains I never quite had. Oh, when young I hardly considered that I would be the one walking to my death one day. You think it happens to everyone else but you! Oh if in fact that is the grand illusion. How we scoot death away from us so we may live. But ill tell you, that when you allow this reality to sink into your bones, and accept your own frailty as a human being, your perception changes. Your appreciation grows. You have gratitude. I appreciate that breath. That I can walk. Enjoy good food. Watch the sun rise and set. And try to count the stars in the sky.

So much more I want to experience. Get my bucket list going. We dont want to let one day go to waste. Stuck in the drudgery of work, or tired and worn out relationships. Think carefully each move and make it count in life.
"A warrior doesn't seek anything for his solace, nor can he possibly leave anything to chance. A warrior actually affects the outcome of events by the force of his awareness and his unbending intent." - don Juan

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Re: Here is some good stuff from my bloggie
« Reply #5 on: September 07, 2022, 09:38:33 AM »
Sweeping the Island

One of the biggest lessons of the path is to integrate the spiritual world into your physical world.

You awaken that special being that is you, and allow the spirit to enter the soul of it. This is what "awakening" means really. When the two become a special force. But then you have this nifty dilemma. When awakening your ego does not go away. It is realized. You are able to turn to it and see it for what it is. A false persona and mask that you created to interact with family, friends, lovers, society. So that you could be accepted, people please, live up to other peoples expectations. Or even if an angry ego, rage against the whole lot of it, and not really understand why you are so freaking angry. Its all ego. Its not you. Ego is not a peaceful place to be. Its always unsettled to have one. Its never happy. Always worried, bewildered, it needs needs needs. It lives in the past, always fears the future in some capacity. It rarely rests in the here and now.

So now you wake up and see this creation for what it is. And its going to come into conflict with the true self. Now it gets real tricky now. Because ego can transform into a whole new "Spiritual ego." It will think it knows a whole lot more than anyone else. It will try to come across as advanced to others, yet has no experience. It may claim abilities it does not have. But spirit does not play around with egos. And will put the creature in time out quite often, proving it knows nothing. Knocking that ego off its pedestal. Everyone is going to do that at one point. It happens to us. And we got to lose the false.

But inevitably the awakened one gets really damn tired of the whole game, and surrenders. A classic move really, to get the ego under the feet. And they realize true work must be done now. The whole POINT of awakening this true self, is so one can evolve yes, but also master their physical world and make sense of it.

The physical world is your playground to find out who you are, and what you are meant to. do. You are to sweep your island and make it tidy. And then build something significant. A pursuit of a career with meaning. Making meaningful relationships. Spreading the light to others so they too, can see their path. In short, to be a decent human being in a world of lost souls. We are light beings here to show others that this is not a world of death. But a world of spirit.

This road is not easy. The only promise spirit makes is if you take the road, you can find the true self. And stop following others who aren't real themselves and don't know where they are going. You were lost before. Why get lost again with miserable company?

The physical world. Build something significant on it. With meaning. Make it count. Don't waste your life thinking "I should do this" and not do it. That thing which nags at you is your calling. Honor it.
"A warrior doesn't seek anything for his solace, nor can he possibly leave anything to chance. A warrior actually affects the outcome of events by the force of his awareness and his unbending intent." - don Juan

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Re: Here is some good stuff from my bloggie
« Reply #6 on: September 07, 2022, 09:42:30 AM »
Awakening in the Dream

Awakening is not a simple process. You don't know everything. You become aware you have been told many lies. Well, perhaps with good intentions. You will find many others are believing their own various fictions. They have created their personal story. Their perception created a world. Many others did the same. Then agreements were formed to uphold these various dreams. These very powerful illusions. Awakening is to see the process at work. Awakening is to see these agreements a collective has made. And it calls for you to "see" inwardly and outwardly with a bit of clarity. One of the biggest illusions is everything is separate. That spirit is not a part of us. The further you awaken and experience, if all goes well, you will see we all are chips off the Creators block. And are creators as well.

I had a dream some time ago. I was busy in a cubicle at a pc. A co-worker came up to me with a piece of paper. They explained a man had a question. They wanted evidence if God exists. I took the paper and thought about it. Handed it back. I told the person "Tell him to look in the mirror." See, that's the big one where all of this is leading. The path leads inward to a divine nature. Now I know. You have grown up driving by church after church selling salvation and calling for the worship of a god outside. Yet it is written the Kingdom of God is within. And that knowledge, though countless have seen it written, has been twisted over time. None of these belief systems or religions want you to know everything You need is within! Why do you need a church when you have all the stars in the sky? Why must you memorize scriptures written by various men when you have wisdom from within? Awakening to who they did not want you to discover! Your true self. The path has always aimed within. Always. Many are beginning to get it. But there is much programming. There has been taught you need crutches to walk. That is what these groups do. Everything they can to get you to need them in order to be saved, go to heaven, cheat death, you name it. I say all of that power is within you. You are a spark of the divine therefore the only thing you need to be saved from is the poison everyone is trying to get you to drink with them.

Its becoming more and more damaging to follow anyone. Be your own light. Your own leader. You have a much better chance to make it on the path if you do. The teachers will show up and point. The ones who only point are worth paying attention to.
"A warrior doesn't seek anything for his solace, nor can he possibly leave anything to chance. A warrior actually affects the outcome of events by the force of his awareness and his unbending intent." - don Juan


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