Death and Time
No one likes to talk about it. But you cannot have spirituality and then not have death.
Im telling you, much of religion was created as an answer to death. Our ancestors wanted to know what happened when we die. Is it over? Are we just dust? Look at the body of a corpse. The life taken out. The last breath took. But somehow, the ancients were able to find some answers, and give us comfort, that death is not final for us. There is a continuity. They could see it in the everyday world. This cycle of life. How even though death came in various ways to people, creatures, plants, trees, and so forth, a beginning would emerge. New life would enter.
And if the cycle continued and life would still go on and on, why not us? If a tree dies but from the seeds it shed, a new tree is born, then perhaps we too, can shed seeds and continue in some way. And then they pondered deeply if there was a master behind the whole of it. As you know many look to God/dess like a parent in many ways, and we as children. Which is not unusual considering we too, have physical parents, and we too, can become parents and bring life into the world. So their ideas were perhaps more simple than most. And of course they had signs and wonders. They witnessed various gods with messages. Angels offering guidance. Many tales of life after death. That much is beyond a veil which cannot necessarily be seen with the naked eye at all times. But we could experience these things when they bleed through the crack between the worlds, and show a part of themselves that yes, another world awaits us when it is our time.
But we still must not get too wrapped up in the hope for immortality. This world is impermanent and we, here, must discover what our mission is in the world. We have a purpose here. Its important to get the gist of what that is and make it a reality. But we have to live our lives like we dont have time. Because on earth we do not. How much evidence do we need? Do you realize each day, you hear about death? Every day. Turn on the news, death. Scroll your newsfeed, death. You can walk in nature for an hour and see death before your eyes. We witness all this and it challenges us. And yet we have that nagging feeling about it all. "Wait. There is more to this. Perhaps death is a lie." But no matter, in the human world, you must let it sit with you that the you, here, with your name, your appearance, your goals and ambition, your soul, your awareness, is on borrowed time.
I realize this more and more as I get older. I check my hair for gray strands and creases at the corner of my eyes. Or when my bones creak. Or I feel aches and pains I never quite had. Oh, when young I hardly considered that I would be the one walking to my death one day. You think it happens to everyone else but you! Oh if in fact that is the grand illusion. How we scoot death away from us so we may live. But ill tell you, that when you allow this reality to sink into your bones, and accept your own frailty as a human being, your perception changes. Your appreciation grows. You have gratitude. I appreciate that breath. That I can walk. Enjoy good food. Watch the sun rise and set. And try to count the stars in the sky.
So much more I want to experience. Get my bucket list going. We dont want to let one day go to waste. Stuck in the drudgery of work, or tired and worn out relationships. Think carefully each move and make it count in life.